
美 [mæd]英 [mæd]
  • adj.狂;(狗等)患狂犬病的;凶猛的;糊涂的
  • 网络发疯的;疯狂;疯狂的

比较级:madder 最高级:maddest

mad dog,mad cow,mad idea,mad scheme


1.疯的;神经错乱的;有精神病的having a mind that does not work normally; mentally ill

2.(informal)极愚蠢的;很不明智的very stupid; not at all sensible

3.[nbn](informal)~ (at/with sb).~ (about sth)很生气;气愤very angry

4.[nubn](informal)~ (about/on sth/sb)特别喜欢;痴迷;迷恋liking sth/sb very much; very interested in sth

5.不理智的;疯狂的;激动的done without thought or control; wild and excited


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 187 ever ad. 曾经,永远,究竟 188 mad a. 发疯的 189 anymore ad. 现在 ...




谁能帮我写26个英文单词?_百度知道 ... long 长的 mad 疯狂的 nervous 紧张的 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... cheer up 使……振作起来,使……高兴起来 mad 发疯的;生气的 at first 首先,开始 △ ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... machine n. 机器;机械 mad a. 发疯的;恼火的 madam n. 夫人,女士,太太 ...

A friend alerted me to the advert for Castaway, saying I'd be the only person they knew mad enough to give it a go. 朋友提醒我留意这个广告,说我是他们认识的疯得够可以而且愿放手一搏的唯一一人。
The rare precious stamp is often a target of mad pursuit and adulation, and has become the object of wealth accumulation and status symbol. 珍惜邮票往往是人们疯狂追捧的对象,已经成为了人们财富储蓄和地位象征的对象。
"You are mad to say so, " cried the Star-Child angrily. "I am not your son, for you are a beggar, and ugly, and in rags. Get out! " 星子生气地大叫道:『你疯了才会这幺说。我不是你的儿子,因为你是个衣衫褴褛的丑乞丐。出去!』
She dropped her eyes to his chest, all but strangled by the mad beat of her heart. "Yes, " she said huskily. "That I care for you. " 她看着他的胸脯,她的心悸动,憋闷得要窒息。“在乎,”她嘶哑说。“我在乎你。”
If he had chosen another target in the mobile-mad city state, he might have got off the hook. 如果他选择的是这个手机泛滥的城市国家中别的目标,他也许就漏网了。
He would go mad as well if he had to spend his days in this grey soup whilst his flesh and bones turned to stone. 若这些天来他都得呆在这灰色的浓汤里看着自己的骨肉变成石头,他也会疯掉的。
Because after several days of waiting i thought you are so mad at me that you will never send me a mail again. 因为在几天的等待后,我想你是对我如此的生气,以至于再也不会给我发电邮了。
We got very mad at him and tried to argue with him about the taxi fare, but he didn't want to reduce it because he thought we are too young. 我们很生气,想和他理论,但是那个司机看我们是孩子,根本不理会。
When I told him I wasn't, he gave me a look that said I was clearly mad. 当我说我不是时,他看了我一眼说我明显疯了。
Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly or act like your mad. If shes upset, comfort her. 永远不要让她离开,不管你是开玩笑还是真的生气了。如果她不高兴了,请安慰她。
Oh, I see, it's okay for you to be mad but I'm not supposed to feel anything when you say --? 我明白,你生气很正常,但你回答时候我的感受就不能…?
in mad swings of forever trying to catch up with his own moving reflection? 或者老是处于疯狂摇摆的波动状态以试图赶上自己的移动不停的反射?
We were winning - the bombs had been disarmed, the mad scientist captured, and it was just a matter of cleaning up and going home. 我们本来正要取胜—炸弹已被解除,疯狂的科学家已被逮捕,打扫战场,之后回家。
There is no mad scramble to get out the door as I know where everything is! 我知道我的东西都在哪儿,我就不会抓狂的摔门而去。
His dreams had always been Houdiniesque: they were the dreams of a pupa struggling in its blind cocoon, mad for a taste of light and air. 他的那些妄想始终是霍迪尼式的:那些不切实际的梦想就如同虫蛹在茧中奋力挣扎,狂热地渴望体验阳光和空气一般。
One of the premises of 'Mad Men' is that the behavior on the show is something of a safety valve. 《广告狂人》如此受欢迎有一个前提,那就是它的人物和剧情可以发挥类似安全阀的作用。
My last roommate was a drama queen. Every time I forgot to take my shoes off, she got really mad and made a big deal out of it. 我上一个室友特喜欢小题大做。每次我进门忘了脱鞋,她就特生气,唠叨半天。
He said: "I went a bit mad at the thought of it. It was then that I realised something wasn't quite right and sought professional help. " 他说:“一想到不能吃香肠我就有点失控,那时我意识到有些不对劲,并寻求医生的帮助”
No small nation would be so stupid, no matter how much the US tries to make other countrys leaders look like mad men. 世上没有那么愚蠢的小国,不管美国如何尽力把别国的领导人描述成疯子。
If that were true in 1972 when China's economy had been laid low by mad collectivist experiments, how much truer it is today. 如果在1972年中国经济被疯狂的集体主义实验拖下水时,这种说法属实的话,那么如今这种说法更加正确。
A government about to default would be mad to leave the eurozone. 一个将要发生国债违约的政府如果脱离欧元区,那它是犯傻。
"I asked you to move your release date, and you wouldn't, so you can't be mad at me for protecting my child, " Katzenberg told him. “我让你更改上映日期,你不愿意,但你也应该理解我想保护自己的作品的心情。”Katzenberg告诉他。
I said, "They're both the same! Now goddamn, watch it, I'm going to get mad in a minute. " 我说,“都是一样的!天杀的,现在你好好看看,我都快要发疯了。”
He would have risen, and unfixed her fingers by the act--she clung fast, gasping: there was mad resolution in her face. 他想站起来,要松开她的手指——但她紧紧搂住,喘着气:在她脸上现出疯狂的决心。
When they're done being mad at you and when you haven't yelled back then they'll say, 'OK, so what are we going to do about this? 当他们吼完而发现你并不还嘴之后,他们会说『好吧,那现在我们怎么办?』
Mad Hatter: You're not the same as you were before. You were much more "muchier" . You lost your "muchness" . 疯帽匠:你跟以前不一样了。你那时更像你。你不再是“你”了!
And so when this door opened onto the face of a woman who had not been out of that room in 55 years, you did not see a mad woman. 所以当门打开,看到那个女人,那个55年都没有出门的人,你并没有看到一个疯子。
Somewhere his wife was waiting, half mad with grief, his mother-in-law next to her fretting. 他的太太在什么地方等着呢,悲伤得快要疯了,他的岳母呆在她身边烦躁不安。。。。
His papa started to get mad at him - you know how papas do sometimes. 他的爸爸开始生气–你知道做爸爸的通常这样。
He did not tell his father about the exam result lest he get mad at him. 他没把考试结果告诉父亲,以免父亲对他发火。