my way

  • 网络我的路;登陆之日;我的方式

my waymy way

my way


My Way_百度百科 ... Yes,it was my way. 是的,那曾是我的路。 My way 我的路 And now,the end is near 现在,终点已经靠近 ...


登陆之日》(My Way)是一部韩国和美国合拍的一部战争片。影片由《太极旗飘扬》的姜帝圭执导,以二战诺曼底登陆为背 …


My Way 是什么意思 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... My Future Way: 我的未来式 My Way: 我的路|我的方式|张敬轩 My Own Way: 走出 …


电影《我的征途》(my way)韩国首映式红毯+记者会美图合辑:两位极品大叔低调有型,“劳模范”再次挑战女神范,能否抢镜成 …


奥斯卡金曲_百度百科 ... 《My Own True Love》 我的真爱 《My Way我的准则 《Nothing is Gonna Stop Us Now》 什么也 …


听威廉的歌 专辑歌词... ... 14.Something Stupid( 太傻) 15.My Way( 自己的路) 17.Can't Smile Without You( 你是我的微笑) ...


... To Hollywood 1984年冠军曲」、「走自己的路MY WAY);西班牙文诠释保罗安卡、法兰克辛纳屈演唱电影《夺标》经典 …

What I'm trying to say is get Get out of my way! 我想说的是离开我吧
A porter helped me with my bags as I made my way, sweating, into the train station in Dar es Salaam. 我向达累斯萨拉姆火车站走去,搬运工替我拿着包,大汗淋漓。
One day on my way home from school, I saw an old woman standing by the roadside, with a heavy bag on her back. with复合结构的用法。一天,我在放学回家的路上,看见一位老太太站在路边,背上挂着一个沉重的包裹。
I knew not, neither did I so much as consider whither I should steer; for any where to get out of that Place was my Way. 至于去哪儿,连我自己都不知道,也没有考虑过,只要离开这儿就行。
I was flying on my dragon, trying to explore the ground, and I made a comment in chat about how the clouds kept getting in my way. 我曾经坐这飞龙,尝试探索周围,我得到了一个感决就是白云挡住了我的去路。
Busted tail light. I had a girl in the trunk. Almost talked my way out of it, even with her screaming back there. 汽车尾灯坏了。后备箱里装个了姑娘。即使她在后面尖叫,我也几乎开脱了。
Monica: All right, that's it. You know what? Just get out of my way and stop moping. 好的,我知道了。你知道么,别在这里碍事,也别闷闷不乐了。
When my mother and I would disagree to get my way, I would run from her to him. 每当妈妈不听我的话,不答应我的要求,我就从她那里跑开去找爸爸。
if I'm about to run out of gas at midnight on my way home? . . . (如果我车子的油在半夜回家的路上快用完了该怎么办呢?)…
I felt sure that I could be a grownup if only my parents would get out of my way. 我肯定,只要父母不阻挠,我一定可以做个大人。
Give me my wives and children, for whom I have served you, and I will be on my way. You know how much work I've done for you. 请你把我服侍你所得的妻子和儿女给我,让我走。我怎样服侍你,你都知道。
I began my life as the son of immigrant, and I worked my way up to the presidency of the Ford Motor Company. 我自幼过着移民后裔的生活,一步一步的往上爬,最后当上了福特汽车公司总裁。
With speed like that, it shouldn't take long at all for you to get out of my way. 有那种速度,要滚离我的视线范围应该花不了多少时间。
He had a girlfriend in his hometown who'd visit him, but whenever she wasn't there I'd have my way with him. 他在老家有个女朋友,她也来看过他,但是只要她不在,他就是我的。
Val is always making insulting remarks and I don't see why I should go out of my way to be pleasant to her. 瓦尔总是讲一些侮辱性的话,我不明白我为什么要特意地取悦于她,
Heathcliff did not glance my way, and I gazed up, and contemplated his features almost as confidently as if they had been turned to stone. 希刺克厉夫没有向我这边瞅一眼,我就抬头盯着,而且几乎很沉着地研究着他的面貌,仿佛他的脸已经变成石头了。
so I just had to sort of know my way around the scenes as much as I could. 所以我必须尽可能地了解我在这些场景中的动作。
For a few brief moments, as I left the Law Courts on my way to the van, I recognized the familiar smells and colours of a summer evening. 走出法院登上车子的时候,一刹那间,我又闻到了夏日傍晚的气息,看到了夏日傍晚的色彩。
"Thank you, " I said, my face turning red. I wondered what I had thanked them for, as I made my way to a seat. “谢谢,”我回答道,我的脸涨得通红。当我朝座位走去时,我在想:我干嘛要谢她们呢?
When I got there on my way home from work on Friday, the tailor said he had not made my suit because he could not find my measurements. 星期五,当我下班走在回家的路上时,那位裁缝跟我说我的西装还没做,因为他找不到我的尺寸。
All day? When you could have been celebrating? I must have passed a dozen feasts and parties on my way here. 整天?你应该去庆祝才是。我今天来的时候一路上不知道有多少派对和大餐呢。
On my way there, the bus was broken down when I eventually got to the chemist's, they had sold out of the medicine too! 我去的路上,公车出了故障。当我终于到达的时候,他们说他们的药也全部售光了!
And I realized at an early age that I could make things go my way with just a few small changes. 很早我就知道只要作些小小的变通,就可以随心所欲地操纵局面。
But on my way home I saw him get into a new car and drive off and I knew now he had told me a sob story. 可是,我在回家的路上看见他上了一辆新车后就开走了。我这才知道他说的事全是假的。
I was walking onto a bridge next to one of the road. It was great that I could find my way home. I looked back at her. 我走上路边的一座桥。太好了,我居然看到了回家的方向。我回头看她。
I mean it was a clear thing to me that it's not my way of living to rush in things . 有一点很明确的是,孜孜汲汲于某个事情不是我生活的方式。
It was no coincidence that at the time I was on my way to a conference on food allergy in Vienna, Austria. 当时,我正在去奥地利维也纳参加有关食物过敏会议的途中,而这也并非巧合。
I began my life as the son of immigrants, and with great efforts I worked my way up to the presidency of the Ford Campany. 我是作为移民的儿子进入人世的,凭自己的努力,一步步地当上了。
At the moment , I lose my compass and my way . There is nothing in my mind . I was afraid to think all of this what will become . 仿佛就在那一瞬间,我丢失了人生的指南,迷失掉了自己的方向。脑中变得一片空白,不敢想象结局到底还会发展到什么地步。
The slope on either side was extremely steep and forbidding, and yet I thought that I could work my way down on either side. 两边的山坡极其陡峭,极其险峻,然而我觉得从哪边都可以爬下去。