
美 [lus]英 [luːs]
  • v.松开;释放;放任;不受约束地表达;解(结等);弄松;放松;放掉
  • adj.松散的;模糊的;散漫的;松开的;松的;不严谨的;放荡的;松开的;未固定牢的;可分开的;未系(或捆)在一起的;未固定的
  • n.放任;解放;解放;放任
  • adv.同“loosely. hold loose to something”;同“loosely. hold loose to something”
  • 网络失败者;宽松的;自由的

比较级:looser 最高级:loosest 第三人称单数:looses 现在分词:loosing 过去式:loosed

loose connection,loose talk,loose grip


不固定;未系住not fixed/tied

1.未固定牢的;可分开的not firmly fixed where it should be; able to become separated from sth

2.未系(或捆)在一起的;未固定的;零散的not tied together; not held in position by anything or contained in anything

3.[nubn]不受约束;未束缚;自由free to move around without control; not tied up or shut in somewhere


4.宽松的not fitting closely

不结实;不坚固not solid/hard

5.疏松的;不结实的;不坚固的not tightly packed together; not solid or hard

不严格;不精确not strict/exact

6.组织不严密的;未严加控制的not strictly organized or controlled

7.不精确的;不严谨的;不周密的not exact; not very careful


8.[ubn]放荡的;淫荡的having or involving an attitude to sexual relationships that people consider to be immoral


9.无球员控制的not in any player's control

人体粪便body waste

10.稀的having too much liquid in it


break/cut/tear (sb/sth) loose from sb/sth

(使)摆脱,挣脱to separate yourself or sb/sth from a group of people or their influence, etc.

hang/stay loose

保持镇静;不着急to remain calm; to not worry

have a loose tongue

(尤指对隐私)多嘴,饶舌to talk too much, especially about things that are private

let loose

不受控制;自在发生to do sth or to happen in a way that is not controlled

let loose sth

(尤指大声或突然)发出,喊出,发表to make a noise or remark, especially in a loud or sudden way

let sb/sth loose

让…自由;释放;放开to free sb/sth from whatever holds them/it in place


他的歌唱生涯始於1968 年, 阿伦与彭健新、 陈友、 叶智强、 陈百祥和陈百吉, 组成 "失败者" (Looser) 乐队, 是为温拿的前身。 …


最好的在线flash游戏。免费游戏和冒险游戏 -... ... Last Turkey 最近土耳其 Looser 宽松的 IT Fly IT 飞 ...


#看纪录片学单词# 之《什么是梦》... ... ★ association n. 联想,思想 ★ looser a. 松的,自由的 ★★ linear a. 直线的,线 …


刚才在校友群里目击师姐调戏师弟 plough... ... oldgoat( 羊羊羊) looser( 路泽) sea9806( 我爱无语) ...


败北者 (Looser)歌手: The Pure 专辑: Perfect Love 全部循环 单曲循环 随机播放 1.败北者 (Looser) The Pure 添加到收藏夹 推 …


