my hands

  • 网络我的双手;我的手;我这双手

my handsmy hands

my hands


《最终幻想XIII》的海外版将采用英国歌手Leona Lewis所演唱的歌曲《我的双手My Hands)》(收录于第二张专辑《Echo》…


telecomcat ... 05.Outta My Head 驱逐 06.My Hands 我的手 07.Love Letter 情书 ...


经典十集之... ... Ross:Yeah? I was good at the stuff huh? 嗯?我当然很行! - Ross:My hands? 我这双手? - Ross:Yeah? 真的…


能量图片 energy - 图蛙 ... 椰子图片 coconut 我的手图片 my hands 收音机图片 radio ...


wash是什么意思_ wash翻译_ wash解释... ... She ~ed the clothes. 她洗衣服 Where can I ~ my hands ?. 洗手间在哪里 ? ...

小手 - search ... 大风吹 Strong wind 小手 My hands 下雪啦!咱们堆雪人吧! It’s snowing! Let’s build a snowman! ...


全家褔 | Blog | HANDS . 手 - Yahoo! Blog ... Thailand 泰国1 My Hands 作品2 About Hand Painted 手.绘3 ...

She just took my hands and looked at me. Then she turned to Bert, who was still hovering, and soon Bert went home by himself. 她握着我的手,看着我,又看看伯特,不一会儿伯特就知趣地回家了。
Long time no see with him, he also felt very happy and come to pull me in his arms, the took my hands and walked across the road. 好久没见过他了,他也很高兴地过来揽着我的肩膀,拉着我赶紧过了马路。
He shot at me with an arrow, but I held up my hands and it stopped in mid-air. 他便以箭射我,然我举起手来,弓箭便停在半空之中。
The number of British troops that might be deployed in future was "out of my hands" , he said. 他说将来可能部署的英国军队人数“不在我掌控之中”。
The sad thing is now that I'm out of work I have time on my hands to see friends and do things, but no one wants to see me. 可悲的事情是:既然我没有工作了,我就有空闲时间去看朋友,和干些其他事情,但是,没有人想见到我。
The blame may lie where it ought to lie, and nowhere else, for I wash my hands of every part of it. 那罪过可以由该受罚的人去担当,不要加在别人身上,我对于这事不再过问了。
Books in my hands have to be prepared to go travelling with me. 书到我手上,就得准备陪我“闯江湖”,到处跑。
I'm afraid the matter is now out of my hands. 恐怕这件事现已不归我管。
When I moved away from his house, Larry grabbed my hands saying, "it's nice getting along with you for some time. " 我搬走时,拉瑞握着我的手说:“真高兴与你相处了这么一阵子。”
The bottom line is in that situation the ball is in my hands, and I turned it over and that hurt us. 关键是那时球在我手上,而我失误了,这伤害了我们。
Tom: I looked at him for a while, then I put my hands into my pockets and went back home. 汤姆:我观察了一会儿,然后我把我的手放入我的口袋,回家去了。
So they, right there, you know, they took me out the door, they put my hands against the car. 于是他们,就在那儿,你懂的,把我抓出去,把我的双手放车上。
I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the lock. 我起来,要给我良人开门。我的两手滴下没药,我的指头有没药汁滴在门闩上。
The laptop I crave I actually had in my hands, but only for a week or two as a trial. It's Sony's amazing 1. 5-pound Vaio X. 我渴望我的笔记本电脑,其实在我手中了,但只有一个星期或两个审判。
"It's the color of your eyes today, " I sighed, surrendering, staring down at my hands as I fiddled with a piece of my hair. “那是今天你的眼睛的颜色。”我叹息着,投降了。我把玩着自己的一缕头发,眼睛盯着自己的手看。
I shall have to go to the bank manager on my hands and knees and see if I can get a loan. 我将得去银行经理处哀求,看看我能否得到贷款。
I feel like getting down on my hands and knees, like Pope John Paul II used to do, and kissing the tarmac. 我真想像教皇约翰.鲍尔二世做过的那样,来跪地亲吻柏油路面。
"He said: " I'm grateful for them, they just break my hands and feet, hurt my skin and did not let me deadly. 他说:「我还是要感恩他们,他们只是打断我的手脚,伤了我的皮肉,并没有让我致命。」
and just as I gave the last impulsion, my hands came across a light cord that was trailing overboard across the stern bulwarks. 正当我划下最后一桨时,我的手碰到了一根从大船后舷桔上挂下来的细绳子。
But my hands did not dare even graze her, and always stayed a few centimetres from her skin. 但是我的手甚至不敢碰到她,总是停留在离她的肌肤几公分之外。
They would make me stand with my hands raised in the air and after I returned to my dormitory they would beat me with plastic pipes. 他们会要我高举双手罚站,而回到团体寝室后,他们会用塑胶管抽打我。
It was more than I had had in my hands at one time for several years. I felt elated, as though perhaps a new life was opening before me. 我已有好几年没有一次拿到过这么多钱了,我兴高采烈,也许一种新生活就要在我面前展开了。
I imagined with my hands stretched out of the windows and started to feel a bit colder. 我把手伸出窗外想像着,开始感觉到一些凉意。
When he learned that I have no umbrella, he pulled my hands just went to his car, said he would send me home. 当他得知我没有打伞时,他拉起我的手就向他的汽车走去,说他要送我回家。
I hold up my hands for silence, and I suggest, why don't we all just call it a night. 我高举双手,示意大家肃静,我建议道,我们今晚到此为止。
I feel so privileged to have had such a work pass through my hands. 我觉得,能够经手这样一幅作品,是一种莫大荣耀。
She took my hands and led me in, and showed me a picture of my brother and I with her and her husband she'd put on her wall. 牵着我的手把我带入她的家里,她还给我看挂在墙上的那张照片,那正是我哥哥,我,她以及她丈夫的合影
He stood before me and held both my hands, I said, "Leave me! " ; but he did not go. 他站在我面前,拉起我的手。我说:“走开!”但他却没有走。
The milkers would let me keep my hands on the cows while they milked, and I often got well switched by the cow for my curiosity. 挤牛奶的工人总是会让我帮他们挤牛奶,而牛时常启发我的好奇心。
I closed my eyes and placed my hands together, trying to make peace with my overactive mind. 我闭上眼睛,双手握在一起,试着让自己过于活跃的头脑冷静点。