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逆风飞翔的鸟 - 归鸿 - 网易博客 ... ◎片 长 90 Min ◎片 长 107 Mins ◎片 长 118 mins ...


安美特++电镀基础知识培训 - 豆丁网 ... Time 时间 = 15 mins 分钟 原子量 At. Wt. Ni = 58.7 Valence = 化合价, 2 价 ...


时间 (MINS)地点摘要 撤离路线 月 日 日落 月出 月 日 日出 日落 天气查询 2732 9472 天气报告 1878 200 课程:


3.Idiots.2009.720p.... ... 视频尺寸 1920 x 1080 ◎文件大小 39 G ◎片 长 171 mins ◎ ◎主 演 阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan ....Rancho ...


高兴 3gp手机电影下载 ... 张兆辉 Siu-Fai Cheung 影片长度 105 Mins 导 演 阿甘 Agan ...


寻找一部关于龙的电影_百度知道 ... ◎译 名 龙的世界:幻想成为现实 Dragons World A Fantasy Made Real ◎语 言 英语 Mins ...


没有前科的人_百度百科 ... 文件大小 1CD 683MB 影片片长 103 mins 导 演 哈迪 ·哈杰格 Hadi Hajaig ...

The hotel staff tells you its a less than 5 mins walk from the MTR but be ready for at least a 10 min walk through a not so good lane. 酒店工作人员告诉你从“地下铁茶餐厅”步行至这里不到5分钟,但是请你做好心理准备,抄小巷也至少要10分钟。
Just give it a glance, there is no need to stare at it for 5 mins. 只要看上一眼就行。无须盯着它看5分钟。
Local shop owners did not appear to be away of its excistence, which meant that it took me over 45 mins to find it. 宾馆附近也没有当地店家,这就意味着我花了45分钟才找到它!
If passenger did not check out after 15 mins , a notification will be sent to the passenger and advise if the passenger has got a taxi yet. 如果乘客没有检查出15分钟后,通知将被发送到旅客,并告知如果旅客还得到了一辆出租车。
Any of these solutions combined with PhoneGap will take you from nothing to an native app in, literally, 5 mins. 这些选择方案中的任何一种结合PhoneGap都将让你不必亲自动手去做本地应用,说的白一点,就是5分钟。
Our indicators are set up for an end of day strategy meaning people only have to spend 15-30 mins in the evening placing the trades. 我们的指标设置为一个人一天中的战略意义最终只需要花费配售行业傍晚15-30分钟。
Click here for to see a streaming video of the program itself (54 mins). 点击这里看一段节选的视频流(54分钟)。
max of 15 mins? no way, there's no point in bringing him back. i bet he's going to go for at least 22. 最多15分钟?不可能,如果这样就不能表示他恢复了。我打赌他将至少打22分钟。
Normally, we cook the instant noodles by putting the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for 3 mins. 我们煮方便面的通常方法是:将面放入沸水中,然后放入调味包料,煮上3分钟。
OK, its wee bit out of London (North Acton) but it was only 25 mins on the tube to the city center. 这个酒店没有让我失望。很好,虽然不在伦敦市内(酒店位于北艾克顿),但只要25分钟的地铁就能到达伦敦市中心了。
However I think you will get the point of this track in the 10 mins allotted. 但是,我认为你会得到这条赛道的点,在配发的10分钟。
Chains First Eden Hotel is conveniently located in the city centre close to the businesses and sightseeing and only 40 mins from airport. 柴恩-第一伊甸园饭店坐落在城市中心地带,邻近商业和观光区,从饭店至机场仅需40分钟。
Bus 170 stops right out side the hotel with will take you into Victoria station. Clapham Junction is only 10 mins away too. 170路公交车站就在酒店的右边,可以很方便地到达维多利亚站,这里离克拉珀姆路口也只有10分钟的路程。
So, I put my hand in the bag of flour for 10 mins, and then pulled it out and had not even a red mark or a blister and absolutely NO PAIN. 我把手放在面粉里10分钟后拿出来,手上确実没有灼伤的红印或者水泡,完全没有受伤!
argh! ! ! we can't get any rebounds at the last few mins of the game. . . just like the 7th game in Utah. . . 哇靠!!我们在比赛的最后几分钟没拿到一个板…就像和犹他的第7场比赛一样…
Not far to Sky train and a good supermarket at the end of the street - 5 mins walk. 不远处就有曼谷轻轨,在这条路的街尾就有一家大型超市--大概5分钟的路程吧。
If she is watching tv I normally say 5 mins then it goes off and we get ready to go. 如果她正在看电视,我通常会给她5分钟,5分钟后我就直接把电视关掉。
The top-left knob (MINS) is where the pilot dials in the minimum approach altitude. 其中左上角的旋钮(MINS)用来输入最低进近高度。
Note You must restart the computer to activate any changes that are made to RPC Replication Timeout (mins). 注意:必须重新启动计算机才能激活对RPCReplicationTimeout(mins)所做的任何更改。
Another new summer, another new June, with the same blue sea and the same blue sky, but that day MINS Club was completely different! 又是一年的夏天,又是一年的六月,蓝天、大海依旧,敏思俱乐部却已完全不同!
Eat the bulk of your carbs within 90 mins post exercise &go whole grain: oats, rice, breads, . . . 运动后九十分钟内食大部分碳水化合物,且用全谷:燕麦、大米、面包等。
20 mins of hard workout with a trainer is enough for a busy day! 20分钟高强度健身加上训练,这一天真的够忙的了!
For a rare roast, after 15 mins take the temperature of the meat. It should be around 54oC. 对于不常烤的肉来说,经过15分钟的烤制,它应该是54oC。
It lasts for only 6 mins but got the first price -- there must be for a reason! 它只有6分钟的长度,却获得了一等奖的殊荣——可想,这里面总是有原因的。
Ok listen, its better to talk only spanish for 30 mins and then german and english too. Otherwise its too messed up. 好吧,听着,最好是说30分钟西班牙语,然后说语和英语。否则太乱了。好。
Stir in the prawns, reduce the heat and cook for 8-10 mins until cooked through - if the sauce gets really thick, add a splash of water. 倒入生虾,转小火,煮8到10分钟直到虾完全熟透,若汁水过于浓稠,适当加一勺水。
Not too much fans as I thought. We waited for our beloved couple about 40 mins. While we are waiting2 camera man stand opposite fan group. 饭比我想象中的要少,我们等待这对我们心爱的夫妇大概40分钟,再等待的时候两个摄影师站在饭的对面。
When I log to WoW - Ogrimmar is crowded in the morning times like the market on a Saturday. 2 mins and I am in a BG. This is just insane. 当我进入wow时--奥格瑞玛的周六早晨拥挤喧嚣如菜市场,战场排队只要2分钟,爽。
In case of eye contact, flush with water for 15 mins . In the case f skin contact, wash with soap or a mild detergent. 如眼不慎接触本产品,请用清水冲洗15分钟。如皮肤不慎接触到,请用肥皂或温和的洗涤剂清洗皮肤。
We have to think of a game lasting 90 mins and it very important to keep going for 90 minutes. 我们必须要想着一场比赛是90分钟,在90分钟内都要不停努力是很重要的。