卢瑟(Looser)吗? 陆失搞怪发明 拖把当麦克风 皮箱抽真 秃头的人有福了;听说拔雄狮子的鬃 搞怪发明 拖把当麦克风 研究说 …


前一篇:贾君鹏和庐舍looser)后一篇:井冈山七日之一——初到中国井冈山学院 < 前一篇贾君鹏和庐舍(looser) 后一篇 > …

Wheatley and Looser set out to pin down the point at which a face starts to look alive. 惠特丽和露泽着手找出脸在哪个点看起来有生机。
And a somewhat looser formation with a "little friend" , as the American bomber crews called their fighter escorts. 并形成某种松散的“小朋友”,因为美国轰炸机机组人员要求其战斗机护送。
Now, as a fierce fiscal retrenchment begins, the bank is expected to cushion the impact by keeping monetary policy looser for longer. 如今,英国开始实施严格的财政紧缩措施,预计银行将在更长一段时间里保持宽松的货币政策以缓和由此带来的冲击。
A: I prefer it a bit looser, you know, just comfortably loose, especially round the collar. 我喜欢做得宽松一些,知道吧,适当宽松些,特别是领子这里一圈。
Chinese stocks extended their winning run to a fourth session yesterday as hopes of looser monetary policy continued to grip the market. 随着放松货币政策的希望继续主导市场,中国股市昨天连续第四个交易日上涨。
Tight grained wood tends to impart the Oak characteristics (vanilla, spice and butter flavors) much more slowly than wood with looser grain. 木材往往紧密纹路传授橡树特性(香草、香料和奶油口味)远远低于木和宽松的粮食。
In the years of easy, plentiful credit, companies were able to demand looser conditions on their loans. 在早些年,由于大量信贷资金的存在,企业能够得到条件较宽松的贷款。
If you plan to wear it over a thicker base layer, or if you're bulkier than I am and prefer a looser fit, get the next size up. 如果你准备在里面穿上件厚点的内衣,或者你比我块头大点,而且喜欢宽松点的衣服,那么你就要选择大号点的了。
In countries with floating currencies, looser monetary policy often (though not always) results in a weaker exchange rate. 在实行浮动利率国家,宽松的货币政策(虽然不总是)导致更低的外汇汇率。
Countries with dollar pegs are in effect importing America's looser monetary policy and with it inflationary pressure. 这样一来,那些同美元挂钩的国家实际上将美国宽松的货币政策也进口到了国内,随之而来的还有通胀的压力。
Not sure what the damage would have been if the spokes were a bit looser, probably more rim damage and less spoke breakage. 不知道什么是破坏本来如果辐条得有点松散,可能是更边缘断裂破坏和少说话。
The 32 was a bit looser than I usually like, but that was before washing. 比我平时喜欢的感觉松了一点,但这是在水洗之前。
Most are racing along, with monetary conditions a lot looser than they were in 2008, posing a real risk of a persistent inflation problem. 大多数国家的货币政策都比2008年宽松的多,通货膨胀率都在急速飙升,造成了持续通胀的风险。
The British now hope that tightening euro-zone integration provides a chance for Mr Cameron to negotiate looser ties. 如今英国希望加强欧元体一体化进程可以给卡梅伦一个机会,就英国与欧盟之间更为松散的关系进行谈判
Salted egg yolk in ball shape is better. It is looser hence easy to crush after steaming. 圆球状的咸蛋黄最好,蒸熟后质感松化,易于捣碎。
Out with dourness and discipline, in with a looser , more laid-back style. 外面是冷俊和纪律,里面则是宽松和休闲的风格。
Jessica: Oh, right! Power of love shut down the airport and delayed thousands of passengers. Looser! 是嘛!爱情的力量让机场关闭了,还让数千名乘客航班延误了。失败者!
Most economists agreed the second half would be a turning point as the looser monetary and fiscal polices gradually took effect. 许多经济学家一致认为,随着宽松的货币财政政策的效果逐渐显现,下半年经济将出现拐点。
When wearing a looser top, pair it with something more fitted to balance the body and not lose the shape of your frame. 当你穿宽松的上装时,应搭配上比较合身的下装,从而不会使你的身材走样。
Yet the terms of its refinancing for banks have clearly led to looser monetary conditions. 但是其为银行进行再融资的条件已经明显造成货币环境有所宽松。
For my CMT, I chose to take a looser approach to defining the dependencies by including this information in a Comments column. 对于我的CMT,我选用一种更为宽松的定义依赖项的方法,即将此信息包含在Comments列中。
Pfizer has tried to retain some of the looser culture of entrepreneurial start-ups, like Friday afternoon beer parties. 辉瑞制药(Pfizer)公司试图保留开始时轻松的企业文化,比如周五下午的啤酒派对。
This is helpful when multiple versions of the JVM might be at play or when third-party classes need to be managed with looser coupling. 这对于可能使用多个版本的JVM或者需要用松散耦合管理第三方类的情况会有帮助。
Yet without much looser fiscal policy, it is hard to see what will drag them from deep recession. 然而,如果不施行大为宽松的财政政策,很难想象还有什么能把各国从严重衰退中解救出来。
Being unable to achieve a specific focused specification, a looser, over-specified interface was adopted. 无法实现特定的集中规范,采用的是较宽松、额外指定的接口。
Finally I found the right time to split with my boyfriend - he was such a looser. 我终于找了一个适当的时间与我的男友分手——他真是个失败者。
To make a horse's trot longer and bigger, drive forward into a more constant connection. This will make the rib cage looser. 让马执行又大又长的快步,保持联系和向前,可以放松肋部。
The overselling limits are more liberal, meaning that the Central Bank's limits on the depreciation of the NT dollar are looser. 对买超的限制却比较宽松,可以看出央行对新台币贬值的限制比较宽。
In the future, policy may become looser as China strives to avoid overly stilting growth, he said. 他说,未来随着中国尽力避免经济过高增长,政策会变得宽松。
Some close partnerships involve capital relations, while looser ones do not. 有些密切的伙伴关系涉及资本关系,而松散的没有。