made in

  • 网络制造;产地;制造地

made inmade in

made in


...ntry of Origin)”,一般含义是“**制造(Made in)”。


深圳市沃特新材料股份有限公司 ... 型号 SPECIFICATION 产地 MADE IN 数量 QUANTITY ...


中古机械 二手机械 各式工业机械专业代理... ... 年份 Year 制造地 Made in 工作台尺寸 Working Size ...


翻译词组 英译汉 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 18.refuse to do 拒绝做某事 19.made in 在……制造 20.belong to 属于 ...


Rakuten: 柴油小肩膀门X00102红Diesel Mini... ... Shoulder Porch / 肩膀门 Made In/ 生产国家 CHINA / 中国 ...


新概念英语第二册笔记(修订版)_免费素材_当知网 ... play n. 玩,演奏(乐器等) made in 表示产地或时间 made by 表示由谁制 …


也所以,今天这样全球化的时代,强调品牌精神和原创性,「由谁制造」(made by…) 恐怕比「在何地制造」(made in…)更重 …

Mr. McGuire's forecast, which he made in the recently released book, 'Hard Money, ' makes him a very far outlier. 麦奎尔在最近发表的著作《HardMoney》(硬通货)中做出的上述预测使他显得格外出众。
But he took this art form to new heights with the lavishly expensive video he made in 1983 for the title track of the "Thriller" album. 但是他却把这种艺术形式推向了高潮,那是在1983年他为专辑同名歌曲Thriller(颤栗)制作的花费高昂的音乐录影带。
Wey said the trades were made in time for him to book what he thought was a $150, 000 profit. 韦伊说,交易进行得够及时,他以为可以从中获利150,000美元。
Changes may have to be made in order for you to be able to move forward personally, emotionally and romantically. 为了在主动的、情感上浪漫地前进,改变是必须的。
UFO in Her Eyes, again adapted from her own novel, is being made in collaboration with German director Fatih Akin's production company. 同样取材于她小说的《她眼中的UFO》正和德国导演FaithAkin的制作公司进行合作。
He said France always respected China and was glad to see the unprecedented achievements that China had made in development. 法国始终尊重中国,对中国发展取得史无前例的成就感到由衷高兴。
The Delegation did not think that impact studies should be made in El Salvador, since it had not been defined as a priority. 该代表团认为,不应在萨尔瓦多进行这种影响研究,因为该国没有被确定为优先国家。
Now this song which he made in the hour of our victory, is something less than just to me, who stood beside him in the tussle. 他这支在我们胜利的时刻中作成的歌曲,对我这个和他并肩作战的人,未免有点不太公平。
He said the suggestion was made in light of the country's economic strength and the size of its foreign trade. 他说,他的建议是根据中国的经济实力和外贸总量做出的。
The embargoes are a blessing in disguise, just look at India they have a attack helicopter, but how much of it is made in India ? 塞翁失马焉知非福,看看印度的攻击直升机吧,它们究竟有多少是在印度制造的呢?
Once you've explored a bit of what Made in Ore has to offer, you can play a tutorial that walks you through the creation of a complete game. 一旦你察觉到《俺制造》所提供的东西,你就能玩一个指南,指南的内容是让你玩通过一个创造好的完整的游戏。
Imagine how much cash you'd have right now if you could get a do-over on all the thoughtless purchases you've made in your lifetime. 想象一下,对所有一生中不思考就购买的东西有重来一次的机会,你现在会有多少钱?
Tom: Well, it is. You know, I really like the changes you've made in the sales training so far. So does the sales team. 汤姆:确实。我真的很喜欢您在销售培训方面所做的改变。当然,我也很欣赏销售团队的变化。
The outcome of the final did not matter much, considering the drastic progress China made in a sport whose roots are so far away. 中国能在一个弱势项目上取得如此大的进步,最终的结果已经不重要了。
Thereafter, within a year it could produce a document, summarizing the discussions made in the proposals. 然后,它可以在一年内制定一个文件,总结关于各项提案的讨论。
A plug back plug is often used when a lower producing zone becomes depleted and a completion is to be made in an upper zone. 在下部生产层已枯竭而且要对上部生产层进行完井时常使用回堵水泥塞。
How nice it would be if I could get a suit made in London. But I can't go to London with the mere purpose of buying a new suit. 如果我能有一套伦敦制作的西服就好了。但我不能只为买一套西服而去伦敦。
The entries he made in his ledger revealed who owed what to whom, and especially how much life had been borrowed by mammon from man. 他账簿的条目里透露了谁欠谁什么东西,特别是财神从人身上借走了多少时间。
Stained glass is often made in large, richly detailed panels that are set together in a framework of lead. 常用于制造大型的、用丰富的颜色拼凑成各种图像而置于一铅制框架中。
It recently rejected an application to protect the name D. melanogaster, which had been made in advance of a proposed revision of the genus. 这个委员会近期拒绝了一份申请来保护D.melanogaster这个原先的命名,这份申请是在果蝇属类修正案之前提出的。
But the president did not agree. He said this second bill would also be vetoed unless changes were made in it. 但总统仍然不同意,他说,如果这第二部法案不进行修改的话,他仍将否决。
As a presidential candidate, several times Mr. Obama said something like this comment he made in July about the war in Iraq. 奥巴马在竞选总统的过程中就伊拉克战争的问题曾经说过几次像他在7月份所说的话。
He said he was satisfied with the progress made in bilateral ties and would like to advance the strategic cooperative partnership. 俄方对双边关系的进展感到满意,愿同中方一道,不断推进俄中战略协作伙伴关系。
No doubt he understands what ought to be done, but the promise he made in 2008 has tied his hands. 奥巴马无疑明白应该怎么做,但他2008年许下的承诺捆住了自己的手脚。
On going carefully into the matter, we have found a mistake was made in the packing through a confusion of numbers. 我方仔细调查后发现,由于数目混淆,致使包装上发生错误。(习语分隔)
The core of Krishnamurti's teaching is contained in the statement he made in 1929 when he said: 'Truth is a pathless land'. 克里希那穆提教导的核心,已经包含在他1929年的讲话中,那时他说:“真理是无路之国”。
It is amazing how much progress Li Hua has made in his studies this term, especially since he had his way of learning. 令人惊异的是李华这学期在学习方面取得那么大的进步,尤其自他有了自己的学习方法以后。
Uncomfortable as it might be for the West, the next monetary order is more likely to be made in Beijing than in New Hampshire. 虽然对于西方国家会有些不舒服,但下一个掌控货币秩序的将是北京而不是新罕布什尔。
Profitability of the bank will be further enhanced by the release of the general provision made in respect of the mortgage loans. 此外,由于银行无需就有关按揭贷款提拨一般准备金,所以盈利得以进一步提高。
The attempt to form such a league was actually made in 1526, but then not until the moment of actual danger and only for temporary defence. 从这样的一个联盟出发,实际上在1526年就已经开始了尝试,但后来并没有坚持到危险真正来临的时刻,因而仅仅只是暂时性防御而已。