
美 [ˈloʊr]英 [ˈləʊə(r)]
  • v.降低;减少;低下;压低
  • adj.较低的;南部的;【地质学;地理学】早期的;下游的
  • 网络放下;降下;小写

现在分词:lowering 过去式:lowered 第三人称单数:lowers

lower price,lower level,lower quality,lower voice,lower profile


1.(尤指位于同类物品或成对物品中另一个的)下面的,下方的located below sth else, especially sth of the same type, or the other of a pair

2.在底部的;近底部的at or near the bottom of sth

3.朝海岸的;低洼的;向南的located towards the coast, on low ground or towards the south of an area


人教版_高中英语_选修9单词 - 豆丁网 ... chrysanthemum,n. 菊花 lower,vt. 降低;跌落;减弱 beard,n. 胡须 ...


L开头的英文_百度文库 ... low a. 低的,矮的;低下的 lower a. 较低的 loyal a. 忠诚的,忠心的 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... sprawl vi. 四肢伸开地坐或卧 lower vt. 放下; 放低 secretary n. 部长, 大臣; 秘书 ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... locate, 定位 lower降下 manual operation, 手动操作 ...


Smarty中文手册|smarty入门教程 ... indent[ 缩进] lower[ 小写] regex_replace[ 正则替换] ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... sprawl vi. 四肢伸开地坐或卧 lower vt. 放下; 放低 secretary n. 部长, 大臣; 秘书 ...


2009年12月26日 随笔档案 - 壹咪阳光 - BlogJava ... SQL 相关的标签 {Lower} 小写字母字符: {Upper} 大写字母字符: ...

