
美 [moʊld]英 [məʊld]
  • n.模具;霉;霉菌;铸模
  • v.塑造;对…影响重大;将…塑造成;吻合
  • abbr.(=mould)
  • 网络模子;模型;成型

复数:molds 现在分词:molding 过去式:molded

make mold,break mold
same mold


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模字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 模板〖 formwork〗 模具mold;matrix;pattern〗 模样〖 appearance;look〗 ...


霉菌毒素(mycotoxins)是产毒霉菌mold)在基质生长过程中产生的次级代谢产物。动物一旦摄食含有霉菌毒素的饲料,将 …


模字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 模样〖 appearance;look〗 模子mold〗 模本〖 calligraphyorpaintingmodel〗 ...


手机游戏Alchemy(四大元素)配方(全)_百度文库 ... milk( 牛奶)+ mold模型) 50. chicken( 鸡肉,应理解为鸡)← ...


转载 四个字母的英文单词 - 豆丁网 ... mode n. 方式,式样 mold n. 模子,铸型v.浇铸,造型,塑造 mood n. 心情,情绪;语气 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... plate 电镀 mold 成型 material for engineering mold testing 工程试模材料 ...


冶金英语 - 豆丁网 ... 铸床 mould 铸模(美作: mold 风口 ingot mould ...

And if you aren't willing or ready to mold yourself into her ideal man, you will only resent her for trying to change you. 如果你不希望或者没有准备好将自己打造成她心目中的完美男人,你只会因为她试图改变你而憎恨她。
Sift the flour. Pour the flour into a large bowl or on a work surface. Mold the flour in a mound shape with a hole in the center. 将面粉过筛,将面粉倒入一个大碗或者面板,将面粉堆成一个中间有洞的土堆形。(如上图)
The invention discloses an improved plaster mold used for the slip casting of the ceramics and a making method. 本发明公开了一种用于陶瓷注浆成型的改进的石膏模具及其制作方法。
Such mold manufacturing process is simple, precision, easy to control, less shrinkage, low price, a higher life expectancy. 这类模具制造工艺简单,精度易控制,收缩率较小,价格便宜,寿命较高。
This coefficient was used to solve the heat transfer between the melt and cooling water, namely the heat transfer capacity of the mold. 该系数用于解决金属和冷却水之间的传热,即反映结晶器的传热能力。
Mold may seem easy to maintain when another task is to support the installation of hundreds of boards and components SHCS. 模具维护时看起来似乎简单的另一个任务是安装数百个支撑板和部件的SHCS。
After all, what's the point of being a big shot in Washington if you can't use all that power to try to mold the world to your liking? 说到底,如果你不能利用手中的权力去尝试着将世界塑造成你喜欢的模样,那么成为华盛顿的一位大人物又有何意义呢?
It's easy to say and not as easy to see the ways in which social codes and power structures mold the design of communication media. 话听起来是对的,但该如何做好呢?说来容易,而想弄清社会规范和权力结构是如何塑造交流媒体的设计,就不是件容易的事。
You are so unlike your elder sister in form and features and temperament, that you seem to have been cast in a different mold. 你的体型、容貌以及气质和你的姐姐一点也不像,你就像是另一个模子铸出来似的。
A two or three plate mold may be used to mold the plastic around the armature. 可以使用两板式或三板式模具来绕着电枢模制塑料。
Also the machine mold is up to the required temperature and is usually controlled by thermostat. 模具应达到所要求的温度而通常用恒温器控制。
To help prevent mold, the bread container should be cleaned with hot water at least once a week and carefully dried. 为防止真菌污染,装面包的容器应至少每星期用热水清洗一次,并谨慎地使其干燥。
Mold spray life, with some of the formulas mentioned above, should be at least several hours with some touched up with the spray gun. 用上述配方配制的脱模剂,用喷枪喷涂,其有效期至少可达几小时。
Keyboard with report to the police the design of control the system and is a point of the next machine hardware design mold piece. 键盘与报警控制系统的设计是下位机硬件设计模块的一个重点。
The trading operation would be mine to mold, and after 10 years on the street, I finally had an operation on which to put my fingerprints. 我将亲手打造公司的交易业务,在华尔街上为别人打了10年工后,我终于拥有了一份属于自己的事业。
The mold is able to produce a certain shape and size requirements of the parts of a production tool. 模具是能生产出具有一定形状和尺寸要求的零件的一种生产工具。
It has been 2 years and Mila and Oa have left the car for just as long at the airport since without the mold recurring. 这已经是2年了,而Mila和Oa曾已留下车就象在机场一样长的时间,而没有再次发生真菌事件。
INTP parents are likely to encourage their children to grow as individuals, rather than attempt to fit them into a preconceived mold. INTP型家长很可能会鼓励他们的孩子独立成长,而不是试图将其导入预设的模型中。
Only by focusing on the whole experience and daring to break out of its own mold will Facebook maintain momentum and growth. 只有专注于整体体验并勇于突破自我才能长盛不衰。
Give up trying to fit the mold of your race, astrological sign, job title, religious group, political party or other erroneous associations. 放弃强迫自己去符合那些种族星座职位宗教政治附加给你的那些你并不想要的社会角色。
and that she hugs you and kisses you when you give her a plaster of pared mold of your hand. 如果你能剪掉指甲,用石膏做一只自己的手的模型送给你妈,我希望她会给你拥抱和亲吻。
In an effort to discover whether the foreign matter was tuberculous he then injected some of the mold into a rabbit. 为了要知道那异物是不是结核性的,他又把霉液在一个兔子身上注射了一些。
So accept who he is, instead of trying to mold him into your vision of what you think he should be. 所以接受他是谁,而不是想方设法把他塑造成你认为的他应该是怎样的样子。
Inside of a refrigerator deserted by the side of the road. Food already went bad, mold is all over the place. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 被抛弃在路旁的冰箱,食物早已发霉长毛。美国,路易斯安那,新奥尔良。
Later that day, Sobel pounds so hard on the last (the wooden mold of the human foot on which shoes are built or repaired) that he breaks it. 当天晚些时候,索贝尔英镑这么高的最后(人类脚的鞋上建造或修补木模),他打破了。
The Communist Party is trying to break the old mold without breaking its hold. It's quite a drama. 共产党正在尝试既不要打破外表又要改变旧的模式。
advanced biconical positioning technology, self-locking of every cavity, ensures mold "s concentricity; " 采用世界先进的二级双锥度定位技术,每腔独立自锁,确保模具同心度;
But do not fit yourself into a rigid mold that says you must hit the ball waist high or else you are not playing good tennis. 不过,把自己放入“必须击打腰部高度的球”这一硬性的模型中就不明智了,或者说你没有学好网球。
Double-tier platens have no distortion on the surface which fix the mold , thus high- precision molding is secured . 头板和二板为双层模板,模板的码模面不会弯曲变形,从而确保了模具成型高精度制品。
The temperature of the lead should be such that it is just enough to produce satisfactory castings in a heat-stabilized mold. 铅液的温度要正好适宜于在热稳定的模具中铸出合格铸件。