
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络麦;多址干扰(Multiple Access Interference);不知火舞



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多址干扰(Multiple Access Interference)

由于多址干扰(MAI),传统的CDMA通信系统中的单用户接收机性能不是很好。尽管最佳多用户检测算法提供了很高的容量潜力 …


不知火舞mai)阪崎由莉(也有翻译为坂崎百合,yuri)李梅(lee may)、七枷社(yashiro,同学们都简称为7+4)夏尔米( …

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 猛 Maang Mai 某 Mau ...


大国文化_明星资料库_搜狐 ... 姓名:李玟 CoCo.Lee 姓名:孟庭苇 mai 姓名:欧阳菲菲 AuYeung,.Fei.Fei ...

越南人的姓氏_清抹侃英语_天涯博客 ... 郭 Quách Mai 盛 Thịnh ...

A government spokesman said the tensions with the army meant that Mr Somchai would stay in Chiang Mai for his own safety. 一名政府发言人称因为与军方关系紧张,为了安全起见,颂猜将留在清迈。
His colleagues say Mai is frank and outspoken and is consistently ready to accept conflicting ideas on business development. 他的同事说,麦非常坦率和直言不讳,并能一直接受业务发展不同的各类想法。
A joyful Mai Ling met up with Doctor An and after learning that the serving girl she was a ghost you released her with your amulet. 你们九死一生终于逃出生天,梅玲也欣喜地见到了安医生。在知道了这个女侍是个鬼魂之后,你用你的护身符超度了她。
Bangkok remains under a state of emergency and a string of bombings there and in the northern city of Chiang Mai have rattled the public. 曼谷仍然处在紧急状态,而曼谷和北部城市清迈的一系列炸弹袭击,也让群众十分不安。
When the opportunity came up to Thee. He got the offer as an assistant of marketing department at the company in Chiang Mai. 有一天,机会来了,有人提议他到清迈一家公司的营销部门做助理。
He did not think of this much at first but soon after when he was roaming the house he saw Mai and his wife by the restroom whispering. 但不久后,当他在房子里漫步时,他看到了麦和他的妻子在厕所里咬耳朵。为了不被发现,他立刻躲到了一边。
We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North. 我们计划在这里住上几天,参观市内的一些景点,然后再前往北方的清迈。
Lin is part of her mother's name and Ping is a river in Chiang Mai. 其中,“林”取自她母亲的名字,“萍”则取自清迈一条河流的名字。
If Lao Mai can give the Long Hairtail Dao to me, that can be made up my grief heart . 老麦如能出把长带鱼给我,当能弥补我伤痛的心!
When one of the crafts is sold, Mrs. Mai explained, the income is distributed evenly among the women who helped produce it. 王氏梅解释说,当这样的一件工艺品被出售之后,所得收入就会被平均分配到参与了此件产品生产分工的姑娘手中。
I biggest dream has the opportunity to be able to take a souvenir photo together with heart in idol Mai Di. 我最大的梦想就是有机会能和心中的偶像麦蒂一起留影。
The Chiang Mai initiative in Asia may ultimately also produce a regional zone of deep integration around an Asian monetary fund. 在亚洲,泰国清迈也首创区域货币金融合作,类似于亚洲货币基金。
Dalby Mayor Brown said, the local Mai Aoer river was at flood, the town into two, more than 100 households were flooded. 多尔比镇长布朗说,当地的迈奥尔河水位暴涨,将该镇一分为二,100多户人家被淹。
What we could see is a more concerted attempt to put the Chiang Mai agreement on a more operational footing. 我们可以看到的是,各方更加一致努力让清迈协议更加可行。
Urban development discourses , environmental management and public participation : the case of the Mae Kha canal in Chiang Mai, Thailand . 泰国清迈案例:公众参与、环境管理和都市发展的论述。
The word "xian xue xian mai" refers to teaching something that you've only just learned yourself. 指原来自己并不知道的知识,刚从别人那儿学到,就去教其他人了。
Duo Mai Coffee Drinks is always a good partner relieving your thirst and moistening your throat in both the hot summer and the cold winter. 不论是炎炎夏日还是冷冷寒冬,多麦咖啡茶饮一直是您解渴润喉的好伙伴。
Chiang Mai chief monk Phra Thep Wisuthikhun said he had received complaints about "inappropriate behavior" at seven temples in the province. 清迈市高僧PhraThepWisuthikhun说,清迈地区已有七所寺院因“不当行为”而遭到投诉。
Li Tuo and Du Mai used to be schoolmates and Li Tuo secretly loves Du Mai, but Du Mai returns to North China . 李拓和杜麦曾经是同学,李拓从小就喜欢杜麦。后来杜回北方。
At peak migrations times, the sky over Mai Po is dark with ducks and waders, harried by the eagles and hawks that hunt them. 在迁徙最忙碌的时候,米埔的上空全是黑压压的鸭子和水鸟,老鹰们纷纷来掠食。
They failed to capture Mai, as they were discovered and imprisoned by Commerce Guild guards. 由于被商业行会卫队发觉并囚禁,他们没能捕获梅。
But Chiang Mai shows that progress is not impossible, even if it looks difficult in the short term. 但清迈协议表明,尽管短期内似乎有难度,但取得进展并不是不可能的。
"Is not being buried to Long Mai very good not? " This Mr. Du suddenly lived Kaohsiung with the gun crest and said, " is be not ah? " “不,葬于龙脉不是很好吗?”这位杜先生突然用枪顶住了高雄,说,“是不是呀?”
Rounding out the list in 10th position, Chiang Mai "with a friendly, cosmopolitan feel" is "one easy, safe and pleasant place to explore. " 泰国清迈则是一座“友好并国际化的城市。生活方便,安全并且充满探索乐趣的地方。”
The Mai Po Outing held on this Sunday is FULL. Thank you for your kind support. 于本星期日举行之米埔观鸟活动已经额满,多谢大家参与支持!
The Mai-Mai Kifuafua, one of many local militias, flaunts its power on a road where it extorts money from villagers and travelers. “麦麦战士”是当地众多民兵组织中的一个,他们在公路上大施淫威敲诈过往的村民和旅行者。
Together, they were awarded the prize for having 'the best education policy' in Chiang Mai, while faring second nationwide. 他们一起被授予清迈“最佳教育政策”奖,并获得全国二等奖。
Prior to her departure, Shu Mai executed her contingency plan, releasing toxins into Felucia's far-reaching water table. 在离开前,舒·梅实施了她的应对计划,将毒素投放到了费卢西亚庞大的供水系统中。
One of the problems that Mai Po faces is that of old age. 老化是米埔面对的问题之一。
In 2002, the woman Mukhtar Mai was allegedly gang-raped as punishment for an offence her brother is supposed to have committed. 在2002年,MukhtarMai被判轮奸,作为她的弟弟可能犯下的罪行的惩罚。