Doug MacIntyre, senior analyst at the U. S. Energy Information Administration, said the cheaper crude should push gasoline prices lower. 美国能源资料协会(EIA)高级分析师DougMacIntyre称,原油价格下滑应会推动汽油价格走低。
My lower self had me believe that it was just a far out wish; much similar to my one of being a rock star. 那个堕落的我使我相信那只是个遥远的梦而已;就像是我想要成为一个摇滚歌星一样。
The Lower Peninsula of Michigan, to which the name Michigan was originally applied, is sometimes dubbed "the mitten, " owing to its shape. 下半岛的密歇根州,而密歇根州的名字最初是应用,有时称为“手套”,由于它的形状。
When you're standing and ready to move, continue holding the object close to your body to decrease the strain on your lower back. 当你站立并准备移动的时候,继续靠近你的身体托住物品,以减少腰背部的拉力。
America, with a younger population, can afford to keep it a smidgen lower. 由于美国的人口较年轻,退休年龄可以稍低一点。
For lower packing densities, flow of hot feed through the tube side was more beneficial to mass transfer. 在组件封装分率较低时,热流体走管程更有利于跨膜传质。
Invisible Hand: Does a quick price check and lets you know if the product you are looking at is available at a lower price elsewhere. InvisibleHand(无影之手):当你查看某种商品的时候帮助你快速提供同类价格比较,告诉你别的网站是否有更低报价。
In the Bohai Sea, the wind speed forecasted by mesoscale system model is usually lower than the real one. 在渤海,中尺度模式预报的风速通常比实际风速低得多。
A scissor bite is preferred, but a level bite is acceptable. It is not unusual to see dropped (receding) lower central incisor teeth. 如剪刀状完全吻合的咬合是最好的,咬合稍微偏差一点是可以被接受的。但上下齿看起来不可以是明显地前后落差。
Her upper eyelids, forehead, lower lip and chin are all that remain of her original features. 她的上眼睑、前额、下唇和下颌仍然保留有她的原来特征,其余的就是新的了。
I did not wish to offend you, I must have mistaken you for one of the. . . lower classes. 我无意冒犯,我一定是把你和一个……下等人弄混了。我可以为你做什么?
Trying to lower your cholesterol by eating more fruits and vegetables and cutting back on saturated fats? Well, you've got it partly right. 还试着通过吃水果和蔬菜和减少饱和脂肪的摄入而降低胆固醇吗?这样做只对了一部分。
Firms are trying to draw in younger passengers and families with lower prices, as well as things like ice-skating rinks and cinemas. 除了添加溜冰场和电影院以外,游船公司们还通过更低的价格来尝试吸引更年轻的乘客和家庭游玩。
Later, it dawned on one of the scientists that this Homo Sapien child seemed to have the short, lower leg bones of a Neanderthal. 后来,它到来的一个科学家,这种人Sapien儿童似乎短,下肢骨骼的尼安德特人。
I generally start with a lower resolution and ramp it up later when I'm detailing the illustration, enabling me to work faster and smoother. 我通常从低分辨率开始画,直到后期添加细节的时候才将它放大,这样能提高效率,使过程更流畅。
The green is lower in front and higher behind so the fairway seems to be very straight. 果岭前低后高,因此显得整个球道非常直。
He said Sudan would have to lower imports to reduce pressure on the Sudanese pound, which has tumbled against the dollar. 他表示,苏丹必须降低进口以减轻苏丹镑的压力,苏丹镑兑换美元的汇率已经下跌。
Deleting from the lower right to the upper left maps to a strong, intrinsic mental model, so it seems natural. 从右下角到左上角的删除映射到一种强烈且固有的心理模型,这看起来很自然。
Her hand moved in its slow circles lower and lower as she continued to talk in her reassuring way and I continued my chattering. 她的手慢慢划着圆,越来越慢。另一边,她继续与我交谈消除我的顾虑,我则继续喋喋不休。
The top image shows the beginning of the coronal mass ejection, while the lower image shows the solar matter leaving the Sun's corona. 上图显示的是日冕物质抛射的开始,而下图显示的是太阳物质脱离日冕的景象。
Unilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy is usually a response to infection of an ipsilateral lower extremity. 单侧腹股沟区淋巴结肿大常是单侧下肢感染的反应。
The Shadow Dragon is slightly more accurate with its melee attacks, but many of its base numbers look a little lower -- on the surface. 阴影龙用它的混战攻击稍微更准确,但是它的大多数基数看起来稍微低--在表面上。
When you are young your standards are set very high, however, as you age, you will have to lower your standards a bit and a bit and a bit. 当你还年轻的时候标准定的相当高,但是随着年纪的增长,不得不一点一点的降低你的标准。
"Why would God lower Himself to come to Earth as a man? That's ridiculous! " So she and the children left, and he stayed home. 他说,“上帝怎么会贬低自己的身份来到人间呢?这太荒谬了!”妻子和孩子走了,他留在了家里。
The company wants to see if the software, which trains visual-related parts of the brain, will lower accident rates among older drivers. 该公司想通过这种训练大脑视觉有关部位的软件来降低老龄司机的事故率。
Salt has lower density than the surrounding rock, so it tends to flow upwards, pushing up the overlying layers of rock to form a dome. 盐的密度低于周围的岩石,所以会向上抬升,使覆盖其上的岩层形成穹顶状。
Every justice writes his own opinion in a case, and till recently the tribunal's decisions did not bind lower courts. 每一位法官都写下自己对此案件的意见,直到法院的判决没有限制下级法院。
Physicists don't know how much the excited quark should weigh, if it exists, but they have set lower limits on its mass. 如不美观受激夸克存在的话,物理学家们不知道它应该有多重,可是他们已经确定了其质量的下限。
temperatures will be even lower in the new territories . the cold weather warning will continue to be in force in the next few days. 新界气温会再低两三度。在未来数日寒冷天气警告会继续生效。
Keep your turban fastened and your sandals on your feet; do not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food of mourners . 头上仍勒裹头巾,脚上仍穿鞋,不可蒙着嘴唇,也不可吃吊丧的食物。