
美 ['mænɪŋ]英 ['mænɪŋ]
  • n.男人;人类;男子汉;伙计
  • v.在…岗位上工作;操纵(机器等);配备(人员)
  • int.(表示惊奇、气愤等)嘿
  • 网络曼宁;人员配备;配备人员



男人male person

1.[c]成年男子;男人an adult male human


2.[u]人类;(特定历史时期的)人humans as a group or from a particular period of history

3.[c](不论性别的)人a person, either male or female

某类人particular type of man

4.[c](来自某地、从事某种工作或有某种兴趣等的)人a man who comes from the place mentioned or whose job or interest is connected with the thing mentioned

5.[c](喜欢或做某事的)人a man who likes or who does the thing mentioned

6.[c](来自某处、支持某组织或为其工作的)人a man who works for or supports a particular organization, comes from a particular town, etc.


7.[c][usupl]士兵;(男性)工人a soldier or a male worker who obeys the instructions of a person of higher rank

8.[c]上门服务的人a man who comes to your house to do a job

称呼form of address

9.[sing](informal)伙计;哥儿们used for addressing a male person

10.[sing](不耐烦或生气时对男人的称呼)你这家伙used for addressing a male person in an angry or impatient way


11.[c]丈夫;性伴侣a husband or sexual partner

强壮的╱勇敢的人strong/brave person

12.[c]勇敢强壮的人;男子汉a person who is strong and brave or has other qualities that some people think are particularly male


13.[sing]男仆a male servant


as one man

同心协力;协调一致with everyone doing or thinking the same thing at the same time; in agreement

be sbs man

最合适的人;最佳人选to be the best or most suitable person to do a particular job, etc.

be man enough (to do sth/for sth)

有足够的勇气或意志to be strong or brave enough

every man for himself

人各为己;自己顾自己people must take care of themselves and not give or expect any help

make a man (out) of sb

使成为男子汉;使长大成人to make a young man develop and become more adult

a/the man about town

喜欢社交者;社交界名人a man who frequently goes to fashionable parties, clubs, theatres, etc.

man and boy

从小到大;一辈子from when sb was young to when they were old or older

the man (and/or woman) in the street

平民;老百姓an average or ordinary person, either male or female

a man of God/the cloth

神职人员;(尤指)牧师,司铎a religious man, especially a priest or a clergyman

the man of the match

(某场比赛的)最佳运动员the member of a team who plays the best in a particular game

a man of the people

体恤民情者;体察民意者a man who understands and is sympathetic to ordinary people

mans best friend

人类的好朋友(指狗)a way of describing a dog

a mans home is his castle

人之住宅即其城堡;人在家中,自成一统a person's home is a place where they can be private and safe and do as they like

a mans man

更受男人欢迎的男人a man who is more popular with men than with women

be your own man/woman

独立自主to act or think independently, not following others or being ordered

man to man

(男人间)诚实相待,坦率between two men who are treating each other honestly and equally

one mans meat is another mans poison

兴趣爱好因人而异;一人手中宝,他人脚下草used to say that different people like different things; what one person likes very much, another person does not like at all

separate/sort out the men from the boys

表明╱证明谁有技能(或更勇敢等)to show or prove who is brave, skilful, etc. and who is not

to a man|to the last man

一致;毫无例外used to emphasize that sth is true of all the people being described

you cant keep a good man down

有志者事竟成;决心大的人终有出头之日a person who is determined or wants sth very much will succeed


  包括曼宁Manning)标准、克鲁伊斯(Kruis)标准及罗马Ⅰ标准在内的IBS诊断标准,其诊断的阳性似然比[敏感性/(1-特异 …


BEC中级、高级考试词汇超值下载篇-BEC商务英语 ... matrix management n. 矩阵管理 manning n. 人员配备 manpower n. 劳 …


航海及海运专业英语词汇(M2) ... manning requirement 配员要求 manning 配备人员 manning 配置船员 ...


如鱼得水 - 鱼的博客 ... [Military 军事] Manning 人员匹配 Sentries 岗哨 ...


英语语言词典 [manning] # 翻译 [manning] ... manning regulation 人员配备章程 人员组成 manning 配备人员 manning ...


