
美 [laʊd]
  • adj.响亮的;大声的;洪亮的;高亢的
  • adv.大声地;响亮地
  • 网络最大

比较级:louder 最高级:loudest

loud voice,loud noise,loud music,loud cry,loud laugh


1.喧闹的;响亮的;大声的making a lot of noise


loudest是什么意思|loudest的中文意思... ... but the loudest voice : 但那最大的声音 Loudest最大 the loudest : 最大声 ...

The prejudice in this trial had been SCREAMING, and the loudest scream came in the form of that verdict. 偏见在庭审上已昭然若歇,最明显的就是那个判决形式。
In 2003, as a Fed governor, he was one of the loudest advocates of using low interest rates to insure against the calamity of deflation. 2003年,作为美联储主席,他在主张利用低利率来防止通缩灾难的鼓吹者之中,是声音最大的一个。
When that was done, and yet nothing was found, they cheered the actor, and loaded him with the loudest applause . 他照做了,但并没有找出什么东西。他们欢呼并且给他很热切的喝采声。
Dentist begging the patient: Could you help me? Could you give out a few of your loudest, most painful screams? 医生求病人:帮帮忙好吗?你能最大声最痛苦地尖叫几声吗?。
Over here, the fact that Ukip shouts the loudest about this subject gives you some idea of the sort of company you would be keeping. 在英国,事实是英国独立党对这个法案嚷得最响,这会使你明白应与什么样的人为伍。
Muzzle blast noise can exceed 150 decibels (measured at the shooter's location) and is one of the loudest sounds humans are likely to hear. 枪响时的噪声超过150分贝(在射手所在位置测得),是人耳可能听见的最大声音之一。
Sometimes you think that the ones who shout loudest are the ones who get the more beneficial decisions and that would be totally unfair. 有时你会觉得那些赛后嚷嚷的更厉害的人总会得到更多的好处,这完全是不公平的。
Dumbledore conducted their last few lines with his wand and when they had finished, he was one of those who clapped loudest. 丹怕多用他的魔杖指挥着兄弟俩唱完最后几句。唱完之后,他特别起劲地鼓掌。
Dentist: Could you help me? Could you give out a few of your loudest, most painful screams? 一个牙医在为一个病人看完病以后,请求他说:“你能帮忙发出痛苦的叫声么?”
The gruesome scene sent a chilling message at a time when online posts have become some of the loudest voices reporting violence in Mexico. 每次网上的帖子成为墨西哥报导暴力的最响亮声音时,可怕的场景就会发送出一个令人毛骨悚然的信息。
There was no great din at St. Andrews Bay; the loudest noise here was visual, the sheer spectacle of numbers. 在圣安德鲁斯海湾没有大型的鸟巢,这里最大的噪音是可以看得到的,只是为数可观。
Silence is probably one of the loudest sounds. . . and heaviest sounds that you're every likely to experience. 寂静或许是人一生可以体会的最强烈、最沉重的声音。
Could you give out a few of your loudest, most painful screams? 你能最大声最痛苦地尖叫几声吗?
Last March, with the MVP chants at their loudest, he stared at a room full of silent friends. 去年三月,头带MVP神圣光环,高亢颂歌相伴身旁的麦迪,正凝视着挤满房间的一大票沉默不语的朋友。
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N. Y. ), one of the loudest prognosticators of a coming shut down, followed with bravado. 参议员舒默(DN.Y.),也是预言政府关闭最响亮的一个人,他随后便销声匿迹了。
Later that year, as an unusually long and swelteringly hot summer set in, those who protested loudest also began to disappear. 那年的晚些时候,在一个异常炎热而烦闷的夏天到来时候,许多最激烈反抗现政权的人也奇怪地失踪了。
Professor Yuan Jun from Shanghai Normal University's Psychology department is one of the loudest voices against Professor Sun's theory. 来自上海师范大学的袁军(音)教授就非常反对本书的理论。
Pau Gasol's reputation among the loudest NBA fans changes like the weather. 加索尔的名声在狂热的NBA球迷眼中就像经常变化的天气。
The contest entry that got some of the loudest oos and ahs from the crowd was the Orange Solar Tent from Kaleidoscope. 引发人群最大声议论的参赛作品是来自万花筒(Kaleidoscope)的橙色太阳能帐篷。
They should also remember what doctors have always known: those who shout loudest are not always the ones in the most pain. 他们应该记住医生都知道的事实:喊得最响的并不总是最痛的。
The loudest music and tallest girls are invariably to be found where the domestic manufacturers are exhibiting their wares. 人们总能在国内汽车制造商展出产品时,听到震天的音乐,看到身材颀长高挑的车模。
This minuscule water boatman might be smaller than a drawing pin, but it's also the loudest animal on the planet. 这只体形极小的划蝽可能比一只图钉还小,但它却是世界上最吵的动物。
Did he not get the loudest, longest round of applause at the end of every show in 2006? 2006年的每场表演结束,难道他没有得到最响、最持久的掌声么?
Silence is a girl's loudest cry. You know she's really hurt when she starts ignoring you. 沉默,是女孩子最大声的哭泣。当她开始忽略你时,已经真的很受伤了。
Like many other towns and cities in the region, Kunming keeps its loudest bars and nightclubs restricted to a tight area of the city centre. 同本地区的许多乡镇和城市一样,昆明对最为嘈杂的酒吧和夜总会限制在市中心的小块地区。
Google has traditionally been one of the loudest advocates of equal network access for all content providers. 主张网络接入要平等对待所有内容供应商,谷歌历来都是叫的最响者之一。
You people are the ones who complain the loudest when you're not happy with a policy, but while it's being formulated you do nothing. 你们就是那些一旦对政治有什么不满时就吵吵嚷嚷的人,而这些政策被制定,你却无动于衷,你们甚至不知道发生了什么。
Now interestingly, from where I'm looking, the loudest and proudest boasts come from supporters of a red-shirted team from Merseyside. 而现在,再有趣不过的是,我听到一群来自默西塞德郡穿红衫的人最洋洋得意、毫不知耻的吹嘘。
The tiny mouse stands proudly on its hind legs, stares defiantly into the eyes of the cat just inches away and lets out its loudest squeak. 一只小老鼠后肢站立起来,瞪大了眼睛盯着相距只有几英尺的猫咪,眼中充满了骄傲自信和桀骜不驯。
THE loudest one in the room, as on-screen mafia men like to say, is usually the weakest. 就像银幕上黑帮分子常说的,房内嗓门最大的那个人通常都是最弱的。