
美 [ˈmeɪkɪŋ]英 ['meɪkɪŋ]
  • n.生产;制造
  • v.“make”的现在分词
  • 网络制作;素质;形成




1.[u]~ (of sth)生产;制造the act or process of making or producing sth


be the making of sb

使成为更好(或更有作为)的人to make sb become a better or more successful person

have the makings of sth

具备了成为…的必要条件to have the qualities that are necessary to become sth

in the making

在生产(或形成)过程中in the process of becoming sth or of being made

of your own making

自己造成的created by you rather than by sb/sth else


新概念英语第二册课后答案(全部) - 豆丁网 ... c. lift (提起), a b. making (制造), c. doing (做), ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(M2) ... making 制造闭合 making 制作 making-up 下水架 ...


跪求此英文的中文解释_百度知道 ... MVC Multiple Variate Counter 多元计算器 making 制造, 发展, 素质 Web 环球网 ...


英语广播词汇(2)_行业词汇_免费英语网 ... maker n. 创造者,制造者 making n. 制造,形成 malaria n. 疟疾 ...

Inz the Defenses of the Invasion… |... ... lihongzhi: 李宏志 making minghui: 明慧网 ...


跪求此英文的中文解释_百度知道 ... MVC Multiple Variate Counter 多元计算器 making 制造, 发展, 素质 Web 环球网 ...


电脑专业英语词汇(1) - 豆丁网 ... determine v. 确定 357. making n. 制造,构造 358. center n. 中心,中央 359. ...


新概念英语第一册... ... Lesson 37 Making a bookcase( 一个书箱的制造) Making( 制定,组织,原料,材料) bookcase( 书箱) ...

Gitlin says the Qube costs just a bit more than a police patrol car, making it a much less expensive alternative to a manned helicopter. 吉特林称,Qube仅比警用巡逻车略贵一筹,比起无人驾驶直升机则便宜不少。
As an employee, you may be used to passing problems up along the food chain or not be very involved in decision making. 一名打工者,你或许习惯在食物链内推卸责任,或不涉及决策的工作。
If he keeps making a good profit, Vuthy said he would certainly be able to send all of his children to university. Vuthy表示,如果能继续赚钱,他肯定会有能力供所有孩子上大学。
The last thing the vendors want is to see their (crazy money making) babies turned into commodity software again. 供应商最不愿意的就是再次看到他们的(猛挣钱的)孩子转变成日常应用普通的软件。
Furthermore, Latin America is younger and more urbanized than Asia, making it a highly productive partner for the United States. 另外,拉美相较于亚洲更具活力、城市化程度更高,因此对于美国来说这是个极为有益的伙伴。
Beyond the books is an industry: films, dolls, games and merchandise, making hundreds of millions of pounds a year. 而且除了书外,哈利·波特已形成了一个产业:电影、洋娃娃、游戏和其它相关商品,这个产业每年利润高达数亿英镑。
Later on, this was discovered and made public, so people began to follow suit and the boom of making artificial cultivated land started. 后来这件事被人们发现,并且传播开来,大家纷纷仿效,开始了人造耕地热潮。
I wanted to reassure her, but I knew that anything I said would run the risk of making her feel uncomfortable. 我想安抚她,但我知道什么,我说会运行的风险,使她感到不舒服。
He sucked in his breath, as if to narrow his bulk, and waited, making an effort to will the right words into the Human's mind. 他运了口气,像在缩小身量,之后静静等待着,仿佛在用自己的意志把愿望送入瑞克的思维。
A few weeks ago, it had seemed that his efforts were working, as both chambers were making progress on health legislation. 就在几周之前,他(奥巴马)的努力似乎还有些效果,那时参众两院都在医疗法案的立法上取得了进展。
The reason he gave for not cursing refusing himself was that there were was no financial game gain for him in making his decision. 他给出不回避的原因是没有任何金钱上的利益对他来说在他做出判决的时候。
It is by making the front car with a relatively flat vertical deflection of a certain angle to the realization. 它是通过使前轮相对与汽车纵向平面偏转一定的角度来实现转向的。
Sure boss, I'm sure making an entire well armed army angry with you was a great idea, Boss. How could it not be, you thought it up. 当然肯定了老板,我很肯定搞一只全副武装的部队跟着你是个好主意老板。怎么搞?你可以靠想啊。
Brazilian pollsters may be making it even harder than necessary by neglecting to ask respondents whether they actually intend to vote. 巴西民调人员因为忽略了询问受访者是否确定会投票,而可能使民调的准确性更难上加难。
'When you're making below $30, 000 or $40, 000 a year, how much money can you afford to spend on a second home at a base? 当你一年的薪水低于30,000美元或40,000美元时,你能掏得起多少钱供基地中第二个家的花费?
The extracted knowledge is often used for post-operation analysis, decision-making process, or as input of another application. 发掘出的知识被用于决策支持过程、事后分析或其它应用。
It also means that if a woman does insist on paying, or at least making a contribution, it may be a sign that the date hasn't gone well. 这也意味着,如果一个女人坚持要买单,或至少是分摊费用,这可能就是约会失败的讯号。
'My friends thought I was making it up, ' said Miss Jones, of Colorado, 'I was stunned but in no doubt of what had happened. ' “我的朋友们认为我是在装模作样,”来自科罗拉多州的琼斯如是说道,“我有点目瞪口呆,但是我确实是有点问题了。”
In addition to In addition to making difficult concepts easy to understand. 除了能使艰涩的概念变得容易理解。
In fact that applies all round as you do not normally go through such a period of testing, without making remarkable spiritual progress. 在事实中是围绕在你周围的所有回应是因为你不会简单的就通过这个测试的周期,而是要取得卓越的灵性进程。
They have been very adept at first making money for themselves and then trading the financier's life for that of the power broker. 他们非常擅长于先给自己赚钱,再利用金融家的经历换取政治掮客的身份。
During the few weeks at a time when he was at home, he would shuffle around the house making it nice and cozy for Sophie and her mother. 在家的那几个星期,他会倒饬一下房子周围,使苏菲和母亲觉得好看舒适一些。
I think I should not bother you, your injury may have been too deep, as well as you afraid of making the same mistakes. 我想我不该再打扰你了,也许你不得不深深的伤害自己,即使你害怕犯同样的错误。
In a sense the commodification of image-making through copyright threatens to render it a commercial activity, one with no soul. 在一定意义上,通过版权将影像制作商品化威胁着将它变成一种没有灵魂的商业行为。
It was a bit of a damp squib, making no firm recommendations and proposing no new regulation or legislation. 不过它就像一个受潮了的爆竹,既没有给出坚决的建议,也没有提出新的规章或者法规。
The tube is rounded at the top and tapers down to a flat base, making it convenient to dispense the product from the bottom up. 该管圆上方,并逐渐下降到一个单位的基础,使之方便免除产品自下而上。
Making a mistake at work, however, can be more serious. It may cause problems for your employer and even affect the company's bottom line. 工作中犯错就很严重了,很给你的雇主麻烦甚至到公司的底线。
As mentioned at the beginning, share option schemes, no doubt, do wonders in making millionaires overnight. 如本文开头所述,股票认购权计划毫无疑问可以创造一夜暴富的奇迹。
If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge. 你要是看见两种生命形态,他们中的一个在大便,而其他的在盛大便,你会以为哪个是主人。
The Obama White House, while strongly condemning WikiLeaks for making the documents public, did not seek an injunction to halt publication. 尽管白宫方面也对维基解密公开这些文件的行为大加谴责,他们却并未对我们施压禁止我们的报道。