lunar new year

  • n.农历新年
  • 网络牛车水农历新春亮灯;春节;农历年

lunar new yearlunar new year

lunar new year


和春节有关的英语_百度知道 ... 祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one\\'s ancestors 农历新年Lunar New Year 红包: Red envelopes ...


  牛车水农历新春亮灯Lunar New Year):农历新年来临之际,牛车水(Chinatown)沿街彩灯高悬,一派繁荣景象,新加坡 …


2011年节日 - 七七节日网 ... 除夕[放假] Lunar New Year's Eve 春节[放假] Lunar New Year 立春[节气] Start of Spring ...


农历年(Lunar new year)--亚洲至今仍有不少的国家也有贺正、迎新春、庆祝农历正月初的新年。所以­甭再说春节是叫中国 …


新加坡节假日 ... 回教开斋节( Hari Raya Puasa) 华人农历新年( Lunar New Year) 春到河畔迎新年( Singapore River Hong Bao) ...


阴历新年(Lunar New Year)说成「中国新年」是严重的不当,因为过阴历(或说农历)新年的国家,除了今天的中国和台湾之外…


新加坡旅游介绍_环球行_百度空间 ... (Lunar New Year农历新年来临之际,牛车水 (Kavadi) 头顶奶壶,赤脚完成四公里 …


请问新加坡的公众假日有哪些?_爱问知识人 ... 公历新年 new year 农历新年庆典 lunar new year 复活节 easter ...

McCormack expects a decision from Beijing on how much more the CIC gets to spend before Lunar New Year in mid-February. 麦科马克预计,北京将在明年2月中旬的春节之前决定中投还将获得多少资金。
Parents who choose the latter usually can only see their children once a year, during the Lunar New Year holiday. 把孩子送回老家上学的父母常常一年才见到一次自己的孩子,也就是在春节期间。
I am delighted to see a vibrant Chinese community in Dubai. No doubt preparations to ring in the Lunar New Year are well under way. 很高兴看见迪拜的华人社区充满活力。农历新年将至,相信这边的华人正好好准备庆祝。
2 months ago. . . Management mentioned that I might not be able to go back as they probably would arrange work during the Lunar New Year! 2个月前…管理提到我未必能回去,因为他们很可能会安排工作,在农历新年!
This did not seem to bother Beijing residents, who say the Lunar New Year is their traditional time to celebrate with fireworks. 尽管如此,北京市民似乎并没有受到影响,他们说,阴历新年才是他们用焰火欢庆的传统日子。
The weeklong Lunar New Year holiday is the only time of the year when one can conceivably describe Beijing as serene. 一年中只有在为时一周的春节长假期间,你才能让人信服地说北京是一座安静的城市。
The weather has disrupted plans for tens of millions of Chinese trying to return home for the Lunar New Year, which begins February 7. 恶劣的天气打乱了千百万想回家过年的人的计划。中国农历新年2月7号开始。
Little children look forward to the arrival of lunar New Year, adults to that of spring. 细娃盼过年,大人盼开春。
Usually I take my family back twice a year, at Lunar New Year and for the Tomb Sweeping Festival. 我通常一年带我的家人回去两次,在旧历年和清明节时。
Because the Lunar New Year is at the end of winter, so people have to call this day "Spring Festival . " 因为过农历新年的时候,正是冬末春初,所以人们也把这个节日叫“春节”。的英文翻译是什么?
The whole family gathered together, you asked me to give frequently drank, mutual aid the Lunar New Year. She began to eat. 全家人欢聚一堂,你请我让,有说有笑,频频举杯,互助新春快乐。说着开始吃饭。
Zhang Shibao, an analyst with Merchant Securities, said that prices were likely to be weak up to the Lunar New Year. 招商证券分析师张士宝表示,春节前价格很可能都将保持疲弱。
i did not expect these in strange land on first day of lunar new year , but i could help being eager for. 在异地他乡的大年初一,我对这些奢望当然不抱什么希望,但无法停止想它。
In addition, China's economy often tends to hit a soft patch around the Lunar New Year holiday. 另外,中国经济通常会在农历新年假期(过年)进行轻微的修复。
Most of the workers now heading home would have been departing in a few weeks anyway for lunar new year, which falls on January 26. 眼下准备回乡的大多数工人应该在1月26日农历新年来临之前的几周内离开。
A fine collection of vivid dragon paper cuts. That's the how this 33-year-old farmer in Shanxi Province celebrates the lunar new year. 精美、生动的龙剪纸。这就是山西省这位33岁的农民庆祝农历新年的方式。
Lunar New Year Lantern Festival, also known as the "Lantern Festival" is a Chinese folk traditional festivals. 农历正月十五元宵节,又称为“上元节”,是中国民俗传统节日。
In accordance with China's Lunar New Year, Spring Festival is the first day is the beginning of the year. 依照自己国夏历地说法,正月初一即是春节,是一年地开端。
Airlines across Asia are reminding passengers of strict limits on hand baggage in the run-up to Lunar New Year. 目前亚洲各航空公司都在提醒乘客,春节将近,登机随身行李会有严格规定。
We raised one dog to watch the door and one to be killed in the Lunar New Year because we were too poor to buy pork. 我们家养一条狗来看家,另外一条在过年的时候杀了吃肉,因为太穷了没钱买猪肉。
The Taiwan market had a short-lived rally before drifting down towards the long Lunar New Year holiday. 台湾市场短暂回升,其后在临近农历新年长假前掉头向下。
Leaving aside data for February, which is distorted by the Lunar New Year holiday, the rate of growth was the slowest since November 2009. 剔除因春节导致数据失真的2月份,这是2009年11月以来的最低增长速度。
The seven-day Lunar New Year holiday, also known as Golden Week, is typically one of the biggest spending periods of the year in China. 为期七天的春节“黄金周”长假通常是中国一年中开支最大的一段时间。
Fifth Lunar New Year Dragon Boat Festival in May, is one of the largest traditional festivals. 端午节来历英语作文农历五月初五端午节,是我国最大的传统节日之一。
Demand for consumer goods and materials traditionally rise toward the year-end and ahead of the Lunar New Year, which falls in February. 一般在越南农历新年到来之前的年终时节,消费品和原材料需求会增加。今年越南的农历新年是在公历2月份。
As the Lunar New Year approaches and the number of mainland Chinese in the city state swells, emotions are running particularly high. 随着中国春节临近,在香港的中国内地人数量激增,人们的情绪越来越激烈。
The double blow of higher rents plus an economic slackening after the Lunar New Year holiday would put many restaurants out of business. 不少酒楼受到租金增加和经济放缓的双重打击而在农历新年假后结业。
Douglas: Our intention is to let it run from January first and close down just after Lunar New Year. 道格拉斯:我们打算从元旦开始办到农历年过后。
With the lunar new year holiday approaching at the end of this month, most Taiwanese factory owners will go home. 随着本月末春节假期的临近,大多数台湾工厂的所有者将回家。
Lunar New Year period, we were enrolled in a five tour Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, is really very interesting. 春节期间,我们一家人报名参加了新马泰五日游,真是很有意思。