
美 [mɪks]英 [mɪks]
  • n.混合;结合;配料;混杂
  • v.融合;配制;交往;调配
  • 网络米克斯;混淆;混音

过去式:mixed 过去分词:mixt 第三人称单数:mixes 现在分词:mixing

mix paint


v. n.


1.[i][t](使)混合,掺和,融合if two or more substancesmix or youmix them, they combine, usually in a way that means they cannot easily be separated

2.[t]调配;配制to prepare sth by combining two or more different substances

3.[i]相容;平安相处if two or more things, people or activitiesdo not mix , they are likely to cause problems or danger if they are combined

与人交往meet people

4.[i]~ (with sb)交往;相处;交际to meet and talk to different people, especially at social events


be/get mixed up in sth

卷入(不正当的事);与某事有牵连to be/become involved in sth, especially sth illegal or dishonest

be/get mixed up with sb

与(不适合的人)交往;和某人厮混to be/become friendly with or involved with sb that other people do not approve of

mix and match

混合重组;混合搭配to combine things in different ways for different purposes

mix it (with sb)

(与某人)吵架;找(某人的)茬to argue with sb or cause trouble


混字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 混号〖 nickname〗 混合mix;blend;mingle;compound;merge〗 混合物〖 composition〗 ...


然而米克斯MIX)种属的猫儿,似乎有著天生野性的本能,它们本隶属於混种的生物,带著天生剽悍的性格特质,为了躲避灾 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ET 《外星人 mix vt ( 使)混和;混淆 Los Angeles 洛杉矾(美国城市) ...


所谓混音mix),就是把录音而得的各个音轨(音色轨道)合成一个音轨,所以也称为混缩。 并不单单录音能得到音乐,现代…


高一英语词汇表 ... impolite adj. 无礼的;粗鲁的 mix vt. (使)混和;混淆 wing n. 翅膀;机翼 ...


焙烤相关词汇_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... mozzrella 莫札瑞拉吉士(音译) mix 搅拌 moon cake 月饼 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ET 《外星人 mix vt ( 使)混和;混淆 Los Angeles 洛杉矾(美国城市) ...


新概念英语单词表 第二册 (1) - 豆丁网 ... pie n. 饼图 mix n. 混合物, 混乱; pastry n. 面粉糕饼, 馅饼皮 362 ...

