
美 [lus]英 [luːs]
  • v.松开;释放;放任;不受约束地表达
  • n.放任;解放
  • adj.未固定牢的;可分开的;未系(或捆)在一起的;未固定的
  • adv.同“loosely. hold loose to something”
  • 网络松的;宽松的;松散的

比较级:looser 最高级:loosest 第三人称单数:looses 现在分词:loosing 过去式:loosed

loose connection,loose talk,loose grip


不固定;未系住not fixed/tied

1.未固定牢的;可分开的not firmly fixed where it should be; able to become separated from sth

2.未系(或捆)在一起的;未固定的;零散的not tied together; not held in position by anything or contained in anything

3.[nubn]不受约束;未束缚;自由free to move around without control; not tied up or shut in somewhere


4.宽松的not fitting closely

不结实;不坚固not solid/hard

5.疏松的;不结实的;不坚固的not tightly packed together; not solid or hard

不严格;不精确not strict/exact

6.组织不严密的;未严加控制的not strictly organized or controlled

7.不精确的;不严谨的;不周密的not exact; not very careful


8.[ubn]放荡的;淫荡的having or involving an attitude to sexual relationships that people consider to be immoral


9.无球员控制的not in any player's control

人体粪便body waste

10.稀的having too much liquid in it


break/cut/tear (sb/sth) loose from sb/sth

(使)摆脱,挣脱to separate yourself or sb/sth from a group of people or their influence, etc.

hang/stay loose

保持镇静;不着急to remain calm; to not worry

have a loose tongue

(尤指对隐私)多嘴,饶舌to talk too much, especially about things that are private

let loose

不受控制;自在发生to do sth or to happen in a way that is not controlled

let loose sth

(尤指大声或突然)发出,喊出,发表to make a noise or remark, especially in a loud or sudden way

let sb/sth loose

让…自由;释放;放开to free sb/sth from whatever holds them/it in place


高中新课标英语单词大全_百度文库 ... walk the dog 遛狗 loose 松的;松开的 vet 兽医 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... mud n. 泥,泥浆 loose a. 松散的;宽松的 warm-blooded a. (动物)热血的 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... mud n. 泥,泥浆 loose a. 松散的;宽松的 warm-blooded a. (动物)热血的 ...


她又以2006年发行的《解放》(Loose)和专辑中的热门单曲,包括《爱趴》(Promiscuous)、《少男杀手》(Maneater),《 …


高中新课标英语单词大全_百度文库 ... walk the dog 遛狗 loose 松的;松开的 vet 兽医 ...


2012考研英语单词易混词辨析_考研教育网 ... ingenuous“ 直率的,坦白的”。 loose松的,宽的”。 “agreement”“ 同意”或 ...

