
美 [ˈmaɪti]英 ['maɪti]
  • adj.强而有力的;巨大的;非凡的
  • adv.非常;很;极其
  • 网络强大的;强有力的;威武

比较级:mightier 最高级:mightiest

mighty empire,mighty army,mighty hero


1.强而有力的very strong and powerful

2.巨大的;非凡的large and impressive


新概念第三册精解 ... ●advantage n. 优势 ●mighty adj. 强大的,有力的 ●dawdle v. 慢吞吞的动或做 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... might 也许 n.权力,力量 mighty 强有力的;巨大的 mile 英里 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... might 也许 n.权力,力量 mighty 强有力的;巨大的 mile 英里 ...


威字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 威望〖 prestige〗 威武mighty〗 威显〖 awe-inspiring〗 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(M) ... mighty works 奇迹 mighty 有势力的人 mignon 可爱的 ...


m开头 英语单词 褒义_百度知道 ... mighty 强大的 mighty 强大的;伟大的 modern 现代的;时髦的 ...

Their lovely faces and forms vanished in a flash, revealing monstrous creatures of wood and vine, swinging arms like mighty cudgels at him. 她们那可爱的面孔和形体一下就消失了,变成了由树木和蔓藤混合的恐怖怪物,挥舞着手臂似乎要抽打他。
He gave it a mighty push and it opened. 他用力推了一下,它开开了。
Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf to-morrow. 听听悦耳的声音,鸟鸣,管弦乐队的强劲乐曲。好像你明天就会失聪一样。
Alas, it was not to be, for the mighty king was killed and the ring sank to the bottom of a river. 唉,可惜一切都成了空想,那位伟大的国王被敌人杀掉,而小戒指也调入深深的河水之中。
And Cush begot Nimrod: He began to be a mighty one on the earth. 古实又生宁录,他是地上最早的勇士。
The mighty Jupiter's move into your sign in early January, to remain for a year, marks this as a cycle of opportunity. 一月初,强大的木星进入你的宫(水瓶座),会停留一年的时间,标志着这是一个机会的循环。
Now the Planetary Supreme in a way also must become sort of a Mighty Messenger in her long training too. 现在PlanetarySupreme(地球)在她的漫长训练中也必须成为某种程度上的伟大信使。
Grass was hand in hand they are not afraid of the wind are not afraid of rain, that the mighty momentum like a wall of steel wall. 草儿们手挽着手不怕风不怕雨,那威猛的气势有如一堵钢铁长城。
Lei as long as a legend, you can straight up the sky, into a mighty dragon and high above. 传说鲤鱼只要一跃龙门,就能直上青天,变成威猛的龙,高高在上。
It is often seen as a symbol of power and the system. Majesty the mighty, as depicted in ancient literature and art objects. 它常被视为权力和制度的象征.威严凶猛无比,成为古代文学艺术描绘的对象。
Surrounded by barriers like mountains, stand like a wall of the Castle as if the painting depicting the mighty screen. 四面宛如屏障的群山环抱,壁立的青山仿佛一幅幅气势宏大的国画屏风。
When he spoke with a mighty voice from the fire and from the thick clouds, he gave these commandments and no others. 当他从火中、从浓云中用洪亮的声音讲话时,他给你们的不是别的,正是这些戒律。
The thought had taken a mighty hold upon her. It hummed in her ears as the melody of an old song. 这个念头让她非常动心,就像一首古老民歌的旋律在她耳边不断地回响。
And a few sniffles aren't likely to prevent the mighty Russian from beating amateur pawn pushers like you or me into a bloody pulp. 因感冒抽抽鼻子是不可能阻止这位实力强大的俄罗斯人把你我这样的业余无名小卒打得落花流水的。
Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord GOD. 你们必在我席上饱吃马匹和坐车的人,并勇士和一切的战士。这是主耶和华说的。
"Now I shall sail mighty waters! " thought the second tree. "I shall be a strong ship for mighty kings! " 第二棵树这样想:「我很快就会被造成一艘坚固的帆船,载著英雄人物跨海越洋!」
Even as the man expressed his desire for such a basic need, Go could hear the roar of the mighty Victoria Falls just a few kilometers away. 即便在这位老人表示他的这一基本需求能得到满足的同时,高也能听见仅仅几公里之外的维多利亚瀑布发出的轰鸣。
This was the Benaiah who was a mighty man among the Thirty and was over the Thirty. His son Ammizabad was in charge of his division. 这比拿雅是那三十人中的勇士,管理那三十人。他班内又有他儿子暗米萨拔。
Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. 你也要记念你在埃及地作过奴仆。耶和华你神用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂将你从那里领出来。
It is no wonder that you are viewed as mighty Beings ready to claim your Christ consciousness. 难能可贵的是你展示了作为一个存有的强大,并准备好声明你的“基督意识”。
The beetle felt compassion for the hare and pleaded with the eagle not to kill the poor creature. In the name of mighty Jupiter. 甲虫非常同情他并真心的祈求老鹰不要杀了那个可怜的生物,以伟大的木星的名义。
You think you are one of the high and mighty; remember pride goes before a fall. 你认为你是一位显贵人物了,别忘了骄傲使人失败。
Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. 聆听乐曲的妙音,鸟儿的歌唱,管弦乐队的雄浑而铿锵有力的曲调吧,犹如明天你将遭到耳聋的厄运。
Mighty jiangchao spring water, and even into a sea, a bright moon rising from the sea, it seems to flow together to gush. 春天的江潮水势浩荡,与大海连成一片,一轮明月从海上升起,好像与潮水一起涌出来。
You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army. 你必从本地,从北方的极处率领许多国的民来,都骑着马,乃一大队极多的军兵。
The dark is faltering and its once-mighty stranglehold on your world is slipping. 黑暗势力现在步履蹒跚,他们曾经强大的对你们世界控制力正在滑落。
All the days of Saul there was bitter war with the Philistines, and whenever Saul saw a mighty or brave man, he took him into his service. 扫罗遇见有能力的人或勇士,都招募了来跟随他。
He had a magnificent dream when he was the same age as mine in 1920s, to make China to be a rich, mighty and modern country. 当他在我现在这个年纪的时候,当在二十世纪二十年代的时候,他就有了一个宏伟的梦想,那就是将中国建设成为一个富强的现代国家。
So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with miraculous signs and wonders. 他就用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂,并大可畏的事与神迹奇事,领我们出了埃及,
Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. 留心北风很猛,关上门和整理风帆。当风从东方吹来,期待更新和设置宴席。