
美 [lup]英 [luːp]
  • n.循环;回路;环路;圈
  • v.使成环;使绕成圈;成环形移动
  • 网络回圈;线圈;循环播放

复数:loops 现在分词:looping 过去式:looped



n. v.

1.环形;环状物;圆圈a shape like a curve or circle made by a line curving right round and crossing itself

2.(绳、电线等的)环,圈a piece of rope, wire, etc. in the shape of a curve or circle

3.循环电影胶片;循环音像磁带a strip of film or tape on which the pictures and sound are repeated continuously


in the loop|out of the loop

属(处理要务的)圈内/圈外人士part of a group of people that is dealing with sth important; not part of this group

knock/throw sb for a loop

使震惊;使惊讶to shock or surprise sb


marquee属性的使用说明 - Aimyfly - 博客园 ... 方式< bihavior=#> 循环< loop=#> 方向< direction=#> ...


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Long-Term 长期 Loop 回路 Lot 批 ...


回圈(loop)还是递回(recurrence)??我目前的移动都是用回圈做的...谢谢你的建议!! 我会参考看看的!


  环路(Loop) 一个主站通过环形配置与多个辅站连接,这种结构中,消息从一个站传到下一个站。  集线前进(Hub Go-Ahead)这是 …


袜子基本知识 - 宵宵别梦寒的主页 ... (丝) VISCOSE 线圈 loop 低针数 low gauge ...


HTML5 audio 详解 - s332361180 - 博客园 ... autoplay: 自动播放 loop循环播放 width: 视频宽度 ...

The normally super-cool Manny gets thrown for a loop as he gets ready to become a parent. 在通常超冷曼尼得到抛出一个循环,他得到准备成为父母。
This begins an email thread with several other people included in the loop over the course of a few days. 这是从一个与其他几个人的电子邮件线程在一个以上的环数天包括在内。
To use it, loop the scale's strap around the suitcase handle and lift the scale and bag off the ground for a few seconds. 使用它,让称带圈住手提箱的把手,提起称,使行李离地几秒钟。
Seeking needs to be turned off, if even for a little while, so that the system does not run in an endless loop. 搜寻需要被关掉,即使是一小会,从而使我们的系统不会无休止的循环下去。
Then he gets an idea. He ties himself in a loop and messes up the top of his hair. 他突然想到了一个主意:把自己捆成一个圈,弄乱头发。
The do statement will always execute the body of a loop at least once. Do循环将会总是至少执行一个循环体。
What we do is, in a loop, march down the argument list checking each one to see if it is an option. 我们所做的是,用一个循环遍历参数列表检查每个参数来看它是否为选项。
Thrown when a thread on which an operation should execute no longer exists or has no message loop. 当应执行某个操作的线程不再存在或者没有消息循环时,将引发此异常。
"Humans have got to be in the loop, " says Dr Thomas. "It is probably going to be necessary for the next 20 years, maybe 100. " “人类必须要被包含在其中”托马斯博士说,“这可能在未来的20甚至可能100年内都是有必要的。”
Since the loop condition is checked before each iteration, the steps in the loop would not run at all if the condition is initially false. 由于在每次迭代之前检查循环条件,因此,如果条件最初为false,则循环中的步骤不运行。
To obtain a KVL equation, we must tally voltage drops in a loop of the circuit, as though we were measuring with a real voltmeter. 要获得一个KVL方程式,我们必须计算该回路中某一环路中的电压降,好像我们是在用一台真正的电压表进行测量一样。
With a while loop set up to read from stdin, the various components of the dots file are extracted. 建立一个while循环从stdin中读取数据,这样可以将dots文件中的各项内容提取出来。
Past the Equator, before passing Cape Horn, he mapped out a course that would loop around the south Atlantic, in the outline of a heart. 穿过赤道,在经过合恩角之前,他绘制出一条航线能在南大西洋绕圈…以一个心形。
A while statement checks at the beginning of a loop to see whether the next loop iteration should occur. While循环在循环的开头检查是否要进入下一个循环。
The technical term for it is "negative feedback loop. " The rest of us just call it a panic. 专业单词叫作“负反馈循环”,我们这等人就叫作“恐慌”。
Each time the foreach loop processes, it will move to the next element until the entire RSS feed is laid out in this fashion. 每处理一次foreach循环,就会移动到下一个元素,直到整个RSS提要以此方式全部显示出来。
From this simple demonstration, it's easy to see how powerful the Linux file system (and the loop device) can be. 通过这个简单的演示很容易体会到Linux文件系统(和循环设备)是多么强大。
When the radius of curvature of the surface approaches zero, the "loop" ' resembles that of diffraction. 当界面的曲率为零时,“线圈”成为绕射波时距曲线。
Tuck the end of A behind the overlapping layers and pull it up through the neck loop. Pull it all the way through. 把A的尾端塞进折叠的部分,从脖子已经打成的环型全部拽出。
After all that comes the heart of the script: a simple for loop that processes each file in the files list. 完成所有这些定义之后,接下来就是脚本的核心了:一个简单的for循环,用于处理文件列表中的各文件。
If it does, it is called a Feedback Speed Controller or Closed Loop Speed Controller, if not it is called an Open Loop Speed Controller. 如果是这样,它被称为一个反馈闭环调速控制器或调速器,如果不是,它被称为开环速度控制。
Loop repeats the cycle with a newly generated random code until a scan of the rows does not produce a match. Loop使用一个新生成的随机码重复这个循环,直到行扫描不再生成匹配值。
But I can tell you, this is just another example of where he seems to be out of the loop. 但我告诉你,这只是他似乎闭目塞听的又一个例子。
Pull the top half through the hole in the bottom half until it looks like this. Tie the lead rope to the lower loop of the inner tubes. 把上一半的内胎拉过下一半孔直到如图中所示。把牵引索绑在下面的内胎圈里。
You'd also have a bit of PHP code that would call that function and loop through the result set to display the data in the application view. 您还需要编写一些PHP代码,用于调用那个函数并循环结果集,以便在应用程序视图中显示数据。
That's the little bit of trigonometry code at the beginning of the foreach loop. 在foreach循环的开始有一些三角函数的代码。
Now come up through the neck loop and down through the loop made by the previous cross at the front of the tie. 现在通过环颈下通过环发前交叉在前面的比赛。
Option in APT to be able to temporarily remove an essential package due to a Conflicts Pre-Depends loop. 选项让APT暂时移除某个重要的套件,以解决循环的相互冲突Conflicts相互依存Pre-Depends关系。
If you are thinking of entering into a Closed Loop Relationship, do not forget the risks involved both to you and to those around you. 如果你正在打算开始闭环关系,不要忘记对你们双方以及你们周围的人所带来的风险。
This loop is achieved by a "seemingly impossible cantilever, " making the building appear as though it is about to fall forward. 这个环是由一个“看似不可能的悬臂”实现的,使建筑看起来好像就要向前倾倒。