
美 [ˈmeri]英 [ˈmæri]
  • v.娶;嫁;结婚;(牧师)主持结婚礼
  • int.〈古〉哎呀
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络和...结婚

第三人称单数:marries 现在分词:marrying 过去式:married

marry man,marry daughter,marry couple,name marry,father marry
marry girl,marry person,marry woman,marry someone,people marry



在西方一些国家,未婚女子的姓用女人出生时的姓即woman’s family name,结婚(marries),就得将自己的family name改为她 …


《Friends》词汇表B ... marries vt. 娶, 嫁, 和...结婚 hairy adj. 多毛的, 毛似的 ...

So He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. " 耶稣对他们说:“凡休妻另娶的,就是犯奸淫,辜负他的妻子;”
If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 她若另娶一个,那原来女子的吃食、和遮身之物、跟好合之事、仍然不可减少。
Flem Snopes marries into a powerful family but his wife does not even have a name for him. She calls him "that man. " 弗莱姆·斯诺普斯娶了一个显赫家族的女子为妻,但妻子连他的名字也不愿叫一声,只叫他“那个人”。
Prior to today, we thought "diamond-encrusted sex toy" was a derogatory term for a man who a woman marries for his money and sexual prowess. 时至今日,我们一直以为“镶钻性玩具”是个蔑称,指那些做爱技术高超的有钱男人。
Within a few months, Eleanor marries a very wealthy and important man, which puts the General in a good mood. 在短短几个月内,埃莉诺嫁给了一个十分富有的和重要的人,使一般的好心情。
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. ' 我告诉你们,凡休妻另娶的,若不是为淫乱的缘故,就是犯奸淫了,有人娶那被休的妇人,也是犯奸淫了。
His father is murdered by his power-hungry uncle, who then assumes the throne and marries his mother. 他的父亲被他的权欲的叔父谋害,之后继承了王位还娶了他的母亲。
If has the next gerneration, I also can find you to let you fall in love with me, marries me. 如果有下辈子,我还会找到你让你爱上我,娶我。
When marries the girl who I d not love to be the wife, my life will be very perhaps good, but I knew will not be happy! 当娶一个我不爱的女孩做老婆,也许我的生活会很好,但我知道那不是幸福!
The tests are conducted by an elder tribes women who inspects young girls' hymens to see if they are still intact before the girl marries . 这项验证是由部族中年长的女性主持的,在女孩结婚前,验证其处女膜是否完整。
A man marries to have a home, but also because he doesn't want to be bothered with sex and all that sort of thing. 一个男人娶有一个家,而且还因为他不希望被困扰的事情与性别和所有那种人。
When a girl marries , she exchanges the attentions of many men for the inattention of her . 当一个女孩结婚时,她把婚前许多男人对她的关注变成了婚后一个男人对她的漫不经心。
Ga-eun is a sweet girl who grew up in a wealthy family. She dates Jung-woo in college and eventually marries him. 善良的富家千金佳恩与在大学时代相识的正宇结婚后,组成了幸福的家庭。
A man marries a woman expecting that she won t change, but she does. 男人娶女人则希望她永不改变,而事实上她是说变就变。
You can leave it to me to keep singing your praises to my father till he marries me to you and makes you heir to his crown. 我在父王面前好好夸夸你,让他准许我们结婚,那时你就是他的王冠继承人!
I've heard of her. She's said to be a jinx, who would bring bad luck to whoever she marries. 我听说过她,有人说她是个扫帚星,谁跟她结婚都会倒霉。
Rising property prices are also driving the change because Chinese families must traditionally buy an apartment for a son before he marries. 此外,按中国的传统,儿子结婚前必须给他置办好房子,因此目前的高房价也推动了民众思维的转变。
Realizing that Higgins will never really love her, Eliza leaves the house and marries a young man who she knows cares a lot for her. 伊莱札意识到希金斯永远不会真正爱上她,就搬出去嫁给了一位她知道一直很关心她的年轻人。
She insists the money spent on nail-painting, hair-colouring and the like is an investment and will be more than repaid when he marries her. 她坚称,花在美甲和染发等的钱是投资,在男友迎娶时就会更多的回报。
In Genesis 4 we read how Cain kills his brother and is sent east of Eden where he marries a woman and "lays" with her. 在创世纪第四章,我们知道该隐如何杀害了他的兄弟,然后被送到伊甸园的东边,在那里他与一个女人结婚并与她同房。
Thank you for your kindness, but our baby will be eaten by ants if he marries to the queen ant. 谢谢您的好意,但是,要是我们家小蜗牛娶了蚁后的话,他会被那些蚂蚁吃掉的。
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. 凡休妻另娶的就是犯奸淫;娶被休之妻的也是犯奸淫。
To get married , a couple goes to a mullah who marries them for a stipulated period of time -- from a few hours to a few years. 想结婚的男女只要找位穆拉证婚,就能在双方约定的期间内-从几个小时到几年都可以-维持夫妻关系。
First, she marries her exchange student "father" after he divorces his wife. 首先,邓文迪嫁给她父辈级的交换生杰克切里,在他离婚以后。
And, by the end of the story Cinderella is repaid for her goodness when she marries the man she loves. 在故事最后,灰姑娘的善良得到了回报,她嫁给了她爱的男人。
When a woman marries again, it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. 一个女人再婚,是因为她憎恶她的前夫;一个男人再婚,则是因为他爱着他的前妻。
If one of the offspring marries a white person, it is possible for them to have a white child. 如果第一代混血儿和白种人结婚,他们就很可能会生一个白种孩子;
How Come A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change and she does. 为什么一个女人和一个男人结婚,希望男人会改变,但男人不会;而一个男人和一个女人结婚,喜欢女人不会改变,但她会。
There should be a high-profile online introductory service that precisely marries up would-be partners in business. 应该有一种广为人知的网络介绍服务,精准地为准商业伙伴配对。
a man marries a woman with the naive idea she wil continue to be the same . 同样,男人在娶一个女人时,也会有一个幼稚的想法---她就这样了,永远都不会改变。