
美 [ˈmeri]英 [ˈmæri]
  • v.嫁;娶;(和某人)结婚;为…主持婚礼
  • int.〈古〉哎呀
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络成婚;和...结婚;玛丽

第三人称单数:marries 现在分词:marrying 过去式:married

marry man,marry daughter,marry couple,name marry,father marry
marry girl,marry person,marry woman,marry someone,people marry



1.[t][i](和某人)结婚;嫁;娶to become the husband or wife of sb; to get married to sb

2.[t]~ sb为…主持婚礼to perform a ceremony in which a man and woman become husband and wife

4.[t]~ sth and/to/with sth(使不同的事物、观点等)相结合,结合在一起to combine two different things, ideas, etc. successfully


AGE_百度百科 ... (voy 航行+ (marry 结婚 [变y为 (langu 舌头+ ...

九年级英语单词表 ... girlfriend 女友 marry 嫁;;与……结婚 thrill (使)非常激动 ...

九年级英语单词表 ... girlfriend 女友 marry ;娶;与……结婚 thrill (使)非常激动 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... married a. 已婚的 marry v. (使)成婚,结婚 mask n. 口罩;面罩(具);遮盖物 ...


英语学习基本词汇 - 豆丁网 ... market 市场 marry 和…结婚 master 主人、 掌握 ...


玛丽MARRY)已经年过七十,是蒙特利尔斯文南达瑜珈高级班的教练,虽说我的水准远远没有达到高级班的标准,但每周四 …


字典中 家 字的解释 ... (26) 帝王或太子[ emperor] (1) 娶妻;成家[ marry] (3) 安家;定居[ settle down] ...


英语常用动词表 - 豆丁网 ... mark v. 记分,打分;作标记(记号) marry v. 结婚;娶,嫁 master v. 掌握,精通 ...

The prince speaks kindly to Rapunzel. Soon, she is not scared anymore. The prince then asks her to marry him. Rapunzel thinks for a moment. 王子亲切地跟蕾伴柔聊天,很快地,她再也不害怕了。接着王子就向蕾伴柔求婚,她想了一下。
Really? You know what else Ben did recently? He finally bit the bullet and asked his girlfriend to marry him! She said yes! 真的呀?那就是说Ben和他的女朋友要结婚了。这是好事啊,可你为什么你说Hebitthebullet?为什么要硬着头皮求婚呢?
Oneman-he was one of my students in the University-told me that he would like to marry a widow. 有个人——他是我的一个大学学生——告诉我他要娶一个寡妇。
In short, the corporation has all the rights and responsibilities of an individual except the rights to vote or to marry. 简言之,公司除了选举权和婚姻权利之外,具有任何个人所有的权利和责任。
In the letter bearing his signature, the emperor said he had fallen in love with her after seeing her photograph and wanted to marry her. 在那封有着皇帝签名的信里,皇帝说自己在见到了叶华的照片后爱上了她,并且要娶她。
Hate him she did not quite; but he was dust and ashes to her, and even for her name's sake she scarcely wished to marry him. 她也并不十分恨他;不过在她看来,他不过是一撮尘土,即使为了自己的名声打算,她也几乎没有想过要嫁给他。
So he made a rule that no young man could marry until he had served a certain number of years in the army. 于是下令,年轻男子必须在部队服役若干年后方可结婚。
At one point, I thought she was going to ask me to marry her first and I put her off by changing the subject. 有一次,我是想她是首先想提出我她结婚,我转移了话题,让她分心了。
He would be avoided, and his village would never permit him to marry, lest he father others like himself. 没有人会理睬他,他的村子也永远不许他结婚,因为要不然他会教养出象他自己那样的孩子。
And Potter's chances of finding a husband were further reduced by her mother's snobbish insistence that she not marry into "trade" . 如此而来,波特便很难找到如意郎君,便是如此,她的势利母亲还坚决反对她嫁给商人。
The book's main character Elizabeth was born to the family of small landlords, rich Darcy asked her to marry him, but it was rejected. 书中的主角伊丽莎白出身于小地主家庭,富豪达西向她求婚,却遭到拒绝。
Strange to say , Rose married Tom whom she had thought to be the last boy to marry . 说来也怪,罗丝竟嫁给了她以前最不想嫁的汤姆。
I shall soon want to marry, and, being a farmer, you see I shall require for my wife a woman who knows all about the management of farms. 我打算不久就结婚,既然做一个农场主,你明白,我就应该选择一个懂得管理农场的女人做妻子。
Several years after Ian's death I almost threw myself out a window over a man I had been going to marry. Ian去世的几年以后,为了一个将要和我结婚的男人,我几乎要把自己从窗口扔出去。
If you continue to keep pressuring on her , she would be likely not to marry you. So don't make things worse than they already are. 如果你总是给她压力,她也许不会嫁给你了,不要把事情搞得更糟。
and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry. 我还没有认识你一个月,就觉得象你这样一个人,哪怕天下男人都死光了,我也不愿意嫁给你。
Excuse me! hello? My parents are trying to marry me to a total stranger. What am I going to do? 打扰一下!喂?!我爸妈让我娶一个我完全不认识的人。我该怎么办?
There he was warned by Apollo not to return to his native country, because, should he do so , he would kill his father and marry his mother. 在那儿阿波罗警告他不要回他的故土,因为如果他要这样做,他就会杀了他的父亲并且和他母亲结婚。
Hamlet did not in the least want his mother to marry such a man. 哈姆雷特一点也不愿意他的母亲嫁给这种男人。
He could not pluck up enough courage to ask her to marry him. 他鼓不起足够的勇气向她求婚。
With a low voice he said to his wife: "When I'm dead I want you to marry farmer Jones. " 他声音低沉地对妻子说:“我死后,我想你嫁给农夫琼斯。”
Perhaps they intend to marry a movie star or to win the lottery but working their way up is not part of the plan. 也许他们想嫁个电影明星,或者中个大奖什么的,自力更生不在其计划之列。
They told me that this lady was the one that I should marry. 他们对我说,这位女士就是我应该和她结婚的人。
'Yes Because if she would, I'd like to marry her. Do you know if she has any other young men courting her at the moment? ' 是的。如果她愿意,我想和她结婚。您知不知道目前是否有其他的年轻人在追求她?
Ailin's father accepts Ailin's desire to keep her feet unbound, despite the fact it will make it harder for her to marry. 爱林的父亲接受爱林的愿望,把自己的脚未绑定,尽管事实上它将使更难她求婚。
Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. 成年男女,不受种族、国籍或宗教的任何限制有权婚嫁和成立家庭。
Therefore, every man wishes to marry a woman who will help him in conducting his domestic affairs. 因此,每个男人都希望娶一位帮助他操持家务的女子为妻。
For her Cuba and also to her mu wen life only one love, not to marry her lifetime. 为了她的古巴大胡子,也为了她人生中唯一的一段爱情,她终生未嫁。
He said he was to be shared, but I can not do it, so he can find the right to marry him. 他说他很需要分担,但是我却做不到,所以他只能找个合适跟他结婚的人。
Suddenly it hit me that he was trying to ask me to marry him. 我突然意识到他是在向我求婚。