
美 [ˈmʌs(ə)l]英 ['mʌs(ə)l]
  • n.同“mussel”;【解】肌(肉);体力
  • v.用力挤着前进;〈美俚〉发挥膂力
  • 网络肌肉;筋肉;臂力

复数:muscles 现在分词:muscling 过去式:muscled

move muscle,relax muscle,tense muscle,develop muscle



关于人体解剖图(喉部解剖图)的问题 ... 七. 弹性膜与韧带( membranes and ligaments) 八. 肌肉( muscles) 声带( vocal folds) ...


筋字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 筋络〖 vein〗 筋肉muscles〗 筋斗〖 fall;tumble;somersault〗 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... wham n. 重打声v.重打 muscles n. 肌肉, 臂力, (可供食用的)瘦肉, [解]肌 cop n. 警官, 巡警, [纺]管纱 ...


肌肉名称 ( Muscles )起端 ( Origin ) 止端 ( Insertion ) 主要作用 ( Major action ) 位於大腿前方中内侧,起於髂前上棘。


M 代表体力(Muscles)N 代表永不放弃(Nevergiveup)O 代表见解(Opinions)P 代表积极(Positive)Q 代表问题(Questions)R 代表负 …


8.3更新 Roster Editor V 1.1免费版 -... ... GENERICF 是否套用面部 MUSCLES 肌肉类型 EYECOLOR 眼珠颜色 ...


Allods Online的全部隐藏指令和动作 -... ... /mock = 做模仿动作 /muscles = 角色收缩肌肉 /nod = 点头 ...

