
美 [moʊn]英 [məʊn]
  • v.呻吟;哼叫;抱怨(有时没原因地):
  • n.呻吟声;(波浪,风等的)号;悲叹声;〔诗〕悲叹
  • 网络呜咽;你轻轻地呻吟

过去分词:moaned 现在分词:moaning 第三人称单数:moans



v. n.

1.[i][t]呻吟to make a long deep sound, usually expressing unhappiness, suffering or sexual pleasure

2.[i][t](informal)~ (at sb)抱怨to complain about sth in a way that other people find annoying


2013江苏高考英语_短语_必考点_试题 - 豆丁网 ... scream 尖叫 moan 呻吟 sigh 叹气 ...


M开头的英语四级词汇_百度文库 ... mixture n. 混合;混合物 moan n. 呻吟声 mobile a. 运动的;流动的 ...


求WOW命令大全~_爱问知识人 ... /Massage( 按摩) /Moan( 呜咽) /Moon( 裸臀) ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... mixture 混合物 moan 悲叹 moat 护城河 ...


解读“屌丝”文化(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... viral 病毒性的 moan 抱怨,悲叹 sentiment 情感 ...


考研词汇 ... mixture n. 混合;混合物,混合剂 moan n. 呻吟声,悲叹声 v.呻吟,抱怨,悲叹 mob n. 乌合之众(尤指暴力者) ...


最全的魔兽世界表情(五)_银翼魔术师_新浪博客 ... /map 你拿出了地图。 /moan 你轻轻地呻吟。 /moon 你把屁股对着大家。 ...

to hear her call her child, and raise her head and listen a whole minute at a time, then lay it wearily down again with a moan. 她呼唤着孩子的名字,有时头抬起来整整有一分钟时间那么长听着,然后无力地呻吟着一头倒在床上。见此情形,大家都说真叫人心碎。
He cups his hands over his mouth, draws a breath, and makes a low, lonesome moan that rises to a fierce cry. 阿尔瓦雷斯把双手放在嘴边,做成扩音的样子,深深地吸一口气,发出低沉、孤独的呜咽声。
The pain grew in intensity. He gave a loud moan and vomited all over the floor. 肚子越来越疼,他发出一声痛苦的哀嚎,吐了一地。
You have brilliantly managed to identify all the petty-minded whingers who do nothing but moan all day. 你明智地发现了所有小心眼的员工,他们整天无所事事,只会抱怨。
Although in a special holiday like today single people do not celebrate but moan for their own single, hoping can get out of it asap. 即使像今天这样特殊的日子,单身者们也并不庆祝却为自己的单身而苦恼,希望早日脱离单身。
But he changed his and decided that he had been too hard on her. Maybe that groan had been a moan after all? 但是他改变了他的说法,认为是他对她一直太不好了。
If you think after three years, that I always moan, always make excuses and always complain, then there is nothing I can do about that. (何塞,)假如你认为在过去的三年里,我总是哀叹总是找借口总是抱怨,那么我也没有办法。
The fear of his own death overcame him and he began to moan again. 他忽然警觉自己不久人世,又开始呜咽起来。
he and his wife waited anxiously look for everywhere, fangyuan kilometers have left their tore heart crack lung between the moan of. 他和他妻子焦急地四处寻找,方圆公里处都留下了他们撕心裂肺的呼叫声。
In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet, and the wind begins to moan. 街灯下,枯叶在我的脚下堆积,风儿也开始叹息。
But they thought it was not convincing: "If they never moan, how could you know their vocal cords are not hurt? " 别人不服,说既然不呻吟,你怎么知道他们的嗓子没伤?
The office was spookily quiet, too ; since most of her friends had been sacked , there wasn't even anyone around to moan to . 办公室里也安静得吓人,因为她的大部分朋友都已被解雇,周围连个可以说抱怨的话人都没有。
If you were very rich, it would be crass to moan to anyone less rich about what a nuisance it was when charities clamour for money. 如果你特别有钱,跟比自己穷的人抱怨慈善机构吵着跟你“化缘”是多么让人讨厌显然有些矫情。
They felt surprise and said: "it must because their vocal cord was burnt as they didn't moan in such a severe condition" 别人惊讶地说,这么危重的病情不呻吟,一定是他们的声带烧糊了。
Lets remember, we never saw Lucas moan about his position change and for a young player at a top level it couldn't have been easy. 让我们回想一下,我们从未见过卢卡斯因为位置更改而抱怨,在顶级联赛里对于一个年轻球员来说这绝非易事。
As much as they moan about it, all this media exposure, more often than not, is a career booster. 尽管名人们抱怨不断,但被媒体曝光往往有助于他们的事业。
It was a kind of surgery, a kind of delicate science, finding the tempo, the exact location or home of the moan. That's what I called it. 这有点像是在动手术,像是一门精密的科学,如何找到那个节奏,那个触发呻吟的点,那个呻吟的“家”。我是这麽称呼它的。
Asian IPO toilers are starting to moan that too big a share of the spoils ends up in pockets back west. 亚洲的IPO从业人员已经开始抱怨,西方机构分得的蛋糕太大了。
At least, until the snow hardened into ice, the whiteness turned to sludge and everyone started to moan again. 至少,在积雪硬化成冰,白雪转成污泥,人们开始抱怨之前是如此。
We have likewise predicted that the Earth will moan as the core tries to turn but the crust is held in a stopped rotation. 同样我们也预测过,在地球停止自转的那一周里,因为地核要转向,而地壳却维持原状,地球会呻吟呜咽。
The grim fact that he had to grope in the dark made the greedy grocer moan and groan. 这个贪婪的杂货店主必须在黑暗中摸索,这一残酷现实使他抱怨不已。
The danger is that if you moan to A about B and A suddenly takes it into her head to tell B, then you are in the soup. 风险在于,如果你向甲抱怨乙,而甲突然决定告诉乙,那么你就陷入了困境。
This time of year, the only way to avoid a misery is to stay inside and moan, unless, unless you have the solution to the season, and I do. 一年中的这个时候,逃避折磨的唯一方式就是呆在家里,满腹牢骚,除非——除非你找到对付这个时节的方法,就像我一样。
Every drop of tears, every moan out of pain and and every cry for help was like knife cutting deep into my heart. 没一滴泪水、每一声痛哭的呻吟、每一次求助的呼喊都像刀子一样切割着我的心扉。
Maybe that groan had been a moan after all? 也许婚礼上她的呻吟真的是一声呜咽?
He dropped into his own bed and fell asleep with a moan. Meticulously she undressed him. 他倒向自己的床,抱怨声落下,他也睡着了。
Because of this I will weep and wail ; I will go about barefoot and naked . I will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl. 因此我必大声哀号,赤脚露体而行;又要呼号如野狗,哀鸣如鸵鸟。
Some people might moan about their gifts and others may take their stresses out on you. 有些人也许抱怨他们的礼物,或者是别人往你身上发气。
Oh what should i do i'am just a little baby, what if the lights go out and maybe and then the wind just starts to moan. 哦,我该做些什么,我太太只是一个小婴儿,如果灯光熄灭了,也许,然后风才刚刚开始发出呻吟。
Oh, the dinosaurs, big as trees. The dinosaurs, brains like peas! Jaws and claws and teeth and bone, that used to growl and groan and moan. 噢,恐龙,大得如树一般。恐龙,头脑象豌豆!腭、爪子、牙齿和骨头,那是用来咆哮、呻吟和呼啸的。