no matter

  • na.没事儿
  • 网络无论;不管;不论

no matterno matter

no matter


介词短语_百度百科 ... quite a little 相当多,不少 no matter 无论 no more 不再 ...


凭_百度百科 ... 四角号码:22217 UniCode:CJK ⑴ 不论;不管[ no matter (what,how,etc.)] 凭 píng ...


凭_百度百科 ... 四角号码:22217 UniCode:CJK ⑴ 不论;不管[ no matter (what,how,etc.)] 凭 píng ...


省略句_百度百科 ... Not at all. 不用谢。 No matter. 不要紧。 Thanks. 谢谢。 ...


matter_互动百科 ... no laughing matter 不是闹着玩的事 no matter 不要紧, 没关系 take up a matterwith 和...交涉 ...


被原谅的深情——仓... ... Secret or not 是秘密吗? No matter 不管如何 Footprints have been left in the snow 足印已留雪地上…


[原创]自考英语(一)近年真题分析[旺旺英语论坛] ... 4.Concern about 关心 5.No matter …. 不管怎样 6.As … as 和什么一样 ...


羽毛的英语贴——单词+词组_中华会计网校论坛 ... sign (名词)迹象,符号 no matter 不论怎样,无论,不管 merger (名词…

No matter how hot a business opportunity may be, if it exceeds your startup and seed money, it's not a great business for you. 不管一个商机有多火热,如果超过了你的创业预算,对你来说,这份事业对你来说就是不好的。
No matter how much software we build, people build the relationships, and they build them out of words first. 不管我们制造了多少软件,人们都会建立起他们之间的关系,并首先通过语言来强化这种关系。
Visitors to your site, no matter how hard you try, will not always go where you would like them to go, or do what you want them to do. 您的网站,无论你如何努力尝试,游客不会去的地方,你总是希望他们去,或做你想让他们做的事。
In fact there's a fundamental limit to how much of the universe we could ever observe, no matter how advanced our visual instruments. 事实上,不管我们的目视仪器有多么先进,我们所能够观察到的宇宙都有一个基本限度。
My eyelids turned to lead, and no matter how much I tried to wipe away the blurry fog of sleepiness, my brain refused. 眼皮沉重,无论怎样努力试图驱赶走朦胧的睡意,我的大脑却不听这一套。
But no matter how much we maximize crop yield per acre, the limiting factor for food production is land. 但是不管我们如何最大化粮食亩产量,最大的制约因素还是土地。
You could have felt like no matter what you do, someone is going to say you did it wrong. 你可以有这样的心情,不管你做什么,有人会说你没有错。
No matter how the reckoning goes, TIME's investigation reveals at least four places where the system broke down. 不管推测的结果如何,时代周刊的调查揭示了至少有四个方面出现了体制的故障。
No matter what you think, the bottom line is we are not transferring Jerry to Guangzhou. 不管你怎么想,底线是我们不会把Jerry调去广州的。
No matter to return place will be where, I think all this in the heart with a pure beauty. 不管归处将是哪里,我想都该在心底留有一份纯真的美好。
Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, they just can't love you back in the same way. 无论你多么爱一个人,她却不能给你同样多的爱。
No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice. 无论这个年轻人带什么样子的女孩回家,他的妈妈都不喜欢。他的好朋友给他出了一个主意。
No small nation would be so stupid, no matter how much the US tries to make other countrys leaders look like mad men. 世上没有那么愚蠢的小国,不管美国如何尽力把别国的领导人描述成疯子。
No matter what animal passes, it leaves behind it a trail of clues, which only the most experienced tribe man can read. 不管什么样的动物走过,都会留下一串线索,这些线索只有最有经验的部落人员才能读懂。
My heart is often snow, no matter how the weather, it's always suddenly, the frozen. 我的心常下雪,不管天气如何,它总是突然的结冻。
No matter how big a time he had on Saturday night, you can find him in church on Sunday. 无论他星期六晚上的夜生活过得多晚,星期日你还是能在教堂见到他。
Ideas do not reach perfection in a day, no matter how much study is put upon them. 不管我们如何努力去研究,构思是不可能一日之内达臻完善的。
No matter how deluded he might be, a guy always wants to imagine he has a chance of enticing you into a dark corner for a little hooking up. 就算是自欺欺人也好,男生总是愿意想象自己有个机会把你带到什么黑暗的角落开心一下。
It's just part of one's responsibility to society to say what you think, no matter which way the wind is blowing. 不论风朝哪个方向吹,说出心中所想,都是我的一种社会责任。
No matter what was going on at work, I was always able to leave behind the concerns of the office. 不管公司的事情如何,我回到家里,总可以把工作上的事抛诸脑后。
He will take surfing lessons, no matter how much they cost. 无论花多少钱,他都要参加冲浪课。
Make a healthy living plan for a week and try to hold on to it no matter what. 对那个星期做一个健康生活计划,无论发生什么都要尝试坚持下去。
No matter how much you love yoga, taking a yoga mat on a trip may seem a little over the top. 无论你多热爱瑜伽,出门旅行的时候还带着瑜伽垫都有点点过头。
No matter how much I may feel for you, how much I may feel on my own account, I can't leave Rome in the midst of a vital congress. 不管我对你有多少感情,不管我个人有多少感情,开着这么重要的会议,我不能就这样中途离开罗马的。
Sound no longer, no matter how many troubles facing the front of all, as if the whole world behind, leaving only himself. 喧哗都不再,无论有多少烦恼,对着眼前的一切,仿佛全世界都在身后,只剩下了自己。
No matter how much concern and counselling I showed to these students, I was unable to establish a fruitful experience. 不管我向这些学生怎么表示关心、提出忠告,我都无法建立起一种富有成效的沟通。
From 3 years ago you had the heart to leave the root cause, no matter how, the body that he is the most important. 你的心脏从3年前就有留下病根,无论怎样,身体、自己才是最重要的。
I had to get the car fixed no matter how much it cost. 我必须请人修理汽车,不论要花多少钱。
But no matter how much money you make, you'll never be rich. 不管你赚多少钱你永远都不会富足
There is evidence that Americans will continue to eat what they want, no matter how much information they have available to them. 有证据表明,美国人将继续吃所欲,不管他们有多少资料提供给他们。