
美 [ˈmæstər]英 [ˈmɑːstə(r)]
  • n.硕士;主人;主宰;能手
  • v.掌握;精通;控制(情绪);控制(动物或人)
  • adj.灵巧的;最大的;最重要的
  • 网络大师;主盘;硕士学位

复数:masters 现在分词:mastering 过去式:mastered

master language,master skill,master process,master subject
master copy


仆人of servants

1.(男)主人,雇主a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home

主宰person in control

2.~ of sth主宰;主人;有控制力的人a person who is able to control sth

有技能的人skilled person

3.~ (of sth)能手;擅长…者a person who is skilled at sth

狗的主人dog owner

4.狗的男主人the male owner of a dog


5.(尤指私立学校的)男教师a male teacher at a school, especially a private school

大学学位university degree

6.硕士学位(大学的中级学位;在苏格兰指初级学位)a second university degree, or, in Scotland, a first university degree, such as an MA

7.硕士;有硕士学位的人a person who has a master's degree

著名画家famous painter

9.(已故)著名画家,绘画大师a famous painter who lived in the past

原版录音╱磁带╱电影original record/tape/movie

10.母带;母片;原始拷贝a version of a record, tape, film/movie, etc. from which copies are made


12.(英国)校长,院长(in Britain) the title of the head of some schools and university colleges


be your own master/mistress

独立自主to be free to make your own decisions rather than being told what to do by sb else


婴儿推车 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】 ... 葛莱 GRACO 硕士 MASTER 康贝 combi ...


大师Master)必备物品:黄铜甲虫印章 29个(黄铜甲虫G)阻碍黏油 TM等级 TM点数 大师TM点数 价格 前置技能 类型 20 …


沙王_百度百科 ... The time is now 就是现在 yes,master 是的,主人 by nerub 以蜘蛛人的名义 ...




高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... mass n. 众多; 大量;(复)群众 master vt. 精通,掌握 mat n. 垫子 ...




