
美 [nu]英 [njuː]
  • adj.崭新的;新发明的;新开发的;新鲜的
  • abbr.〈美(=net economic welfare)纯经济福利
  • adv.同“newly”
  • n.新的东西
  • 网络更新的;较新;较新的

比较级:newer 最高级:newest




电脑常用英语单词 ... newdata 新建数据 newer 更新的 newfile 新文件 ...


Source for "eRepublik 简体中文插件... ... "Turn OFF" 关闭", "Newer" 较新", "Older" 较旧", ...


专四听力生词_百度文库 ... ally 盟友,联盟 newer 较新的 principal 负责人,校长 ...


CE 05 flashcards | Quizlet ... new 新的 newer 比较新的 ear 耳朵 ...


MoinI18n/zh-tw - 1.9... ... "This page links to the following pages:" 本页连往以下页面:" "Newer" 新的名称" "Diff" 比较" ...

Google's costs have continued to rise sharply as the company seeks to compete with newer rivals. 由于要和新的对手竞争,谷歌的运营成本继续大幅上升。
Air France is now moving quickly to put in newer versions of the speed sensors. But the cause of the crash is still under investigation. 法航现在正迅速行动安装新型速度传感器。但是此次坠机事故的原因尚在调查之中。
So the Gulf oil will have to be shipped to Asia's newer refineries, which are designed to deal with a wide variety of grades of oil. 所以海湾的石油必须先运送至亚洲较新的炼油厂,这些炼油厂正是建以处理各种各类的石油。
Tamoxifen is still a useful drug, although newer drugs called aromatase inhibitors seem to work better in clinical trials. 因此它莫西芬仍然是一个非常有效的药物,虽然新的芳香酶抑制剂药物在临床试验上效果似乎更好。
Some of the newer houses were built just as the credit crunch began to bite, and voters are anxious. 信贷危机来袭时刚建造了一批新居。选民们对此感到不安。
Targeted therapies are a newer form of cancer treatment that are often used in combination with chemotherapy or when other therapies fail. 靶向疗法是一种新型疗法,常与化疗联合进行,或者是在其他治疗手段不起作用的时候使用。
I admit it's a little dated. I must be one of the last holdouts in switching to a newer model. 我承认,它是有点过时。我属于拒绝新型号的那类顽固分子中的一员。
If you change one of these pieces of information, an end user might be unable to update her version with the newer version. 如果你改变了它们中的一个,那么用户可能无法更新他们的应用到最新版。
iFrame is a newer video format meant to make it easy to import, edit and share videos. iFrame是一种比较新的视频格式,能够轻松地导入、编辑和共享。
You might occasionally encounter a game or other program that requires you to update to a newer version of the driver for your video card. 有时您可能会遇到一种游戏或其他程序,要求您将视频卡的驱动程序更新为较高版本。
but I thought of an older, a newer, and purer wine, of a more glorious vintage, which they had not got, and could not buy. 可是我想到了一种更古,却又更新、更纯粹、更光荣的饮料,但他们没有,要买也买不到。
Now we have a newer machine, and it seems to be making allowances for the fact that people may be wearing rings one day and not the next. 现在我们有了一台技术更新的机器,它似乎考虑了这一事实,即人们有时候戴戒指,有时候不戴戒指。
And when you upgrade to a newer version of Python, you don't have to worry that you might be abandoning existing pickles. 并且,当升级到更新版本的Python时,不必担心可能要废弃已有的pickle。
Office furniture used to be so boring and old-fashion, yet designers are incorporating a more modern touch to newer designs. 办公家具通常都很无趣,过时,但是设计师将其和更现代的设计结合起来。
You might have an older version of the add-on which needs to be updated to work with a newer version of Internet Explorer. 您可能有一个较旧版本的加载项,需要对其进行更新才能与较新的InternetExplorer版本一起使用。
This conflict can be resolved by loading the newer version of the document, reapplying the edits and trying to save again. 可以通过加载更新版本的文档来解决该冲突,然后重新进行编辑并再次保存。
Toledo remains one of the best examples of a town moving from the old economy to a newer one. 托莱多仍是城镇从旧经济体转为更新形式的典范。
Paths branch out to classic rides (Dumbo, the Mad Tea Party) and newer additions like The Pirates of the Caribbean. 王国里不但有经典的小飞象和疯狂茶会旋转杯,还有新加入的加勒比海盗等游玩项目。
When he first mentioned the possibility of replacing the Honda with a newer car, I was all for it. 当格里首次提出淘汰本田的可能性的时候,我表示全力支持。
In Europe the recall cause little stir, since the drug has mostly fallen out of use, replaced by newer, more expensive alternatives. 在欧洲召回引起多大轰动,因为毒品大多已被淘汰使用,取而代之的是更新,更昂贵的替代品。
Perhaps if they were to let go, their hands would then be open to grasp on to something newer and richer. 假如他们顺其自然,放弃某些欲念,反到有机会获得新的或者更多的东西。
Migrate to frameworks that support Ajax: Newer frameworks are beginning to support the asynchronous communication model. 迁移到支持Ajax的框架:更新的框架开始支持异步通信模型。
Poppy: So what ! Big deal ! You can just replace me with a newer, trashier version, like you did with mom! 那又怎样!大甩卖!你可以找个更新的,更没用的来代替我,就像你对妈妈做的那样!
He said that interest from south-east Asia was a newer phenomenon, but collectors were attracted by major brand names. 他表示,来自东南亚的收藏兴趣是一个比较新的现象,不过,收藏者是被一些大牌吸引。
A merge typically starts when you check in a model to a repository, and a newer version of the same model already exists in the repository. 一个合并通常开始于你将一个模型检入到一个存储库中时,并且此时同一个模型的一个新版本已经存在于此存储库中了。
Try to choose to use a newer version, if it is no good, it may consider replacing graphics cards. 只管即便采取较陈的版本,如果的确不成可思考调换显卡。
When a web services provider develops a newer version of a service, it often becomes necessary to continue supporting existing clients. 当Web服务提供商开发了一个新版本的服务时,通常需要继续支持现有的客户机。
Staples Center may be a newer building, but it has been built on championships. It has an instant air of a winning tradition. 斯坦普斯中心也许是个新建场馆,但是它已经是冠军场馆。它有胜利的传统。
In the next chapter, we'll explore some of the newer areas of choice that have been added to complicate our lives. 在下一章,我们将会考察一些更新的关于选择(已经使我们的生活变得复杂)的领域。
I've installed, configured and tested many apps on the Galaxy S, and for a while, I was even jealous that he had the newer phone. 我在GalaxyS上安装,配置并且测试了很多应用程序,我有段时间甚至嫉妒老公有个比iPhone4更新的手机。