
美 [maɪt]英 [maɪt]
  • auxv.可能;可以;也许;该
  • modalv.可以;(表示可能性)可能;(用于有礼貌地提出建议)可以
  • n.威力;强大力量
  • 网络能力;势力;强权

military might,economic might


1.(may 的过去式,用于间接引语)可能,可以used as the past tense ofmay when reporting what sb has said

2.(表示可能性)可能used when showing that sth is or was possible

3.(用于有礼貌地提出建议)可以used to make a polite suggestion

4.(用于有礼貌地提出请求)可以used to ask permission politely

5.(用于询问)used to ask for information

6.(对某人未做某事表示不满)应该used to show that you are annoyed about sth that sb could do or could have done

7.(表示不感意外)used to say that you are not surprised by sth

8.(强调提出了重点)used to emphasize that an important point has been made


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... joke v. 开玩笑;说笑话 might v.aux. 可能 probably adv. 可能,或许 ...


魔法门:精英对决 - 英雄世界 ... Magic 魔法 Might 力量 Destiny 天命 ...


人教版小学英语六年级上、下册单词表_百度文库 ... flu 流感 might 可以;能 worry 烦恼;担忧 ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... might v.aux. 可能,会,也许 might n. 力量,威力,能力 mild a. 和缓的;温 …


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... midst 中间,当中 might 也许 n.权力,力量 mighty 强有力的;巨大的 ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... might v.aux. 可能,会,也许 might n. 力量,威力,能力 mild a. 和缓的;温 …


石油词汇英语翻译(M)--石油百科 ... MIG 金属极惰性气体保护 might 可能;可以;能力;势力 migma pluton 混浆深成岩 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... midway 中途 might 强权 mighty 强势的 ...

Most countries have got at least somewhere on this, chiefly in what might be called i-government: the provision of information. 许多国家在这方面至少有了一些进展,主要在被称为信息政府(i-government)的信息提供方面。
"I might be, " said the tiger. "But I'm not. Now: I am here to teach the girl-cub to talk. " “我可以撒谎,”老虎说,“但是我并没有说谎。言归正传,我是来教那个小姑娘说话的。”
By the time you come to work your colleagues might have gone through several such iterations before you are even aware of it. 当您回到工作中来的时候,您的同事可能在您没有发觉之前,已经经过了许多这样的迭代。
If it turns out to be technically and economically sound, the laser might prove to be a major breakthrough in telephone communication. 要是激光在技术上可靠,在经济上又有利的话,那么,它就可能成为电话通讯方面的一个重要突破。
So it's easy to understand why consumers might opt for the lower-cost counterfeit. 这就是消费者为何选择低成本的仿冒品的原因了。
Some man of the people might have lain with thy wife, and thou hadst brought upon us a great sin. 差一点百姓中就有人与你妻子同睡,叫我们陷于罪恶。
As I pondered Rowbottom's words, it occurred to me that the converse might also be true. 在我考虑罗巴敦的话的时候,我突然想到相反的事情可能也是对的。
It seemed for a time as if an inconclusive election might see Britain's new prime minister fall at the final fence. 在经历了一场未产生多数党的大选后,人们有段时间似乎觉得,英国的新首相最终将无法产生。
Dr. Adams : Well , this might seem a little unusual, but moving around while trying to learn and memorize material helps me a great deal. 这看起来有点不同,但是当你试着去学什么并想记住他们,不停地移动将会给你很大的帮助。
The suspension might have saved the project, as some sources said a vote could have ruled it out. 这个暂停可能拯救了该项目,因为有消息说投票可能把它否决。
Within three days, however, he had some movement again in his arms and legs. How much he might recover is still not clear. 三天不到,他的手和腿稍有活动了,然而他到底能恢复到什么程度还不清楚。
This might be caused by an authentication problem between the monitor server instance and the secondary server instance. 这可能是由于监视服务器实例和辅助服务器实例之间的身份验证问题引起的。
As you read through some of these descriptions, you might have recognized a few traits within your own organization or project. 在读完了这些描述之后,您可能认识到自己的组织或项目中的一些特点。
You might feel that the very repetitive nature of the test methods indicates that some refactoring should be possible. 您可能认为测试方法的高重复性特性指示能够进行某种的重构。
You might have been able to make a guess at who she was. 猜测?你本来能够猜到她是谁。
She might be a dwarf, but she was also a woman, and women were bad luck aboard ship. 她是个侏儒没错,但她同时也是个女人,而带女人船会招致厄运。
That it might cause fury to come up to take vengeance ; I have set her blood upon the top of a rock, that it should not be covered. 这城中所流的血倒在净光的磐石上,不得掩盖,乃是出于我,为要发忿怒施行报应。
He is quite unfit to be seen. He might have borrowed my razor to get rid of all that stubble on his face. 他那副模样真没法见人,他本来可以借我的剃刀刮掉那一脸邋遢的胡子。
An application hitting one of these limits might be impacted, but at least it has the opportunity to respond sensibly to the problem. 遇到这些软限制的应用程序可能会受到影响,但至少有机会敏感地响应问题。
He was in general uneasy about any process of negotiation; he hated to put himself into a position where he might be rebuffed. 总的说来,任何谈判过程都使他感到忐忑不安;他非常不喜欢使自己处在可能失败的地位。
Andy must tend to her every whim without question and with the utmost haste for fear of the retribution she might receive from her boss. 安迪必须倾向于她的每一次心血来潮,毫无疑问,与最匆忙为报复她可能收到来自她的老板。
Some of these pages might not be used for long periods of time, making them good candidates for swapping out. 这些页中有一些可能不是长时间使用,它们应该被交换出去。
Although the name might be a bit boring, this streamlined VW is the first to sport a full hybrid drivetrain. 虽然名字可能有点乏味但这款大众新车型是第一款全混合动力的运动型车。
Hypothetically speaking , I might be able to do your current job as a CEO . 说不定,我也能做你现在的主任的工作呢!
In this rather long letter the woman said that as she was a decorator and I an architect, we might work together. 在这封挺长的信里,那个女人说她是装潢师我是建筑师,我们没准可以合作做点什么。
It might be a good idea if he were deprived of certain privileges until he is ready to tell us the whole story. 我们或许应该取消他的一些特权,直到他把事情原原本本地告诉我们。
And I did not know Him, but in order that He might be manifested to Israel, for this reason I came baptizing in water. 我先前不认识他,但为了叫他显明给以色列人,所以我来在水里施浸。
Now for the unsexy talk of good passwords, which might have prevented at least some Hollywood Leaks attacks, based on the group's claims. 根据一项集体声明,好的密码使不少人免受“好莱坞泄密”组织的攻击。
He's feeling absolutely terrible, and he thinks he might have the flu. 他感觉非常得不好,觉得自己得了流感。
Even somehting as basic and profound as "Don't chew with you mouth open" is not as widely accepted as you might think. 甚至像“不要张着嘴咀嚼”这样基本而深奥的道理,也并不像你想象的那样广为接受。