
美 [meɪk]英 [meɪk]
  • v.做;制造;使得;制定
  • linkv.成为;等于;适合;合计
  • n.(机器、设备等的)品牌
  • 网络造成;使成为;使人

过去式:made 第三人称单数:makes 现在分词:making

make money,make decision,make difference,make mistake,make progress
probably make,possibly make,surely make,mostly make,apparently make



1.制造;做;组装to create or prepare sth by combining materials or putting parts together

2.~ sth写;出产;制定to write, create or prepare sth

使出现╱发生/成为╱做cause to appear/happen/become/do

4.~ sth (+ adv./prep.)造成(破坏、破损等)to cause sth to appear as a result of breaking, tearing, hitting or removing material

5.~ sth使出现;引发;使产生to cause sth to exist, happen or be done

6.~ sb/sth/yourself + adj.使变得;使成为to cause sb/sth to be or become sth

7.~ sb/sth do sth促使;使得to cause sb/sth to do sth

8.使变得;使成为to cause sb/sth to be or become sth

决定、猜测、评论等a decision/guess/comment, etc.

9.~ a decision, guess, comment, etc.做,作出(决定、估计等)to decide, guess, etc. sth


10.迫使;强迫to force sb to do sth


11.表现;表示;描绘to represent sb/sth as being or doing sth


12.~ sb + noun选举;挑选;任命to elect or choose sb as sth


13.~ sth挣钱;赚钱to earn or gain money


14.[nopass]~ sth + noun估计;计算to think or calculate sth to be sth


15.[nopass]~ sth(尽力)赶往,到达,达到to manage to reach or go to a place or position

成功sth successful

16.~ sth使成功;使圆满to cause sth to be a success


大多数含 make 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 make merry 在词条 merry 下。Most idioms containingmake are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplemake merry is atmerry .

make as if to do sth

似乎;假装to make a movement that makes it seem as if you are just going to do sth

make do (with sth)

凑合;将就to manage with sth that is not really good enough

make good

变得富有;获得成功to become rich and successful

make sth good

赔偿;替换;修理to pay for, replace or repair sth that has been lost or damaged

make it

获得成功to be successful in your career

make it with sb

(与某人)发生性关系to have sex with sb

make like…

(为给别人留下印象)假装,装出…样子to pretend to be, know or have sth in order to impress people

make the most of sth/sb/yourself

充分利用;尽情享受to gain as much advantage, enjoyment, etc. as you can from sb/sth

make much of sth/sb

重视;认为很重要to treat sth/sb as very important

make or break sb/sth

为…成败的关键to be the thing that makes sb/sth either a success or a failure

make something of yourself

获得成功;事业有成to be successful in your life

考研英语完型填空常考词汇辨析(一)_考研教育网 ... “assumes”( 假定、设想)。 “makes”( )。 “cope” 表示“处理,应付”。 ...


2012年职称英语考试理工类C级每日一练(10月12日) ... ) causes( 造成,原因,事业) ) makes制造, 安排, 使成为…


造成makes) 、起因于(causes) 、迫使(forces)还有要求(requires) 等词汇,都可以在这里使用。 “点头可以让你 …


职称英语综合类B级完型填空例题解析 -职称英语 ... )between( 在...之间) )makes( 做,制造, 安排, 使成为) )brings( 带来, 引起) ...


初二上册的英语短文填空题!_百度知道 ... 10. sports 运动 1. makes 使得 2. gives 给予 ...


... 4.preparest=prepare/ 准备(动词)...~对吗? 1.maketh=makes/ 使人(动词)...~对吗? 2.leadeth=leads/ 引领(动词)...~对吗? ...

