mp3 player

  • n.MP3 播放器

复数:MP3 players

mp3 playermp3 player

mp3 player

Just as it redefined the MP3 player experience and reinvented the iPhone, Apple is going to pursue the netbook opportunity. 正如苹果重新定义MP3播放器体验和颠覆传统手机打造出iPhone一样,它也在关注并寻求进入上网本市场。
Researchers at the Japanese telecom giant NTT DoCoMo are working on a way for you to control your MP3 player with your eyes. 在日本电信巨头NTTDoCoMo的研究人员正在研究一种方法,你控制你的眼睛MP3播放器。
Once the import is complete, check that the songs have transferred properly. Your MP3 player is now ready with its new set of tunes! 一旦导入完毕,检查歌曲转换是否无误。现在你的MP3播放器已经有个新的专辑了!
To get a sense of what the DFT does, consider an MP3 player plugged into a loudspeaker. 我们以一个接有喇叭的mp3播放器为例来大体了解一下DFT是什么。
"The MP3 player is the simplest way to create your own office, " said the company. 伍兹·贝格特公司说:“听MP3是开拓个人空间最为简单的办法。”
AV MP3 Player Morpher Basic is all-in-one audio morphing studio for digital music and movie editing. 著名MP3播放器morpher基本是所有在其中的音频变形演播室数字音乐和电影剪辑。
Use the MP3 player as you normally would, hang it around your neck, clip it on your jeans or place it in your pocket. 播放MP3时就象使用一个普通MP3播放器一样,可以挂在你的脖子上,别在牛仔裤上或放进你的口袋。
If it fails to response to operations, please press the "Reset" key using a toothpick, and restart the player. 如果机子不能正常运行,请用牙签按下复位这个键,重启MP3播放器。
In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a technical innovation: a new MP3 player. 在一个信息经济时代,许多人有能力作出技术革新:一个新的MP3播放器。
But get ready for the MP3 player in your hand to get much smaller, the size of a Band-Aid, to be specific. 但要做好准备哦!你手中的MP3播放器马上就要变小很多了,具体点儿说,就是变得像创可贴那么小。
Would Apple have ever made the first iPod, entering into an already saturated MP3 player market in the beginning of this decade? 是否Apple会生产第一台iPod,这期间,Apple是否会进入一个已经饱和了的MP3播放器市场?
Continuing with the client questions, I wanted to know if an in-game browser or mp3 player might be in the works. 我想知道的另外一个关于客户端的问题是,里面是否有内置的mp3播放器列表(好贪心)。
Another bottle that catches the eye is Givenchy Play, amusingly shaped like an MP3 player. 另一款夺人耳目的男士香水是纪梵希(Givenchy)的Play,包装的形状类似一个MP3播放器。
He pushed the company into the digital music business, introducing first iTunes and then the iPod MP3 player. 他推动公司涉足数字音乐领域,发布了第一代iTunes,接着发布了iPodMP3播放器。
Always check to see if your MP3 player is compatible with the downloads available. 别忘了要检查一下打算下载的有声读物和你的MP3是否兼容。
Super Mp3 Recorder Professional, the powerful recorder, editor and player, makes a complete recording studio of your computer. 超级MP3播放录音专业,强大的录音机,编辑和播放器,使一个完整的录音室,您的计算机。
With your MP3 player, you can listen over and over to things you find interesting, while absorbing the language. 利用你的MP3播放器,你可以一遍一遍的听你觉得有趣的东西,同时理解这门语言。
The fire got to the bedroom and burned many things, such as the shoes, but no books or the MP3 player were burned. 大火窜进卧室,烧毁了很多东西,像鞋子之类的,但信息书或Mp3机子都没有被烧着。
After that, I couldn't sleep; so I dug my MP3 player out of my things, and settled down to relax. 那晚后来,我就睡不着了.所以我从我一大堆的行李中把MP3找了出来,想静下来放松一下。
To tell you the truth, mine is better. It can serve as both a mobile phone and a MP3 player. 实话告诉你,我的更好,它又能打手机又能听mp3音乐。
Adam Smith Academy offers free educational podcasts you can download and listen to on an MP3 player or your computer's media player. 亚当·史密斯学院提供免费的教育音像制品,你可以下载后用MP3或者电脑里的媒体播放器来听。
Once you arrive, these free podcasts will turn your MP3 player into a tour guide! 你一到目的地,这些免费“播客”档案会让你的MP3立刻化身为导游!
Dr LaVan reckons that two of his protocells, measuring several centimetres across, could run a digital music-player for about 10 hours. 拉凡博士认为,两个几厘米宽的原始细胞可以供应使MP3运行10小时的电量。
Using a USB port and one of many adapters, you can charge up that MP3 player, phone, camera, Bluetooth headset and more. 使用USB接口和一个适配器就能给MP3播放器,手机,相机,蓝牙耳机等设备充电。
Feeds can also be used to deliver audio content (usually in MP3 format) which you can listen to on your computer or MP3 player. 也可将源用于传送可在计算机或MP3播放器上收听的音频内容(通常采用MP3格式)。
The Total Music concept is an interesting one: would I pay $90 more for an MP3 player that had all the music I want on it? TotlaMusic的概念令人感兴趣:我会在MP3播放器上多花90美元去拥有任何我想要的音乐吗?
He has fewer doubts about the value of the MP3 player which he sees as ideal to deliver what he describes as "just-in-time" training. 希金斯对MP3播放器价值的怀疑比较少,他将其视为可以传递所谓“即时”培训的理想装置。
Neck strap, to attach MP3 player, made of polished stainless steel beads. 项链是用抛光不锈钢珠所制成的,可以系于MP3播放器上。
MP3Resizer is designed to optimize the capacity of your portable music player by reducing the size of MP3 files. mp3resizer是设计优化的能力,您的便携式音乐播放器,减少大小的MP3文件。
Try waking up to the radio or setting your MP3 player so you wake up to yourfavorite song. 试试让你的收音机或者设置你的MP3吧,让你在你喜欢的音乐醒来。