It was as though the chief screw in his brain upon which his whole life rested were loose. 好像他的头脑中有一颗用以支撑他整个生命的主要螺丝给拧坏了。
Thankfully, her collar was just loose enough that, in that moment of pure terror, she was able to squeeze her head out and run. 值得庆幸的是在恐惧中,她的颈圈并不那么紧以至于她可以挣脱逃跑。
But outside Japan, the word keiretsu became attached to any loose network of alliances between more than two organisations. 但在日本国外,世界集团公司是基于一种松散的网络,在这个网络中可以有超过两家以上的合作者。
If you did not want to be a whore, you'd better make your face dark and your breasts loose, in that case nobody would say you were a whore. 假如你不想当破鞋,就要把脸弄黑,把乳房弄下垂,以后别人就不说你是破鞋。
Loose lips may still sink ships, but for the moment it seems that an indiscreet keystroke can do just as much damage. 嘴巴不牢仍然可能使得大船沉掉,但就目前来看,不警觉的键击同样可能带来相当的损害。
Every Which Way But Loose was a change of pace for Clint Eastwood - and it proved to be one of his most popular films. 《辣手硬汉勾心拳》是奇连伊士活演戏生涯的转捩点,同时也是他最受欢迎电影之一。
An action-packed blend of humour and intrigue, following the fortunes of a gang of expert cons on the loose in London. 一个动感十足的融合了幽默和阴谋,继在伦敦的一个松散的专家利弊团伙命运。
note: I've noticed that I cropped the image a bit to loose the dark gap on the right side of the image. 注:我已经注意到,我的形象出现有点松散的图像黑暗一侧的差距就在右边。
If did not take care to hit too much farinaceous cheek red, makeup girl is met above press again a few come loose transparently pink. 假如不小心打了太多的粉状腮红,化妆师会在上面再按一些透明的散粉。
Loose hair must not tough the shoulders, If so, it must be worn up in an elegant professional style. E. g. : braided, pony-tail, bun. 头发长度不能到肩膀,否则的话一定要优雅专业扎起来。如:辫子、绑成马尾状、盘成发髻。
Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. 吩咐那吹号的第六位天使,说,把那捆绑在伯拉大河的四个使者释放了。
We cannot loose such opportunities, when Allah has blessed us with such a powerful ally and a great friend. 我们不能失去这样的机会,愿真主保佑我们以及我们强盛和伟大的的盟友。
Furthermore. I think some dishes of this dinner have gone bad, for two member of my family have loose bowles the next day. 还有,我认为饭菜中有的变质了,因为我家人中有两位第二天闹肚子。
Equities nearly halved their losses after the Fed stuck with its ultra-loose monetary policy and said the economy was gaining traction. 在美联储公布利率决定后,股市跌幅几乎减半.美联储今日保持超宽松货币政策,且表示经济成长加速。
A loose assembly of components or services like this is often referred to as a service-oriented architecture, or SOA. 像这样松散地组装组件或服务通常被称作面向服务的架构,或简称SOA。
The front-runners started to disappear and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt. 领先者开始消失我的眼睛然后被画了给蓝色丝绸连续短裤和一件宽松白色T恤杉的妇女。
But the only concession Ellie makes to her condition is to wear loose clothing to cut down on friction. 但艾莉对自身病情做的唯一妥协就是穿宽松的衣服以较少摩擦。
That's the main reason we do Y Combinator: to let loose all this energy by making it easy for hackers to start their own startups. 这就是我们创办自己的风险投资公司的主要原因:解开束缚能量的重重限制,使技术人才能够更容易地去创业。
As you begin to feel loose and ready to race, visualize yourself running fast, particularly over the toughest portions of the course. 当你开始感到松弛和做好比赛准备的时候,想象一下你跑得很快的时候,尤其是你比赛最紧张的那个阶段。
Hair washed by the shampoo containing the product become loose, soft, full of brightness, and easy to comb. 用含本品的香波洗过的头发松、软、富有光泽,可梳性好。
The right middle finger right hand push loose end of the lace, though only a left hand rotation forwarded to swing around the right circle. 用右手中指推的权利花边宽松结束后,虽然只是左手旋转转发到各地的摆动权的循环。
State of loose fibre is not easy to increase the uniformity of the sample overall fiber content of qualitative and uncertainty. 散纤维状态的样品由于整体的不均匀性易增加纤维定性和含量的不确定性。
He said the strike may have somehow jarred loose one or both of the engines. 他说,雷击可能或多或少地震松了飞机上的一个或两个发动机。
At this point he lets loose with all the firepower at his command, subduing and then destroying his enemies with demonic fury . 在这一刻,他释放在他的掌握下所有力量,在恶魔的愤怒下制服然后再摧毁他的敌人。
Jake said the same thing, basically, and told her that she needs to let loose and Sass told her to just let go and let it rip. 杰克说的基本上一样,并告诉她要完全释放出来,萨斯要她放开自己。舞蹈之后更精彩!
She rolls her eyes to the back of her head and mimics electricity running through her, her LIPS FLAPPING like loose pieces of meat. 她仰着头翻白着眼睛,模仿着电流通过自己的样子,嘴唇就像两片酥松的肉片那样震颤着。
He cut loose from the dull, familiar ways he knew. His leaving was more than disrespectful. It was a betrayal. 他与自己所熟知的乏味的生活一刀两断,他的离去不单是不敬,更是叛逆。
It has come in handy for me many times when I am trying to get out the door and found a pocket ripped or a button loose. 好多次当我急着出门发现口袋撕坏了或是纽扣松了的时候,它们都能及时派上用场。
Appears to be very loose, but it kept nagging: "Mei head, do not get emotional too when the same thing. " 看似很放荡,却不停地唠叨:“妹头,不要拿感情太当一回事。”
The so-called Loose lips sink ships, but will sometimes in an awkward position, this situation is often in the interview. 所谓言多必失,有时候反而会让处于尴尬的境地,这种情形在面试中是经常出现的。