
美 [naɪn]英 [naɪn]
  • n.九岁;九点钟;棒球队;九点(的牌)
  • num.





have nine lives

有九条命;命大to be very lucky in dangerous situations

a nine days wonder

昙花一现;轰动一时的人(或事物)a person or thing that makes people excited for a short time but does not last very long

nine times out of ten

十之八九;几乎总是;差不多每次almost every time

nine to five

九点至五点;正常办公时间the normal working hours in an office

the whole nine yards

一切;全部everything, or a situation which includes everything

'Nine months ago, investors had to make a very big leap of faith, ' says Hasan Tevfik, a global-stock strategist at Citigroup in London. 花旗集团(Citigroup)驻伦敦全球股市策略师塔夫菲克(HasanTevfik)说,九个月前,投资者必须拿出相当大的信心才行;
Remember these nine rules, as if thou hadst received them as a gift from the Muses, and begin at last to be a man while thou livest . 记住这九条规则,仿佛它们是你从缪斯收到的一个礼物,终于在你活着的时候开始成为一个人。
This baby is about to begin the journey of a lifetime, having spent nine months hidden in her mother's womb. 宝宝马上就要开始她自己的生命之旅,结束在妈妈子宫里的九个月生活。
Forty-nine women testified against him in the first case of its kind. 49名妇女当庭指证马特威尔。这是首起此类案件。
And in the second set he decided to go for broke in a bid to see off a man whom he had beaten in eight of nine previous meetings. 比赛进入第二盘时他决定使出全力以便向这位跟他交手过九次只赢过一次的对手说再见。
Nine minutes later, miraculously and unaccountably, he returned to life to tell of his amazing near-death experience in the afterlife. 在他死后九分钟,他无法解释地奇迹般生还,述说了自己濒死体验。
There were nine players on the court just coasting, but there was one kid playing his heart out. 场上的九名队员都已无心恋战,只剩下一个孩子还在竭尽全力。
The United States is one of twenty-five countries where farmers planted genetically engineered crops in two thousand nine. 到2009年,世界上已有25个国家种植转基因农作物,美国是其中之一。
he made his first pair of shoes at the age of nine. 鞋子的他已制成的他的首先一对在九。
Some supernova researchers wondered if it might be just a nine-day wonder. 有些超新星研究者怀疑,这可能只是昙花一现。
How much is ten minus one. Ten minus one is nine. 十减一等于多少?十减一等于九。
The author, who turned 33 this week, goes by the pen name Nine Knives, picked up in high school after he wrote a song with that title. 现年33岁的柯景腾一直使用“九把刀”这个笔名。这是他上高中时写过的一首歌的歌名,后来他就用它做了笔名。
In Italy, we did not play for a month at Christmas but I was still tired in '84. That's why I only scored nine goals [in winning the Euros]! 在意大利,我们不会在圣诞节那个月踢比赛,但我在84年还是累坏了,所以我(在赢得欧锦赛冠军的过程中)只进了9个球!
The court will not issue a writ of certiorari unless at least four of the nine justices approve of it. 除非是九位大法官中的至少四位同一,否则一般不会发布调案复审令。
Nine months earlier, he'd handed Harrington, a longtime friend, a container of his sperm to take with her to a fertility doctor. 九个月前,亨德里克斯交给哈林顿——一个他认识了很久的朋友一小罐精子,让她带去给医生进行人工受精。
The company is preparing for rapid growth and has identified nine departments, each with its own department head. 该公司正准备迅速发展,并且已经确定了九个部门,每个部门都有自己的部门经理。
Gorbachev has never reconciled himself to Yeltsin's nine years in power which he sees as a time of chaos. 在他看来,叶利钦执政的9年中俄罗斯完全是一片狼藉。
He made each turtle stand on another one's back. And he piled them all up in a nine-turtle stack. 他让乌龟一个站在另一个背上,让九只乌龟堆叠起来。
There can be few cities the size of Los Angeles where the prospect of a nine-storey office complex would cause such a fuss. 一座九层办公楼的前景很少能在像洛杉矶这样规模的城市引起轰动。
Prosecutors raided nine locations including one asphalt contractor where they found a number of unmarked road samples. 检方兵分九路,在其中一家承包商的沥青工厂,搜出没有标示的样本。
Get family also nervous abnormality, a careful, for me at a distance, even just a nine month old child, I told him he was cold, no kinder. 弄得家人也神经紧张异常,着着小心,要对我敬而远之,就连才一岁九个月的小孩,我叫他他也爱理不理,没了往日的亲切。
In May, so far, the bank has intervened on at least nine days -- selling an additional US$1 billion of its currency last Thursday alone. 5月迄今,香港金管局至少有9天进行了干预,仅上周四就再度投放了价值10亿美元的港币。
The nine-hour test is offered just once a year and is the sole determinant for admission to virtually all Chinese colleges and universities. 历时9个小时的高考每年只有一次,并且实际上它是中国所有大学录取学生的唯一决定因素。
During nine years of development, the company has successfully developed export business for salt and salt chemical products. 自公司成立以来,在维护盐及盐化工产品的进出口业务的同时;
If it was true that my actions over the next nine months would affect my offspring for the rest of his life, I needed to know more. 如果在未来九个月内我的行为真的会影响孩子的一生,那我必须更加了解才行。
In the time of King Yu of the Xia dynasty, there were floods nine years out of ten, but the waters in the sea did not increase. 在夏朝大禹的时候,十年有九年发大水,东海水位也不会升高;
Last week protesters prompted him to cancel a speech in which he was to have highlighted the fears of a nine-year-old girl in urban poverty. 两周前,抗议者们促使他取消了一场演说,他本打算在那次演说中强调一名九岁城市贫困女童的恐惧。
There he stood before me, all five-foot-nine of him, with that silly grin and outstretched arms, ready for a bear hug. 他就站在我旁边,只有五英尺九那么高,带着那种傻笑,张开双臂,等一个大大的拥抱。
He came to this country at nine unable to speak any English and eventually became valedictorian of his class and governor of Boys State. 当他9岁来到美国时连一句英语都不会说,最后却成为班上的毕业生代表和军训营营长。
One reason was that I was starting to treat a few people with antibiotics, and nine out of 11 seemed to be cured. 一是因为是我开始用抗生素治疗一些病人,而每11个人中有9个似乎是被治愈的。