主机Master) :初始化发送、产生时钟信号和终止发送的器件 从机(Slave) :被主机寻址的器件 I2C 总线是双向传输的总 …

Just a chance to see the master in order to get possession of it in the beam on the biscuits, even easy to jump a boost. 只是一个偶然的机会,师傅看到它为了吃到藏在房梁上的饼干,居然轻而易举的跳了上去。
Without having had a real teacher, he was a master at the beginning of his career. 还没有从师于任何真正的良师,他就在其事业的开端成为艺术大师了。
Haydn did not create sonata form, but he was a master of it. 海顿并不是奏鸣曲式的创始人,却是其中的行家里手。
care must be had , nevertheless , to put the child to due and stated examination in the catechism , at thy hands or master dimmesdale s. 不过,我们还是要认真,对这孩子要按时进行教义问答手册的正式考核,这事就交给你和丁梅斯代尔先生吧。
To this day I remember his movie 'Shaolin Temple. " He used his hands, feet, and knives like a true master. " B我到现在还记得他的那部电影《少林寺》,拳、脚、刀样样都出神入化。
Two years of driving experience also required. Visiting teachers may also be able to earn a master's degree while in the United States. 也需要两年的驾驶经验。访问老师在美国可获得本科学位。
fish swim fast is not the length of its tail, as long as the master can be any further effort. 鱼儿游得快不在于它尾巴的长短,只要掌握力度就能有的更远。
I bit my tongue! This was the only time that I had slurred on the phone and Master caught me in the act! 我暗暗吐舌头,那是我仅有的一次在讲电话时敷衍了事,马上就被逮个正着。
When the master fails, the system falls back to read-only mode until one of the secondary servers is promoted to a master. 当主服务器发生故障时,系统将故障转移到只读模式,直到将其中某个辅助服务器升级为主服务器。
In the beginning, Master and myself did not know each others' language. 在开始时,我和师尊也不懂相互的语言。
Thirty percent of the brotherhood did not support me, so I will leave it to you and them to say goodbye to our master. 30%的武士不支持我,我就留给你们跟我们的总领告别了。
The master of prose is not cold, but will not let any word or image inflame him with a heat irrelevant to his purpose. 散文大家并不冷漠,但也不会因头脑发热,让任意与其目的无关的词汇或形象扰乱自己。
What thou hast done thy master Caesar knows, And he hath sent for thee: for the queen, I'll take her to my guard. 普洛丘里厄斯,你所做的事,你的主人凯撒已经知道了,他叫你去;女王归我看守。
While many applications for your computer are touted as easy to master, "nothing ever works perfectly, " he says. 许多电脑应用软体虽然号称容易上手,但「绝对没有完美的东西,」他说。
During that term he was to be the property of his master, and as much a commodity of bargain and sale as an ox, or a joint-stool. 这期间,他只是主人的财产,无非是和一头公牛或一把折椅一样可以交易和出售的一件商品。
But this nature can be changed if one associates with a bona fide spiritual master and abides by his rules and the scriptures. 然而,如果生物与真正的导师在一起,遵守其指示及圣典的训示,这本性肯定是可以改变的。
This initiative served him well during the Stark Hyperspace Wars, when he took up the Republic banner after a great Jedi Master was killed. 这一果断在斯塔克超空间战争中对他帮助很大。当一位绝地大师被杀后,他执掌起共和国的旗帜。
As I said, this isn't one off. This is a very consistent support from Master Wang for the Olympic movement and for Tasmania, especially. 正如我所说,此并非一毕捐助而已,而是来自王大师对奥运活动,特别对塔州人的很持久的支持。
A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent. 狗在主人被攻击时会狂吠,而我若见到上帝的真理被攻击,却保持沉默的话,就是一个懦夫了。
Found a pair of Aconitum, and quickly master's also good from the piers, said the past mouth, eyes are good, but also 500 a pair. 发现一对乌头,赶紧母的还不错,起码头嘴说的过去,眼皮也不错,也要500一对。
Be the master of your fate, be the captain of your soul, but do not hesitate, should the chance befall you, to be the slave of your heart. 是你的命运的主人,是你的灵魂的船长,但不要犹豫,机会降临你,是你的心的奴隶。
Culture fomented from Europe's tip to its top. Wagner was master of music and people did not forget their own artists. France had. 文化在欧洲不断上升。瓦格纳是音乐大师,人民没有忘记他们自己的艺术家。法国产生了契柯夫。
so intimate to your master that I must supply the place of this with my own, if he attempt to remove it. 所以通知你主人说,如果他打算带走他,我就得要我自己的孩子补这个缺。
Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center was one of the first institutions approved to award master and PhD degrees. 中山大学中山眼科中心是我国可招收眼科硕士和博士研究生最早的单位之一。
But at some point, an MVP should decide games with the ball in his hands. He should master the moment. 但从另一方面看,MVP应该用他手中的球决定比赛。他应该控制比赛。
It may not seem a lot, but mastering skills is a piece of cake compared to a young player trying to master their 'mental game'. 这也许看上去很简单,但是让一个青年球员学会在比赛中掌控自己的心理绝非易事,和这个比起来,足球技巧的掌握倒是小菜一碟了。
One day on his journey he met a leper who told him that this master had died . 有一天,在旅途中有个麻疯病人告诉他,这位上师已经圆寂了。
When his master halted at the brink of a pool, and looked round to call him, he stopped outright. 主人在一个水池边上停下来,回头唤它,它干脆不走了。
"An artist, by his paintings, taught me to see the sunset. The Master, by his teachings, taught me to see the reality of every moment" . 一个艺术家用他的画教我们看到夕阳。而大师用他的传教叫我们看到每一时刻的真实。
In the afternoons Mousieer Dupont, the school master, stopped on his way home to say, "Bon Jour happy lion. " 每天下午,小学校长杜邦先生会在回家的路上停下来对狮子说一声:“你好,快乐的狮子!”