
美 [lʊr]英 [ljʊə(r)]
  • v.吸引;诱惑;引诱
  • n.诱惑;诱饵;吸引力
  • 网络路亚;鱼饵;诱惑物

复数:lures 过去式:lured 现在分词:luring



v. n.

1.~ sb (+ adv./prep.)劝诱;引诱;诱惑to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or to do sth by promising them a reward


引字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 引用〖 quote;cite〗 引诱lure;seduce〗 引语〖 quotation〗 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... allure( 诱惑,吸引); lure( 魅力,诱惑,吸引力); mellow( 醇香的…


路亚Lure)是一种钓鱼方式,早国内外越来越普及。不知道你要的是某个路亚品牌的电话呢,还是路亚渔具点的电话呢赞同0| …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... lung 肺 lure 吸引 luster 光泽 ...


圣安地列斯主线任务流程攻略_飞翔单机游戏网 ... 2.Ran Fa Li( 利昂) 3.Lure( 诱饵) 4.Amphibious Assualt( 水下奇袭) ...


神秘视线I英文单词翻译 ... locomotive 火车头 lure 鱼饵 lute 琵琶 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... allure( 诱惑,吸引); lure( 魅力,诱惑,吸引力); mellow( 醇香的…


转载 四个字母的英文单词 - 豆丁网 ... lung n. 肺 lure n. 吸引力,魅力,诱惑物 maid n. 少女,处女,女仆 ...

