million years ago

  • 网络万年前;百万年前;两百万年前

million years agomillion years ago

million years ago


人教版初三英语词组与句... ... 成百万的 millions of … 14. 500 万年前 500 million years ago 15. 不是… 而是 .. not…but… 18. ...


官方纪年改公元无意义!... ... [TWD] 台币 = #### million years ago #### 百万年前 =#### million years later #### 百万年后 ...


7B Unit&n... ... 看到。。很兴奋 Be excited to see … 两百万年前 2 million years ago 花费。。。做某事 Spend…doing so…


可以帮我... ... 树屋. ........a tree house 六千五百万年前.........65 million years ago 白垩纪. ........Cretaceous period ...


英文跪求翻译_百度知道 ... millions years ago 数百万年前 (mya=million years ago 即数百万年); ...


And I'm rather proud to say that this was found just near London, and that 55 million years ago London was full of mangrove palms. 我很自豪的说这是在伦敦附近找到的,5500万年前伦敦到处都是红树林。
Fifty-seven feet long and up to nine tons, Spinosaurus started poking his head around the early Cretaceous some 100 million years ago. 五十七英尺长、重达九吨的棘龙在早期白垩纪,大约1亿年前便行走于这个星球之上。
From the moment that our ancestors, perhaps two and a half million years ago or so, began imitating, there was a new copying process. 一个是我们的祖先那个时候的,或许是250万年左右,开始模仿,有了一个新的复制过程。
Gigantism has been a common feature of land animals since the beginning of the Jurassic period, more than 200 million years ago. 自两亿多年前的侏儸纪之初,体型巨大就是陆生动物的普遍特点。
The tiger then began to evolve into a unique species toward the end of the Pliocene epoch, about 3. 2 million years ago. 而320万年前,老虎就以作为上世纪末独一无二的品种进行着演化。
Conodonts first emerged around 500 million years ago and died out just as dinosaurs were beginning to take shape. 牙形刺最早出现于大约5亿年前,就在恐龙开始登上历史舞台时灭绝了。
But even this fictional thriller almost pales in comparison to what really took place in Transylvania around 70 million years ago. 但即使是这虚幻情节的惊悚程度与7千万年前在特兰西瓦尼亚所真正发生的事情相比也显得几乎是平淡无奇的了。
It has no monkeys, but lemurs' ancestors arrived there, possibly on floating mats of vegetation, probably more than 10 million years ago. 它本来没有猴类,但狐猴的祖先到了那里,可能它们是坐着“木筏”漂过去的,这距今应该至少一千年了。
About 160 million years ago a female pterosaur with an injured wing dropped from the sky into a watery grave. 约一亿六千万年前一只雌性翼龙隐翅膀受伤而坠落,葬身水底。
This tiny mite climbed onto a spider's back at least 44 million years ago, but the spider stumbled into a glob of sticky tree sap. 这只小小的螨虫在至少四千四百万年前爬上了一只蜘蛛的背,结果蜘蛛却跌进了粘稠的树胶里。
FAITH LAPIDUS: Scientists think parts of the Earth may have sounded like this about sixty-five million years ago. 信仰拉皮德斯:科学家认为,大约六十五百万年前,地球的部分地区可能有这样的响起。
In just a couple of seconds, you are informed that you and the grizzly bear shared a common ancestor just 98. 2 million years ago. 在两秒钟之后,你就会被告知这头熊和你在九千八百二十万年前有着同一个祖先。
Imagine for a moment that you are one of the countless tiny organisms inhabiting the planet's oceans more than 500 million years ago. 设想一下你是5亿多年前居住在地球海洋中无数微小生物中的一个。
A large asteroid hit Earth's surface some twelve million years ago, causing enough dust to rise to block the heat of the sun. 大约十二百万年以前,一个巨大的小行星撞击在地球表面,足够的尘土飞起阻挡了太阳的热量。
Some 65 million years ago, a comet or asteroid at least five miles wide struck the earth and blasted out a tremendous crater. 大约6500万年前,一颗宽至少5英里的彗星或小行星撞上了地球,并在地表炸出了一个大洞。
Two million years ago human beings began to inhabit and multiply in Ba-Yu Region of Chongqing with a long history and brilliant culture. 具有悠久历史与灿烂文化的重庆巴渝地区,远在二百万年前便有人类居住繁衍。
The consensus was that humans could make and control fire when they first migrated north to colder Europe, about a million years ago. 最初科学家一致认为,约100万年前人类首次迁徙到北方较为寒冷的欧洲时,已经掌握了对火的使用。
Go back to this picture of me a million years ago. 回到那幅很久远的照片。
Several hundred million years ago, it was a sea here, under which there were accumulated limestone layers a few thousand meters thick. 几亿年前,这里还是一片大海,海底沉积了几千米厚的石灰岩。
Living over three million years ago, she had the appearance of an ape but walked upright. 露西生活在三百多万年前,外貌似人猿,却能直立行走。
Active galaxy Centaurus A is likely the result of a merger with a spiral galaxy some 100 million years ago. 活动星系半人马座A可能是1亿年前与一个旋涡星系合并而成。
Tectonic forces uplifting the land and a drop in sea level left the Caspian landlocked more than 5 million years ago. 早在500多万年前,构造作用造成地面抬升,海平面下降,使里海被陆地包围。
The remains of a tail lost long before man began to walk upright six million years ago. 六百万年前人类开始直立行走很早以前,尾部的残余就丧失了。
And you know, five hundred million years ago there would be no fish. 这样的话你就知道,5亿年前就不会有鱼。
It is an echo of the ancient forests that once spread across the great southern continent, Gondwana, more than 100 million years ago. 它是古代丛林的回声,1亿多年前这片森林的面积曾经蔓延到整个南方大陆--风瓦纳古陆。
One is an Acheulean hand axe from half a million years ago of the kind made by Homo erectus . 一个是五十万年前直立人制作的阿舍利手斧。
An international team Thursday concluded that it was an asteroid, not volcanoes, that wiped out dinosaurs 65. 5 million years ago. 一个国际科考队于周四得出结论:六千五百万年前让恐龙销声匿迹的是小行星而非火山喷发。
The rift development slowly halted some 250 to 245 million years ago, around the beginning of the Mesozoic Era. 这些裂缝的活动在大约2.5-2.45亿年前,即中生代初期逐渐停止了。
Cretaceous Period, 145 million years ago, was the age of the dinosaurs. 白垩纪期间,145百万年前,是恐的年。
Two hundred million years ago , all the continents were parts of a single land mass called Pangaea . 两亿年以前,所有的大陆都是一整块叫做泛古陆的大陆的一部分。