Sitting in a chair or riding a bicycle on a regular basis signals the brain to set the length of the muscles about the hips for flexion. 坐在椅子上或者骑自行车,大脑会发出特定的信号设定肌肉臀部肌肉伸展的长度。
Take a hot shower to pre-warm your muscles or put your clothes in the dryer on hot for a few minutes then head out for your run. 洗个热水澡预热肌肉,或把衣服放在干衣机里加热数分钟,然后开始跑吧。
They say that if you do not exercise hard enough to make your muscles hurt, the exercise is not doing you much good. 他们说,如果你不行使,努力不够足以使您的肌肉伤害,这样的演习是演习是不足于有益于你的。
With all that extra downtime, you'll have plenty of opportunity to stretch your calves and strengthen your anterior leg muscles. 在你休息的时间里,你有很多机会来拉伸你的腓肠肌和加强你小腿正面的肌肉。
When playing up the size of the active muscles, thus promoting metabolism and blood circulation, help the child's physical health. 玩时使大小肌肉积极活动起来,因而促进新陈代谢和血液循环,有助于孩子的身体健康。
Strictly speaking this is not the first time artificial muscles have been used to turn a wheel, says Dr Anderson. 严格来说,这并不是人造肌肉第一次用于转动轮子,安德森博士说道。
He began to work, carefully and efficiently, preserving and pinning back the muscles that control her eye's movement. 他开始手术摘除眼球,认真细致地保存和剥开了控制她眼球运动的肌肉。
One of the easiest ways to get six pack abs involves burning off the body fat that covers the abdominal muscles. 打造腹肌最简单的方法之一就是燃烧覆盖在腹部肌肉上的脂肪。
Sometimes he made an effort, coaxing her to walk with baby steps to exercise her shrinking muscles. 有时他设法哄劝她像小孩学步一样走路,这样可以锻炼她萎缩的肌肉。
Stiffen your muscles, grab a telephone book, and begin to call out the names alphabetically in a stern, low tone in front of him. 绷紧你的肌肉,抓住电话簿里,并开始大声叫你的名字按字母顺序在斯特恩,低音调在他的面前。
In order to maintain the right amount of stiffness, your muscles need to know how much resistance they're up against. 人体肌肉需要了解他们所承受的阻力是多少以便能够保持适当的刚度。
Just as no one can sneeze for you, just as no one can build muscles for you, no one can study it for you as well. 正如没有人能替你打喷嚏一样,正如没有人能替你长肌肉一样,也没有人能替你研究圣经。
For the summer though, once I get all these muscles how I'm gonna take a little, you know, weight off the sides so I fit in my swimsuit? 但拿夏天来说,有一次我锻炼了肌肉,但体重只减轻了一点儿。你看!将周围这些减下去就可以穿游泳衣了?
It put a tremendous strain on my thigh muscles, but now Dixie was able to wheel me out of the elevator with ease. 我大腿的肌肉被狠狠拉紧,不过迪克西现在能轻易地把我推出电梯了。
As you learn how your "tense" muscles feel and how your "relaxed" muscles feel, you may be able to tell when you need to relax. 随着你认识了在”紧张“下、和”放松“下的肌肉分别会有什么感觉,你就可以辨别出在哪些时候自己需要放松了。
If I had the body with total muscles (with 0% fat) before, now I have to exercise to make more flexible body with a bit of fat in it. 如果之前我身体总的肌肉(0%脂肪),现在为了更灵活必须让身体有适量的脂肪。
Our study has found that epicatechin seems to bring about the same response - particularly in the heart and skeletal muscles, "he said. " 我们的研究发现,表儿茶素似乎能引起相同的反应,尤其在心脏和骨骼肌中。
Lying in bed, starting from your legs and moving up to your head, tense your muscles one at a time, then release. 躺在床上,从脚到头,依次收紧再放松每一块肌肉。
Collagen is an essential and major component of muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, bones, gums, teeth, eyes and blood vessels. 胶原蛋白是构成肌肉,肌腱,软骨,韧带,骨骼,牙龈,牙齿,眼睛和血管的必不可少的重要组成部分。
"Sitting on it requires that you don't slouch, which is great for your back and works your abdominal muscles all day long, " she said. 坐在训练球上,你就没办法驼背了,一整天都可以训练背部和腹部肌肉。
Her muscles ached, and she felt as if she had the beginnings of a fever. 她全身肌肉酸痛,并且感觉像是有了发烧的前兆。
Aerobic exercise helps strengthen the muscles involved in respiration. Thus, the flow of air in and out of the lungs is aided. 有氧运动,通过提高呼吸所需肌肉的力量,有助于肺脏吸入和呼出空气。
I fancy his pre-eminence is due to his muscles of intuition being the strongest and most enduring with which a man has ever been gifted. 我猜测他早期的卓越归因于他的直觉的力量,一个人所能被赋予的最强大、最坚忍的力量。
The culprit may be weak back muscles, the type of surface on which you run, the shoes you wear, or the length of your running stride. 其原因可能是背部肌肉太弱,也可能是你奔跑的路面有问题,还可能是你穿的鞋不合适,也许是因为你的步幅不对。
That would have anchored enormous thigh muscles, which may have been used to deliver powerful kicks to raptors and other enemies. 那块髋骨将会用来固定巨大的大腿肌肉,这块肌肉用来给予猛禽和其它敌人有力的一踢。
Our minds, like muscles, stretch or shrink, depending on how much or how little we exercise them. 我们的思想就如肌肉,是伸展还是收缩,要视乎我们是否经常训练它。
Feel how the muscles that pulled the stick back naturally release and your hit swing muscles get ready to go. 感受肌肉是如何将球杆自然的拉向后,而击球向前摆动的肌肉又是如何作好准备随时发动的。
Since the men have been exercising, their muscles shouldn't be too atrophied, so the physical rehab won't be all that extensive. 由于这些工人是经过锻炼的,他们的肌肉萎缩不会很严重,所以不需要进行太多的体质康复训练。
His muscles are barely visible and his long, silky hair pops up in the air as he gallops across court. 他的肌肉刚好可以看见,而且当他在场上疾驰的是偶,他那又长又丝滑的头发还会飘逸地出现在空中。
For eons, lavender has been used to melt mental tension and relax muscles (hanging strings of lights can do a number on your back). 在无数年代里,薰衣草都被用来缓解精神紧张和放松肌肉(挂着的灯束会暗中伤害你)。