Mr Ricci and his team had to move swiftly because rivals were circling, trying to lure away clients and star bankers. 当时,瑞西和他的团队必须迅速行动,因为竞争对手都在虎视眈眈,试图挖走客户和明星银行家。
It never occurred to me that the best way to escape the lure of mountains of Chinese-made merchandise would be moving to China. 我从未想到过的是,避免被排山倒海般中国制造产品所诱惑的最好办法竟然是搬到中国来。
Such is the lure of the city, even if the reward is no job and a shack on a hillside with no water and no electricity. 这就是城市的吸引力,哪怕所能获得的只是失业和山坡上一间没水没电的棚屋。
Chelsea will hope that the lure of one of Europe's biggest clubs is enough to draw the young player away from his homeland. 切尔西希望用欧洲最大俱乐部之一的诱惑来摆平这位年轻球员,让其离开祖国。
All the legendary Rolling Stones albums were recorded in the room we were in, so we used that as an angle to lure him in. 一些传奇乐队滚石的唱片是在我们所在的屋子里录音的,我们以此为诱饵诱惑他进来。
Even so, on the surface Google isn't necessarily quite cheap enough to lure value investors. 即便如此,从表面上看,谷歌股价并非足够便宜能吸引价值投资者。
South Korea is so bothered by this that its officials keep trying to lure the component-makers away with promises of lower tax rates. 韩国对此颇为不快,该国官员一直试图以较低税率的承诺将这些部件生产商吸引到韩国。
Wolfsburg manager Steve McClaren has failed to lure Craig Bellamy to Germany for a year-long lon spell. 在长达一年的追求之后,沃尔夫斯堡主帅麦克拉伦诱使贝拉米出走德国的愿望终成泡影。
He tried to lure me into a drafting session by urging me to indicate my objections to the Soviet text line by line. 他坚持要我对苏联草案文本逐行指出我的反对意见,企图诱使我参加起草会议。
lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce These verbs mean to lead or attempt to lead into a wrong or foolish course, as of action. 这些动词意思是引导或试图诱导至错误或愚蠢的道路,如行动的道路。
The point to add stimulus control to you work is when dog performs a behavior on command 8 out of 10 times without a signal or lure. 给某个行为加入口令的时机是,不要信号或诱导,10次中狗儿能作出动作8次。
A good showing, BJP strategists say, would do much to lure allies in India's south and east, where the BJP itself has no chance. 人民党战略家说,好的表现能大大吸引印度南部及东部的盟友,在那些地方人民党并没有什么胜算。
The discovery that ginger would be an effective lure was the result of a bit of good fortune. 发现生姜是个效果不错的诱饵纯属意外收获。
A rigid national agreement may not be the best way to lure foreign investors like Total to Britain, or to save local jobs. 一项死板的全国协议可能不会是吸引外国投资者例如道达尔石油公司来英投资、进而提供更多本地就业机会的好方法。
Finally, while a dangling lure is optional, being hungry, Dr. Wilson says, at least metaphorically, "probably helps quite a bit. " 最后,虽然悬挂的诱饵可有可无,威尔逊说,但至少是从喻义上来说,饥饿状态“可能会很有帮助。”
The engineer started trying to lure her up to his flat. She refused the first two invitations, but accepted the third. 工程师开始劝诱她去他的住宅,前两次邀请她一一回绝,第三次却答应了。
Not trying to lure Potter into one of the Ministry's summer internships, are we? 你不是在诱惑波特到魔法部去打份暑假工吧是吧?。
Olympic traffic controls and security measures, as well as the lure of sport on television, seem to be keeping people at home anyway. 奥运交通管制和安保措施,加之从电视上看比赛的诱惑,反正也似乎会似乎都以不同的方式把人们留在家中。
The next step was to try it with the adults, and they were equally attracted to it - so I had found a safe lure. 接着就试探下那些成虫。同样,它们也被吸引了——就这样,我找到了一种安全的诱饵。
My God, my dear disciple, you know, you always smelt like an enticing aroma of meat and bones kept in the same lure me. 天哪,亲爱的大弟子,你可知道,你就仿佛一根时时在散发着诱人香气的肉骨头一样不停地在引诱着我。
Yee (Tony Leung), a senior Chinese official collaborating with the Japanese, the plan being that she will lure him to his death. 王受托引诱中国的汉奸头子易先生(梁朝伟),计划是引诱并杀死他。
It would be over-cynical to see this as a Democratic ploy to lure the Republicans into alienating a vital group of voters all over again. 如果将此视为民主党挑拨共和党和西语裔这一重要选民群关系的计谋的话就有些过分了。
Part of it must be pull: the lure of jihadism. Part is presumably push: a feeling that he no longer belongs to the place where he lives. 部分原因必定是来自吉哈德主义(圣战主义)的诱惑,部分原因则可能是感觉他自己不再属于他生活居住的那个地方。
Hollywood producers are trying to lure back consumers lost to TV and the Web by investing in 3D movies, the Wall Street Journal reported. 据《华尔街日报》报道,好莱坞制作方希望通过投资立体电影(3D)来和电视和互联网展开竞争,挽回不断流失的消费者。
But he insists the area is not in competition with London in trying to lure foreign teams, saying "we just want to help out" . 但他却一直强调在招揽国外运动队方面,加莱还是比不上伦敦,他说:“我们就是想帮个忙。”
But the lure of a bit of political gain, it turns out, was all it took to transform him back into a standard drill-and-burn Republican. 但是事实证明,只要有一丁点政治利益的引诱,他就会转变成一位典型的赞同“不停钻探,不停燃烧”(drill-and-burn)的共和党人。
Was her sweet smile real, or was it just a pretty lure, reeling him in? 当时她甜美的微笑是真的吗,抑或只是一个美丽的诱惑,因此勾引住了他?
To lure him away from the stove, I piled up parsley for him to chop or cheese for him to grate at the other end of the kitchen island. 为了诱他离开炉子,我让他切一堆欧芹或者让他在厨房的另一端把干酪磨碎。
The company said it had to spend more to lure customers to its newly acquired mobile business from China Unicom. 中国电信说,不得不增加支出以吸引消费者来使用该公司刚刚从中国联通收购的移动业务。
Remilia: From the beginning, the story of the treasure was just a pretext to lure you! 蕾米莉亚:起初,这个关于宝藏的故事就是一个借口在忽悠你们!