
美 [maɪld]英 [maɪld]
  • adj.温和的;和善的;不严厉的;和煦的
  • n.淡味啤酒
  • 网络轻度;轻微的;温柔的,味淡的

比较级:milder 最高级:mildest

mild climate,mild weather,mild surprise,mild punishment,mild fever


1.温和的;和善的;不严厉的not severe or strong

2.温和的;和煦的not very cold, and therefore pleasant

3.温和的;不强烈的;轻微的not great or extreme

4.和善的;随和的gentle and kind; not usually getting angry or violent

5.不浓的;淡味的not strong, spicy or bitter


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... December 十二月 第53 课 mild 温和的,温暖的 always 总是 ...


疫苗名称及医用词汇中英文对照 猪 圈 ... 诊断标准 Standard of Diagnosis 轻度 Mild 中度 Moderate ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词表_百度知道 ... radiation n. 辐射 mild adj. 轻微的 mildly adv. 轻微的 ...


四级英语460个核心单词二_新东方在线 ... motive n. 动机,目的 mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 tender a. 温柔的; …


英语四级重点词汇_百度文库 ... dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理 27.mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡 4. blast n. 爆炸…


柔字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 柔软〖 lithe;soft;flexible;supple〗 柔和;温和〖 mild;gentle〗 温柔〖 gentleandsoft〗 ...

A navy pilot on a routine flight had given in to mild curiosity and dipped his aircraft to inspect what he thought was an oil slick. 海军一名飞行员在例行飞翔途中,看见海面上似乎有浮油,微觉奇怪,忍不住稍稍低飞察看。
Original Choice: A mild, natural, round flavor. No bite. Easy to light and smoke. Made of Virginia tobacco and mild air-dried Burleys. 最初的选择:这款烟丝口味柔和自然圆润,容易燃烧不会刺痛喉咙。由维吉尼亚和空气风干法处理的百里烟草制作。
Tony Ryall, health minister, said all those affected appeared to have only mild symptoms and had been responding to treatment. 新西兰卫生部长托尼-赖亚尔(TonyRyall)表示,所有的感染者看上去都只有轻微的症状,而且经治疗后已见起色。
This might have been intended as a mild slap in the face of GM, which had gotten them into this trouble in the first place. 这可能是有意给GM的一记响亮的耳光,这将让他们第一次陷入麻烦。
Heneghan said the current policy of giving Tamiflu for mild illness was an "inappropriate strategy" . Heneghan认为,当前对于温和流感使用达菲进行医治的策略是“不妥当的”。
Adding apricots gives it a mild sweet-and-sour taste, balancing the spiciness of the masala. 加一些杏仁可以减轻黄姜粉的辣味,使这道菜带有一点点甜酸味。
Think of your love to me every time, I feel very mild and fragrant , very happy , very joyful in the heart right away, very. 每次想到你对我的爱,我心里就感到很温馨,很幸福,很开心,很…
He was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, so they thought he might have problems in school. 他被诊断为雅斯伯格综合症,这是自闭症的一种比较轻的表现症状。因此他们认为他或许在学校会遇到一些问题。
Except his mild little wife there was not a thing with any pretensions to attractiveness about this household. 除了他那温柔娇小的太太之外,这个家庭没有一件东西配得上吸引人。
A mild discussion may sometimes develop into a set-to. Such a thing is little short of ludicrous. 一次心平气和的讨论有时会发展成一场厮打,这种简直荒唐可笑。
This novel is like a cartoon of aesthetism and a mild wind beating my heart. Pure feeling, pure people, just as the angel in this book. 这部小说好像是唯美漫画的风格,也如一缕淡淡的清风,打动我的心。纯真的感情,纯洁的人,一如书中所说的天使。
I recently began having some mild complications with my pregnancy and my doctor told me that I had to start taking it easy. 我最近出现了一些轻微的妊娠并发症,医生告诉我需放轻松。
The synthetic way showed the disadvantage of commercial available starting material, mild reaction conditions and easy to operate. 所采用的工艺路线合理可行、原料易得、反应条件温和、操作方便。
Results Operation smoothly, There was no perioperative or mild complication, and no conversion to thoracotomy. 结果手术顺利,无围手术期死亡或严重并发症,无中转开胸。
Experts are still trying to understand exactly why some people develop mild impairment while others don't. 专家仍在努力寻找为什么有些人发展为轻度的认知障碍而有的不会的原因。
If you have to make some sort of charge, of dishonesty or bad service or a screw-up, work yourself into a mild state of mind. 如果你要对不诚实、差的服务或一次办砸的事做出某类控诉,那么让自己情绪缓和。
In sections of the plane that are far from the hole, winds might be mild enough to simply whisk papers around. 在飞机远离洞的区域,风可能比较和缓只能将纸片吹乱。
The rate of mild cognitive impairment was the same, regardless of a man's education or marital status. 不管人们的教育程度或者物质地位如何,人们的轻度认知缺失程度都是一致的。
Your protest was too mild. If it had been more vehement, the dealer might have paid attention to it. 你的抗议太温和了,如果当时你能再激烈点,商家就会留心。
Mild enough to be used on the face as well as the body, the Complexion Bar blends glycerine and honey to maintain skin moisture. 性质温和,适用于清洁全身和面部皮肤,蕴含甘油和蜜糖滋润成分,能有效锁住水分,防止乾燥。
Stage I disk disease produces mild pain and is usually self-correcting in a few days. 级椎间盘疾病产生中度疼痛,通常一段时间后能够自愈。
B: hard to say, his childhood with love and small animals, often raise a number of chickens, ducks, pigs, character should be very mild. 乙:很难说,他小时候喜欢和小动物在一起,经常养一些鸡,鸭,猪等,性格应该很温和。
For a mild, stain-free bleach, soak your delicates in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing. 柠檬汁和苏打粉的混合溶液就是不会产生污渍的温和漂白剂。在清洗之前,把衣服在这种溶液里浸泡半个小时即可。
Though we sometimes think of him as "gentle Jesus, meek and mild, " Jesus could become terribly angry. 虽然,我们常将耶稣看为是「温柔、谦卑和柔和」的,但祂确实也有异常愤怒的时候。
It's bait she'll dangle out there to see if you bite, usually in the form of a mild insult or a snarky attitude. 她会挂出诱饵看你是不是会上当,通常会以软磨硬泡的方式。
Nancy was allowed to have a mild stroke in 2005 to force her to get on numerous pills for blood pressure, blood lipids, and diabetes. 南希被允许在2005年拥有一个轻度中风来使她吃大量的治疗血压,血脂和糖尿病的药。
The gods have indeed favoured Georgia this winter, bestowing a mild one when a harsh one might have been disastrous. 今冬,各路神仙确实偏爱了格鲁吉亚一次,送给他们一个暖冬,而一个严冬对格鲁吉亚来说可能是一个灾难。
Mild steel is the natural choice for a stove chassis, but such stoves do not last for more than a few weeks in the field. 软钢是炉具底盘的天然选择,但是这种炉子在野外无法熬过几个星期。
Beijing's first reaction to Obama's tire tariffs was mild, but China's internet community caught hold of the matter and it went viral. 对于奥巴马的轮胎关税,北京的第一反应是温和的,但在中国的互联网社区中,这个问题像病毒一样传播,被广泛讨论。
I use the waterfall causing her hair, her hair is somewhat similar to that of actors in the advertisements BY hair, Smooth and mild. 我用手去摸她瀑布般的长发,她的长发有点像飘柔广告里的那个演员的头发,光滑而柔顺。