new york

美 ['nju:'jɔ:k]英 [ˈnju:ˈjɔ:k]
  • n.【城】纽约州
  • 网络美国纽约;纽约市;纽约步

new yorknew york

new york


纽约白宫纽约New York)是美国第一大都市和第一大商港,它不仅是美国的金融中心,也是全世界金融中心之一。纽约位于 …


美国州份_百度百科 ... New Mexico 新墨西哥州 New York 纽约州 North Carolina 北卡罗来纳州 ...


美国纽约(new york)地图2 美国纽约(new york)地图20 美国纽约(new york)地图12 美国纽约(new york)地图16 美国纽约(new york…


纽约市New York)位于美国大西洋海岸的东北部,是美国最大城市及最大港,也是世界第一大经济中心,被人们誉为世界之 …


拉丁舞_互动百科 ... La Passe 游动十六步 (New York ) (纽约步) 3.1 伦巴( rumba) ...


美国的纽约New York)都是由这个约克派生出来的,是仅次于伦敦最受欢迎的旅游城市。这座古城是北约克郡的首府也是 …


世界时尚杂志排行–大杂烩 ... 78.ARENA 竞技场 79.New York 纽约杂志 80.Maclean's 麦克林斯 ...

"I had one of my best days and I'm very fortunate that I had it on this stage in New York, " Stosur said during an on-court interview. “本届美网我度过了生命中最美好的日子,我非常幸运在纽约的这一舞台上赢得了这一切,”斯托瑟在场地采访中表示。
'We want to be able to fly from New York to Los Angeles and be able to watch a whole movie without a battery recharge, ' he said. “我们希望做到从纽约飞洛杉矶的整个航程不需给电池充电就能欣赏一部完整的大片,”索德说。
Meanwhile, other hedge funds in New York and London are now trying to get collateral back from other groups, creating more pressures. 同时,纽约和伦敦的其它对冲基金目前正努力从其它集团收回抵押品,从而造成了更多的压力。
Hairy commutes aside, Mr. Vargas Llosa has settled into a happy New York life with his wife, Patricia. 撇开高峰火车的可怕不谈,巴尔加斯.略萨先生同他妻子帕特里夏享受着一种快乐的纽约生活。
"People talk like the recession started a year ago, " said Tom Kalenderian, the men's fashion director of Barneys New York. “人们说喜欢一年前开始的衰退,”巴尼斯纽约店的男士服装主管TomKalenderian说。
The New York-based group had been pressuring Huawei to leave Iran and had been communicating privately with the company for several weeks. 这家总部位于美国纽约的组织一直给华为施压,要求它撤出伊朗,并且已在私下里与华为进行了几周时间的沟通。
A few years ago while visiting New York City, I made a trip up to the observation deck of the Empire State Building. 数年前游览纽约巿时,我曾登上帝国大厦的观景台。
On November 7, 1872 the ship departed New York with Captain Briggs, his wife, young daughter and a crew of eight. 在1872年9月7日,该船只载着船长Briggs、他的妻子、女儿和8名船员从纽约驶离。
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U. S. banks seem to be riding high these days, but their future stability depends on the hidden hand of government. 路透纽约9月24日电---美国的银行近来似乎意气风发,但其未来的稳定取决于政府那只看不见的手。
He did not mind being flippant about New York, but disliked to hear any one else take the same tone. 他不在乎自己对纽约社会说些轻浮的话,却不喜欢听别人使用同样的腔调。
While describing Shanghai as 'the New York of Asia, ' he said basic communication was a huge problem. 虽然把上海称作“亚洲的纽约”,但卡纳说,基本的交流都成了一个大问题。
If you think Linda Evangelista is over-paying for child care in New York, imagine what she would be paying in London. 果你认为琳达•伊万格丽斯塔(LindaEvangelista)在纽约为幼托服务花的钱太多,想想她在伦敦会花多少钱。
Increasing evidence shows that the long periods of bed rest can be harmful to the health of a pregnant woman, the New York Times reports. 据《纽约时报》报告:越来越多的证据表明长时间的卧床休息对孕妇的健康有害。
All over the streets of New York City, people are bustling in and out of shops, buying Christmas presents. 在纽约的大街小巷上,人们行色匆匆地穿梭于店铺之间,忙着购买圣诞礼物。
Number 85 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004, is where the money is. All of it. 纽约曼哈顿布罗德大街85号,这里代表了金钱,所有这些都代表了金钱。
"The Sphinx has thus emerged into the landscape out of shadows of what seemed to be an impenetrable oblivion, " the New York Times declared. “斯芬克斯从此从看似不可摧毁的遗忘阴影中解脱,成为了一处景观。”当时的《纽约时报》如此宣称。
Wenger: It was the right move for Henry to move [to New York Red Bulls]. He looks very happy with the few words I had with him today. 温格:亨利转会去纽约红牛是正确的。今天我和他说了几句话,他看起来很快乐。
Hurricane Irene had threatened New York City mightily but, in the end, she did not deliver her worst. 艾琳飓风(HurricaneIrene)曾对纽约市构成严重威胁,但它最终没有造成最糟糕的破环。
New York is primarily a gateway to the big American market whereas London, out of necessity, has had to look abroad for most of its growth. 纽约首先是通向美国这一巨大市场的门户,而伦敦虽不是出于无奈,却需要通过海外市场求得发展。
THE snowy night I met Willem at a synagogue in New York City, I knew we would marry, but I did not know that it would last only 10 years. 在那个下雪的夜晚,纽约市一个犹太教堂里,我遇到了威廉。我意识到我们会结婚,但没想到这段婚姻仅仅持续了十年。
The 2006 New York art season turned out to be a piddling affair , thanks to its focus on hype , cash and new product . 2006年纽约艺术社区的季节变成了一场风波,由于它着眼于开足马力,现金及新产品。
It was one of the best-sellers on the New York Times list. 它是纽约时报排行榜上最畅销的一本书
It is dark in New York. I can't see the clouds in the dark but I know they are up there looking at me. 纽约很黑,在黑暗中我看不到云,但我知道它们就在上面看着我。
He is accused of trying to rape a maid this month in his suite at the Sofitel hotel in New York. He will stay with his wife. 他被控在纽约索菲特酒店套房内试图强奸一名女服务员。
Meanwhile, New York's top legal officer vowed to take AIG to court if it did not provide full details of the bonus payments. 同时纽约州大法官也誓称,如若AIG不能提供奖金支付详情的话,将和其在法庭上见。
But Sarkozy said the meeting would be held in New York, possibly by the end of November. 但萨科齐说会议将在纽约召开,时间大约是在11月末。
The company is also facing new problems at home. A federal judge in New York has ruled against its plan to put millions of books online. 谷歌在美国国内也面临一些新问题。纽约一位联邦法官否决了该公司把数百万册图书放上互联网的计划。
He'd recognised my accent because he'd had a Welsh friend -- or mentor as he called him -- in Kosovo before coming to New York. 他听出了我的口音,因为他在来纽约之前在科索沃有一位威尔士朋友——他叫他导师。相互交融的文化丰富多彩,无比绝妙,而且充满活力。
It was by ringing doorbells on New York's Upper East Side that she really began to understand Avon's larger business. 正是在纽约上东区挨户按响门铃推销过程中,她开始意识到雅芳的广阔前景。
ICBC's U. S. assets have increased to more than $1 billion from basically zero since the bank opened its New York office. 自工商银行在纽约开设了分支机构以来,该行在美国的资产已经从基本为零增长到了10多亿美元。