
美 [ˈmeni]英 ['meni]
  • adj.
  • adv.大量
  • n.多数人[东西];大多数人;【女名】女子名
  • pron.许多人[物]
  • 网络许多的;很多;不少

比较级:more 最高级:most



1.许多(与复数名词及动词连用,尤用于否定句或正式用语,表示大量;也用于疑问句以询问数字大小,并可与 as、so 和 too 连用)used with plural nouns and verbs, especially in negative sentences or in more formal English, to mean ‘a large number of’. Also used in questions to ask about the size of a number, and with ‘as’, ‘so’ and ‘too’.

2.(与复数动词连用)大多数人used with a plural verb to mean ‘most people’

3.(与单数名词及动词连用)许多,大量used with a singular noun and verb to mean ‘a large number of’


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lots of 许多 many a 许多 more or less 或多或少,有点 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... a good many 大量的,许多,相当多 many a 许多的,一个又一个的 mark down 记下;标低(商品)价 …


很多(many)委员表示,在缩减QE规模之前,经济必须表现出更多进展。此外,一些(some)委员表示,“一些市场的金融环境 …


弄得不少(Many)剩女就想间接成亲而不想爱情,倘若己方够不上成亲条款或不行允许完婚的,剩女们大凡是不给机遇爱情了, …


小学四年级英语下册(PEP)复习资料_百度文库 ... canteen 食堂 many 很多的 welcome 欢迎 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... grieve v. (使)悲痛, (使)伤心, 忧伤 many n. 多数, 群众 wound n. 创伤, 伤口 ...

Fully aware of his serious illness, he made many courageous choices in the last few months in his life. 在完全了解自己严重病情的情况下,他在生命最后几个月里作出许多勇敢的选择。
There are many such stories and the point is always the same: Don't allow fear of failure to stop you. 这种例子不胜枚举,所要说明的道理只有一个:别让失败的恐惧停下你的脚步。
Group of Chinese harbour construction hangs out his shingle formally hold water already two years many. 中国港湾建设集团正式挂牌成立已经两年多了。
"Race to the Bottom" includes many examples of blogs by Chinese users outraged by the decisions of these companies. “打到底线的竞争”一文也举用了许多中国用户的博客为例说明用户对这些公司的决定所感到的愤怒。
When I got to the United States, I have been trying to inquire about them from mainland China for many years but nothing. 后来我到了美国后一直向大陆那边打听她们的消息,多年来都不见回音。
What you see playing out in the marketplace today is the result of turning the wheel many years ago, says an ebullient Mr Otellini. 对此,奥特里尼热情洋溢的说:“今天我们在市场上取得的成绩,源于许多年前就开始进行的公司调整转向。”
He was a very fair man and had a great influence on many of the children. 他是一个很正直的人,对许多孩子都有很大的影响。
There were many sights that some of the children have not seen and we thought that us adults could do with revisiting them as well. 城市里有许多孩子们不曾见过的风景,而我们大人也能借此重游这些地方。
If there are too many results to easily manage, use one of these buttons to see only the kind of file you are interested in. 如果结果太多而难以管理,请使用这些按钮之一来查看您感兴趣的文件种类。
Beijing played what many consider to have been a destructive role at the Copenhagen talks on climate change. 在很多人看来北京在哥本哈根气候变化会议上表现了一个破坏性的角色。
It's beginning to look a lot like summer, and with the kids out of school and the warm, sunny weather, it's vacation time for many of us. 现在开始像夏天了,孩子们放假,天气温暖,阳光灿烂,对我们很多人来说都是度假的好时候。
And, if blood sugar levels are too high, many areas in the body, including the eyes, kidneys and the heart, can be damaged. 如果血糖水平过高,身体许多部位,包括眼睛、肾脏和心脏都会受到损害。
It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places. 倾盆大雨已下了一个多星期,造成了许多地区塌方。
Too long time did not communicate with you and I find I have so many things to say to you. 好久没有联系了,我发现有那么多的话,说也说不完。
It was an eye opening experience and I'm glad I had the opportunity to stay there for so many days. 这是一次让我大开眼界的经验,我很开心能有机会在那儿待上那麽多天。
Yes, there are. It has been used for the 5th National Games, Asian Basketball Tournament in 1988 and many national basketball competitions. 举行过,第五届全运会,1988年亚洲篮球锦标赛和许多国内的篮球比赛都曾在这里举行。
There are many other notable features, so I invite you to try it out for yourself. 它还有许多其他显著特性,我邀请你自己去试试它。
The dark is still determined to convert you into its slaves, but this, as we have said many times before, is not to be permitted by Heaven. 黑暗势力依旧决心把你们沦为奴隶,但是这次,由于我们已经说过很多次了,不可能被天堂再认可。
In many countries, the penalty for this sort of killing is still softer than for other kinds. 在许多国家对荣誉杀害罪的量刑要比对其它类型谋杀罪的轻。
Lehmann Maupin, a New York gallery, was one of many delighted with the results. 纽约的画廊LehmannMaupin及很多画廊对这个结果感到高兴。
I've had this feeling for many years but when I examine it I don't seem to be able to touch it. 多年来我一直有这种感觉,但是当我审视它时,我似乎无法触及它。
When they seek medical treatment in many hospitals because it was all over the eye of a needle, the doctor caused the alert. 在多家医院就诊时,因其身上遍布的针眼,引起医生警觉。
At the time of his death, Tesla was considered a bizarre crackpot by many, due to his eccentric behaviour. 特斯拉死时,由于他异乎寻常的行为,他被众人视为怪人。
The canine-snouted Barada was one of many violent underlings in Jabba the Hutt's court. 在赫特人贾巴的宫殿里,长着狗鼻子的巴拉达是众多暴力的走卒之一。
In too many countries, the health systems to do that either do not exist or are on the point of collapse. 在太多的国家,开展这项工作的卫生系统不存在,或者面临崩溃。
Many outerlayers fold conveniently into their own small pouch, which allows you to carry them with you in a pocket as you run. 很多外套可以很容易地折叠起来放进小袋子里,这可以让你在跑的过程中很容易就把它放在口袋里。
Particular attention has focused on celibacy, though many experts dismiss the idea that this could be a direct cause of abuse. 人们将焦点聚集在教会独身的规定上,但是许多专家对这是性侵案产生的直接原因不认同。
a period in Chinese porcelain, when many famous kilns were set up and high-quality ceramics with distinctive features began to be produced. 唐朝是中国陶瓷发展史上一个空前兴盛的时期,出现各种著名瓷窑.生产出各具特色的高质量陶瓷制品。
For years his style influenced many animation makers, maybe his drawing style was more expression and easy to get favor from children. 近几年来,他的画风影响了很多动画制作人,或许因为这种手法更有表现力,更容易受到儿童的欢迎。
If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. 如果你在同一时间把太多的单词塞进你的脑子里,总会有一部分会记不住。