The singer recorded an interesting mix of hip-hop and Chinese opera, creating a distinctive new sound ready to challenge listeners. 这位歌手将京剧和嘻哈音乐做了有趣地结合,从而创造出了独特的新听觉以挑战听众的耳朵。
Mom Mix-Make a CD for her, a collection of all the songs that remind her of you and you growing up. 妈妈的混音专辑——做一张专辑给妈妈。专辑中收集能够让妈妈想起你或者唤起养育你的记忆的所有的歌曲。
It is going to be tempting for you to mix with the wrong crowd. 你想和一群错误的人混在一起。
But software vendors are developing solutions to ease usage of Canvas or to render Flash, for instance, as a mix of Canvas and SVG. 但是软件厂商正在开发简化画布使用的解决方案或是渲染成Flash,例如,或是作为画布和SVG的混合体。
They seem to have less effect as American credibility declines along with its economic stability, a highly unstable mix. 值此美国的可信度与它的经济稳定同时急剧恶化之际,他们这样干大概是无济于事的。
If you are facing predators or other tanks, it would be wise to mix in a few disintegrators with your force. 如果你面对捕食者或者其他坦克,混合一些粉碎者是明智的。
THANKS to a mix of luck and good decisions, the economic apocalypse that loomed over central and eastern Europe seems to have been averted. 凭借一点运气和一些正确的决策,中欧及东欧似乎已避免了金融崩溃。
Known as Huang Qin Tang, the mix of plant extracts, roots and fruit has been used for hundreds of years to treat stomach upsets and nausea. 由植物提取物、根和果实组成的黄芩汤在治疗胃部不适和恶心方面已经有数百年的历史。
A programmer should be able to mix any methodology whatsoever if it makes him more efficient, his code better, and the team more innovative. 程序员应该能够结合任何使工作更有效、代码更好以及使团队更具创新能力的方法。
It is often mix mixed with clean cream of chargetartar, a fine poter powder commonly used in cooking. 它经常用于和鞑靼奶油的混合,一种经常用于烹饪的粉末。
For the next three days, mix the materials well with a wooden stick or spoon. Do this several times a day for about three minutes at a time. 接下来的三天,用木棍或木勺将材料充分混合,每天几次,每次大约30分钟。
Some mix of fear, love, hopelessness and shattered self-esteem keep her from trying to run away. 爱,恨,无奈,破碎的尊严交织在一起,让她无力逃跑。
In the Soviet Union research was as vigorous as in the United States and showed a similar mix of empirical and basic theoretical approaches. 在前苏联的研究与美国的研究一样如火如荼,并且展示了类似的经验和基本理论相结合的方法。
Instead I said, "The mix-up, was it intended or unintended? " 我于是问,“怎么搞混的,有意还是无意的?”
Add a few of these tips to your regular routine. Or mix them up to keep things interesting. 把其中一些加入你每天例行事项,或者把它们都搞在一起也很有趣。
Compressors have also been used to bring vocals to the forefront of a mix in volume-restricted studios (e. g. home studios). 压缩器也被用来在音量限制的混音器中产生乐音(例如:家庭录音室)。
We will continue to work at it and I look forward to having a more competitive car and being able to mix it where we want to be. 整个车队将继续努力,我十分期待不久能打造出一辆富有竞争力的赛车并将其潜能完全发挥。
It comes as many US exchanges are trying to expand the mix of their businesses towards a combination of equities, options and futures. 美国证交会做出这一决定时,许多美国交易所正试图扩大它们的业务组合,准备将股票、期权和期货交易结合起来。
Much as if one were to mix oil and vinegar, these two holographic movements do not allow for archetypal harmony. 就象一个人把水火不容的东西混合在一起,这两种全息运动并没有顾及到原型之和谐。
In January his wife Iris (herself a former assembly member) hit the headlines with an explosive mix of financial and sexual scandal. 1月他的妻子艾瑞斯(前大会成员)深陷爆炸性的财务和性丑闻中。
I was already thinking of bringing him on and when Bianco got injured I threw him into the mix without a moment's hesitation. 我早已有让他上场的打算,比安科受伤以后,我毫不迟疑地派他替补出场。
You do not want to wear your most faded jeans with a nice shirt and tie, but you can mix it up to have a unique look. 不要穿上你那条褪色很严重的牛仔裤并着一件很好的衬衣和系一条很好的领带,但可以通过搭配产生出独特的外表。
Perhaps, by adding a bit of shame to the mix, who knows, this might keep it in check. 或许,他们借题发挥时,若有点羞愧的心,说不一定会稍微有一点自我节制。
Mouth chewing is usually thought to break food into pieces and mix them with the saliva thoroughly for easier swallowing and digestion. 口腔的咀嚼常被认为在嚼碎食物,并且与唾液充分混合以便于吞嚥和消化。
It's been a long struggle to admit that I'm not fully Chinese nor am I fully American, but a beautiful mix of the best of both worlds. 经过长期的努力我才能面对自己既不是一个完全的中国人也不是一个完全的美国人,但是结合了这两个世界的优点。
Mr. Conniff was one of the first songwriters to mix wordless singing with musical instruments. 康尼夫是第一位将无词歌唱与器乐相结合的词曲作家。
With a Special Song Mix: Burn a few of your favorite love songs or songs to a CD that have a special meaning to you and your partner. 歌曲串烧:把你最喜欢的爱情歌曲刻进一张对你和你的爱人有特殊意义的CD里吧。
We'll make sure the money can only go into a conservative mix of bonds and stock funds. 我们要确保只将这笔钱存入一个由保守型的债券和股票基金组成的帐户。
Arbus learned to mix the realistic nature of photography with its expressive possibilities. 阿布斯懂得将画面的真实特性与画面的表现潜力加以(完美地)组合。
To mix yet more metaphors, you were trying to run before you could walk, and I've clipped your wings. 混用更多的隐喻来说,你还没学会走就想跑,而我又剪掉了你的翅膀。