It has no defense against ground, but it makes up for it in the fact that nothing will touch it in the air. 它没有反地面武装,不过没有人可以在空中碰到它,以此可以弥补它的不足。
Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have. 除非你想用它来做大事,否则有多少回报或有多大的力量都没有什么意义。
The speed, power, and ammo of the Orca also makes it a prime choice for taking out husks. 奥卡的速度,火力和弹药使它成为清除外壳的最佳选择。
Trying to think of something, or else makes a joke of it. A boy said he liked looking at girls. 努力考虑些事情,要不然就是开个玩笑。一个男孩说,他喜欢看女孩子。
Just as the police accompany the attacked maid back to the house, the Invisible Man breaks in through the back door and makes way for Kemp. 正如警察把被攻击的少女陪伴回房子,看不见的男人经过后门闯入而且为粗毛制造方法。
All this makes it a testing ground for globalisation. 这些都使其成为全球化的试验田。
Mice with broken legs seem to be healing three times faster than normal, thanks to a protein that makes stem cells divide. 断腿的小白鼠在一种能促使干细胞分裂的蛋白质作用下,其骨愈合速度比正常时快了三倍。
This genetic information makes you a member of the human species but also allows you to be a unique member of that species. 这基因信息做您成为人的种类,而且允许您是那个一名独特的成员种类。
Watch those that have won Oscars for Best Screenplay. Get a feel for the kind of screenplay that makes a great movie. 仔细研读获得过奥斯卡最佳编剧奖的剧本,找到一种能体会什么样的剧本可以造就精彩电影的感觉。
He makes his way until he reaches a door at the end of the hallway. 他一路前进走到走廊末端的一道门后。
So should the Bank of England follow suit? The answer is: no. Another quarter of a percentage point cut now makes good sense. 那么英国央行应当效仿这一做法吗?答案是否定的。
This sort of global contest for grey matter certainly makes for a bracing environment. 这种对智力人才的全球性竞争当然会产生一个令人振奋的环境。
In some cases, it makes sense to do this, and certain practices make it a tolerable process and investment. 在某些情况下,这种方法具有意义,并且一些特定的实践使它成为可行的流程和投资。
Ripley: What makes you think they're gonna care about a bunch of lifers who found God at the ass end of space? 里普利:是什么让你觉得他们是要去关心一群无期徒刑谁发现上帝在驴子年底空间吗?
As a psychologist in my day job, it's always been a fascination of mine to try and understand what makes people tick. 在日常生活里,作为一个心理学家,努力去了解到底是什么可以影响一个人的性格或行为成为了我的兴趣之一。
The fact that Father God loves me so much also makes me feel kind of ashamed, as He is so good to me but I am not as good to Him, sigh! 天父那么疼爱我也让我觉得很惭愧,他对我这么好,我却没对他这么好,唉!求主怜悯…
Hears these to relate that makes one not know whether to laugh or cry, I thought that this was simply tosses about old person. 听到这些诉说,令人哭笑不得,我觉得这简直是折腾老人了。
The combination of the visual instrument and WMI remotely instrument control makes it a whole distributed instrument test system. 在此基础上结合远程客户端的虚拟仪器和WMI远程仪器控制,形成了一套完整的分布式仪器的测试系统。
Everyone likes a good laughter; he brings good cheer with him wherever he goes, the very thought of him makes life more bearable. 大家都喜欢善于笑的人,无论他到何处,都带着令人愉快的欢笑,一想起他就会使生活变得比较可以忍受的了。
It's super easy to do so there is no need for a patronising explanation and it makes for the most perfect holiday hair. 这个发型超级好弄,所以没必要觉得屈尊俯就,这就是假日最佳发型。
Even though Betty is surrounded by models, her inner beauty more than makes up for her imperfect appearance . 而且在贝蒂周围身边有一大群名模佳丽,但她的内在美更远胜于她的外表不足之处。
This makes it easy to see the impact of long running SQL statements while they are still in progress. 这使得很难容易查看长时间执行的sql当她们还在运行的时候带来的影响。
It's the magazine's art issue, and art shouldn't provide an easy answer. But at least it makes you think. 杂志在搞艺术,艺术没有简单答案,但至少它让你想到了什么。
The light was filtered so that it had the same direction, like the light that makes it through polarized sunglasses. 过滤过的光线有着相同的方向,就像穿过偏振太阳镜的光一样。
Thy beauty makes me like the child, That cries aloud to own thy light: The little child that lifts each arm To press thee to her bosom warm. 你的美丽让我喜欢上了那个欢叫着去捕捉你的光芒的孩子:那小家伙张开双臂,将你拥入她温暖的怀中。
Behind you, between briefcases and three-piece suits, an old man with his caged bird makes his way to morning tea. 在你身后,一位老者提笼架鸟,穿过一堆公事包和三件套西服,去喝早茶。
Let's take a look at them together to see whether the theory makes sense or is nothing but ridiculous nonsense. 我们一起看看“中国威胁论”到底是有道理、还是非常荒唐可笑的。
Makes me feels as if I were also part of the scenery. 好像连自己也成为风景的一部分了。
This makes the technique much more powerful, as you'll be able to recall items in a specific order, as we'll see in the next step. 就像我们将在下一步骤中看到的,这会大大增强本技巧的效果,如果你能按照确定的次序回想起物品的话。
For it makes no difference whether a man lives there or here, if he lives everywhere in the world as in a state (political community). 因为如果一个人生活在世界上任何地方都像生活在一个国家(政治团体)中一样,那么住这儿或住那儿对他并没有什么关系。