
美 [ˈneroʊ]英 [ˈnærəʊ]
  • adj.狭窄的;窄小的;勉强的;刚刚好的
  • v.使窄小;变窄;缩小
  • n.峡谷;(场所,物品等的)狭窄部分
  • 网络狭隘的

比较级:narrower 最高级:narrowest 第三人称单数:narrows 现在分词:narrowing 过去式:narrowed

narrow band,narrow escape,narrow range,narrow street,narrow space
narrow gap,narrow scope,narrow definition,narrow gulf


1.狭窄的;窄小的measuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to length

2.[ubn]勉强的;刚刚好的only just achieved or avoided

3.狭隘的;目光短浅的limited in a way that ignores important issues or the opinions of other people

4.(种类或数目)有限的;范围小的limited in variety or numbers

5.狭义的;严格的;准确的limited in meaning; exact


阿拉伯语手册6 - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 广阔的 wide 狭窄的 narrow 高处 high ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... namely 即,也就是 narrow 狭(窄)的;狭隘的 nation 国家,民族 ...


六级常考词汇_百度文库 ... v.=broaden,enlarge,extend,expand,stretch 反义 narrow 缩小 finish 完成; ...


构词法_百度文库 ... narrow 窄的— narrow 变窄 clean 干净的— ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... feisty adj. 易怒的, 活跃的 narrow n. 狭窄部分, 海峡, 隘路 fetal adj. 胎儿的, 胎的 ...

Charlotte felt greatly relieved to see him go. It had been a narrow escape. 他走了以后,夏洛蒂长长的松了一口气,终于死里逃生了。
What people did to me might hurt as well, but I would not carry their narrow-mindedness or bias as my burden. 别人针对我所做的事情同样可能伤害我,但是我不会把他们的心胸狭窄或偏见,变成自己的负担。
He may also have faced down the PdL's desire for a narrow mandate (that will become clear only from his full programme). 他可能也会压低自由人民党对于有限授权(只来源于他的全部计划会变得很清晰)的欲望。
Clearly, this neighbour did not maximise the value of his bargaining position in the narrow situation you describe. 很明显,在你描述的情形中,这个邻居没有把他的谈判地位的价值最大化。
Mostly bald, except for white, half of ring of hair, he had a pointed pink head uncannily like the narrow end of an egg. 他的头几乎秃光了,除了象光轮一样的一圈稀疏白发,他那粉红的头颅活象鸡蛋的尖端。
The image was captured using four narrow-band filters that have been tuned to see hydrogen as well as ionized helium, sulfur and oxygen. 获取该图像时使用了四个窄带滤光片,它们都被调谐到可见氢、电离氦、硫和氧。
A pure sweet night, and finally we got out on a real narrow tar country road and headed up toward the mountains for sure. 一个清秋酷毙的晚上,我们最终在一条非常狭窄的郊野柏油路上熄了火,确定无疑地赶紧朝山脉前进。
Gary Becker analyzed behaviors that don't seem to be the product of narrow self-interest, like having children and behaving altruistically. 加里·贝克尔(GaryBecker)对像生儿育女和利他行为等那些似乎并非出于狭隘的自身利益的行为进行研究分析。
Ms Lagarde did not clamber into the French elite by the narrow, winding, stairs of the "grande ecoles" or tribal, party allegiance. 他并不是依靠辉煌的法国高等教育背景,也不是依靠某个集团或政党的拥护而进入法国上流精英社会的。
Here most of the streets are narrow, and traffic is often very slow. 这里的大多数街道都很狭窄,交通往往十分缓慢。
The boss get narrow squeak continue night in his office, his spooning dawn a girl clerk were almaximum searched away by his wife. 昨天晚上好险哪。老总同一个女职员在办公室动手动脚的,差一点儿让他的妻子给撞上。
Early jet engines had narrow inlets and were very noisy, but as the diameter of the fans at the front increased, the engines became quieter. 早期的喷气式发动机进气口狭窄且噪音巨大,但是随着前部风扇直径的增大,发动机变得越来越安静。
In addition, take advantage of services that allow you to narrow your search to the kind of companies who truly match your interests. 另外,利用猎头公司的服务可以缩小真正适合你发展的公司范围。
I'm tired of trying to read through your bad English and counter your narrow-minded views with rationalization. 我对阅读你的蹩脚的英语和反驳你的狭隘观点已经感到厌倦了。
"There are a number of issues that are on the table. Any attempt to narrow the issues to one or two would not be accurate, " he said. “需要讨论的问题有很多。任何将问题缩减为一到两个的尝试都是不准确的,”他说道。
Jack notices a mounted camera in the facility with its wires threading into a narrow conduit that runs along the ceiling. 杰克注意到在拘留中心内有安装摄像头,摄像头的电线穿过一排窄的线管,沿着天花板延伸下去。
The pungent smell of the aptly named local treat wafted around the corner, along the narrow alleyway and straight up my nostrils. 被称为当地特色的臭豆腐的刺鼻味道这时正飘过街角、顺着那条狭窄的胡同直接飘进我的鼻子。
When working with a text document, the window was best made thin and narrow to make it easy to scroll up and down the text. 当处理一个文本文档时,又细又长的窗口是最佳的,因为这样便于上下滚动文本。
He found a good place in the rocks, more than twelve feet high with a narrow entrance. 他在岩石中找到一个好地方,十二英尺多高,还有一个狭窄的入口。
While the latter is often misplaced when making performance evaluation, or has a narrow practical application. 后者或在评价角度时常错位,或实际应用性差。
When two or three generations were packed into a single house, family life spilled out into the courtyards and narrow alleyways. 当两代或者三代人挤在一所房子的时候,家庭生活延伸到庭院和那些狭窄的小巷里。
The "town" as it were, is literally one long, narrow street with a few art galleries, restaurants and one hotel. 小“镇”亦如其字面之意,一条窄窄长长的小路,一些艺术长廊,餐厅以及一家旅店,就是它的所有。
In a narrow range with relevant international conventions, we encountered the greatest obstacle is not a technical question, but a process. 在窄幅设备的使用中,我们遇到的最大障碍不是技术问题,而是工艺问题。
Narrow River Inlet at the quiet water, food concentration, easy to choose the best habitat to fish. 河汊处水窄水静,食物集中,便于鱼栖息的最佳选地。
The downpour quickly ran off the barren hills and began building up in the narrow valley. 倾泻的暴雨很快冲光贫瘠的山泥,小峡谷开始显现。
It is nothing else but to give you a narrow and competitive world where everyone is the enemy of anyone else. 它不是别的,只是给你一个狭窄的,竞争的世界,每个人都是其它每个人的敌人。
This commission would be charged with trying to narrow the range of the unexpected. 上述委员会将力争缩小意外情况的范围。
My room was small and looked out on a narrow courtyard, with the result that I always felt fenced in. 我的房间很小,看出去是个很窄的庭院,致使我总觉得自己被困在栅栏中一样。
As they drove up the steep hill, a noisy motorcycle tail-gated them, trying to pa even though the road was windy and narrow. 当他们驾驶了陡峭的小山,一辆喧闹的摩托车尾巴给他们装门,设法通过,即使路是有风和狭窄的。
The natural world has such a large range of brightnesses, but a computer screen can only display a very narrow range of them. 自然世界的亮度是一个非常大的范围,但是电脑屏幕只能显示他们之间的一段很窄的范围。