...地理分布来看,将该2种分别作为一独立种是恰当的,而曼依 (Manning)将少叶黄一杞归并入杞中处理作为一种植物是不恰当的。


11.1 Head Loss by Pipe Friction 曼寧(Manning)公式也可用於压力管路中的水流计算。V 0 .85 C R 0 .63 S 0 .54 = H V 1.318 C …

Dr Manning said: "The potential for this technique to gently un-pick the chemistry of long extinct species is quite breathtaking. " Manning博士说:“这项技术对于分析已灭绝动物化学特性的潜力是十分巨大的。”
I don't know, she said she was tired of me not manning up and being more independent, which I think is all a bunch of crap. 我不知道,她说她厌倦我没有阳刚之气和不够独立,我觉得这些都是胡说八道。
Most players, including Manning, said the ring ceremony was more emotional because it included everybody else from the team. 包括曼宁在内的大多数球员都表示,授予冠军戒指的仪式更令人动容,因为球队的每一个成员都参与其中。
"I never heard of the name Bradley Manning before it appeared in the media, " he said in an interview on MSNBC on Wednesday. 本周三,在接受全美电视新闻网的采访时,他表示,“在媒体报道之前,我从未听说过布拉德利.曼宁这个名字”。
What happens to the rings next is up to the individual. Dungy, like Manning , said he would probably stow his away soon. 冠军戒指的未来取决于它们的主人,和曼宁一样,邓吉说他会将戒指好好收藏。
Just as you don't ask Peyton Manning for soccer tips, you don't ask a veterinarian to do your prostate exam. 就像你不会向PeytonManning请教足球技巧,也不会要一个兽医给你做前列腺检查。
So, after two years of developing a line, he just launched Peter Manning, the brand, which caters to guys with a constant sizing dilemma. 因此,用了2年时间,他自己开发了一个新生产线,创立了新的服饰品牌彼得.马宁服饰,目标客户是常常遭遇尺码尴尬的人群。
In 1890 a famous English Catholic, Cardinal Manning, said the Holy See's diplomatic activities were "a mere pageant" , a medieval relic. 1890年,著名的英国天主教徒曼宁枢机主教(CardinalManning)曾说,圣座的外交活动是“一场纯粹的豪华盛会”,是中世纪的遗风。
Gnea looked as if she might give him some lip, then went back to manning the upper-hull ball-turret mount via remote. 妮雅看起来好像要与瑞克顶两句,然后又回去继续通过远程操纵船体上部的球形炮塔了。
Mr Manning, an intelligence analyst, apparently betrayed himself by boasting of his actions to a stranger in an e-mail. 另外,身为情报分析专家的曼宁先生显然是在用邮件向陌生人吹嘘的过程中把自己给卖了。
Standing behind the counter was a pixie of a woman manning three phones at once. 一位像小精灵一样的女人站在柜台后面,同时应付着三个电话。
Schmitt said that Wikileaks has retained lawyers to look into the case but that they have been unable to make contact with Manning. 施密特说,Wikileaks有律师跟进这案子,但他们一直没能与曼宁有所接触。
Manning signed up when he was just 18 believing him would be protecting and defending his country and the cause of freedom. 曼宁刚满18岁就签约参军,他相信他将保护并捍卫自己的祖国和自由。
Such precautions, however, could not protect Mr Manning, the army analyst, from his own indiscretion. 然而这一系列防范手段独独不能保护曼宁先生,这位由于轻率之举而给自己套了笼子的部队分析专家。
And as he faces the possibility of a lifetime in prison , some of Private Manning 's remarks now seem somewhat prophetic . 当他面对可能要在牢狱度过此生,士兵曼宁提过的一些话看来颇有先见之明。
The extortionists are often armed police or soldiers, manning roadblocks, who make little attempt to pretend what they do is legal. 强夺者往往是武警或者士兵,以及设障人员,他们几乎不试图掩饰他们这样做是否具有合法性。
He began shaping the behavior of subjects while he was in a nearby room manning a push-button radio device. 他开始改变目标对象的行为,当他在附近的房间操纵一台按钮操纵的无线电装置。
The objective of setting this procedure is to maximize the productivity of reservation agent and minimize the manning as well. 设置该程序的目的是发挥预定部员工的最大效率以及最大限度降低人力投入。
It was very strange to see an Afghan National Police officer manning the completely destroyed and abandoned Darul Laman Palace in Kabul. 阿富汗国家警察人员把守着被彻底摧毁后遗弃在喀布尔的达鲁尔拉曼宫---这真是一幅奇特的景象。
The Army has said it won't seek the death penalty, but Manning could still end up in prison for life. 美军称不寻求判处死刑,但曼宁仍会在监狱中度过余生。
Tom Manning, the head of the committee, described the outcome as a "triumph" from a corporate governance standpoint. 该委员会主席汤姆-曼宁(TomManning)表示,从公司治理的角度看,结局是一个“胜利”。
The body, meanwhile, remains on the Boeing scanner, as Manning and his colleagues sift through terabytes of data. 身体,同时,仍然放波音扫描仪上,因为曼宁和他的同事们要筛选万亿字节的数据传输。
Manning, who was invited to appear on the show last fall, acknowledges this will be one of the most memorable weeks of his life. 从去年秋天开始受邀参加节目录制的曼宁承认这将是他最难忘的星期之一。
Previous attempts to diagnose the colour of long extinct animals focused on pigment "containers" in feathers known as melanosomes. Manning博士解释说,先前对复原早已灭绝的动物的体色的尝试,集中在研究黑素体上。
The Army has filed 34 charges against Manning, including one capital offense: aiding the enemy. 美军对曼宁提起了34项起诉,其中最严重的一项是“通敌罪”。
Instead, she was spending her day manning an outpost for commerce in a nearly abandoned, downtown Denver. 可是,她却为了生计把这一天的时间花在经营这家丹佛市里几乎为人所遗忘的边远小店上。
Manchester palaeontologist Phil Manning described the discovery as an insight into "the chemistry of life itself" . 曼彻斯特大学的古生物学家PhilManning将这次发现描述成是对“生命的化学成分本身”的一次洞察。
Lin to recruit, the company has manning requests, Lin reluctant to separate home, rebuffed. 何琳去招聘,公司有外派请求,何琳不愿意分开家,回绝了。
NTC fighter Renai Moqtar Renai, manning a checkpoint north of the town, says he's following the orders of his political leaders. 被部署在班尼瓦里以北一个检查站的全国过渡委员会士兵利奈·莫克塔尔·利奈表示,他听从他的政治领导人的命令。
But these biological paint pots, Dr Manning explained, do not survive well in ancient fossils. 但是这些“生物颜料罐”不能很好地保存在古化石中。