no reason

  • 网络没有理由;没有原因;不为什么

no reasonno reason

no reason


[转贴]冠军足球经理01/02完全指南 ... Discipline 纪律惩罚 No Reason 没有理由 Unprofessional Behaviour 不职业的行为 ...


越狱第三季第二集 剧本及学习笔记 ... Vete,parro.( 滚开 臭乞丐) No reason.( 没有原因) I''m it.( 我就是你的好处)- ...


【口语】《吸血鬼日记》口语精华 9 ... 6. Stay away from me! 离我远点! 1. No reason. 不为什么。 2. None taken. 没关系。 ...


重症医学的翻译是:Severe... ... 你好,给您送洗衣 » Hello,your laundry 没理由 » No reason 你睡着了么 » What you are aslee…


6. 爱你没有太多理由(No Reason) / 贝贝(BaeBae) From roomie[*难解的纠葛、谜样的情感牵连,R&B风格的曲式让爱自由飞翔]…


Chinese III H Trimester III Super Duper... ... 事故 accident 无故 no reason 坎大山 chat ...


...不会(Will not)没有目的的出牌,正所谓世上没有无缘无故(No reason)的爱,地主出单,你...

One man said that if someone was smiling at him for no reason he'd want to knock his block off. 一位男士表示,如果有人无缘无故地对他笑,他会想去扁他。
But there seems to me no reason why they should. The customer deposit base of a bank is far greater than the clearing balance. 不过,我个人认为银行没有理由这样做,原因是个别银行的客户存款基础远远大过它的结算馀额。
Nobel Prizes can be taken as a symbol or a voice to the whole world, and China has no reason to be absent for long. 诺贝尔奖是传递给世界的符号或声音,中国绝没理由这么长久的缺席。
There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink. 他们没有理由限定你吃多少维生素,就如同他们不能限定你喝多少水一样。
Even if the child is adopted, if he is nurtured to be a part of the family from young, there is no reason why he would not belong. 就算是领养的孩子,如果从小就在一个细心培养凝聚力的家庭中长大,就算体内流着的血是不同的,凝聚力仍然会在的。
mr tien said there was no reason to guarantee civil servants an iron rice bowl , when others had to make do with a chipped porcelain bowl. 他说当其他人将就用崩瓷碗时,没有理由要保证公务员是一个铁饭碗。
The old vampire made her a strong new vampire, and there was no reason for me to touch her then. 那个老吸血鬼把她变成了一个强壮的新生吸血鬼,然后我再也没有理由靠近她了。
He seems to be the right person for this position, so we have no reason to refuse him. 他似乎是这个职位的最佳人选,我们没有理由将他拒之门外。
We have no reason to believe that within this much larger space there would not also be extremely worthwhile modes of being. 我们没有理由不相信,在这片更大的空间中会存在更多极其宝贵的生存方式。
Kelly: Well, everyone seems very friendly. And the point of a party is to meet people, right? There's no reason to be shy. 嗯,每个人似乎都非常友善。而且派对的目的就是要认识人,对吧?没理由害羞。
He is not a hardworking student. There's no reason, though, to punish him in such a way. 他不是个勤奋的学生,不过也没有理由这样来惩罚他。
A Guardian spokesman said there was "no reason to believe" that any financial or bank data had been compromised in the incident. 卫报发言人称,“没理由相信”攻击危及用户的理财或银行资料的安全。
Remember that you are acting as morally as you know how, and that you therefore have no reason to feel humiliated. 记着,你是按照你的道德方式,因此你没有理由感到羞辱。
"I'm sure then he (Max Mosley) will take his holiday and not stand for re-election. He would have no reason to stay, " said the Briton. 伯尼说:“我确认那是莫斯利会开始他的假期,并且不会在继续竞选连任。他没有理由留任。”
Little Johnny's stepmother often yells at him for no reason. 小约翰尼的继母经常无缘无故的对他大吼大叫。
There was no reason to lie, no reason to hold back. I wanted him to judge me. 没有理由说谎,也没有理由遮遮掩掩,我希望他能对我作出评判。
Designers began to see that there was no reason other than habit to restrict the controls on toolbars to buttons. 设计者开始意识到除了习惯以外,没有理由将工具栏控件限制为图标按钮。
This, however, was no reason to slow down efforts or to shift the work carried out by the IGC to other fora. 然而,不能因此而放松努力或将IGC的工作转移至其他论坛。
And that will be fixed with the next harvest, so there's no reason to clamp down on the general economy now. 下一个收获期能够解决这个问题,因此现在没有打压一般经济的必要。
But God, who has no reason to be threatened by us, invites a steady and honest flow of communication. 我们不可能对他形成威胁;他邀请我们和他交流,建立起稳定而坦诚的关系。
Again, our first reaction might be disgust: 'Just because the poor child had died, that was no reason to kill her puppy, too. ' 我们对此的第一反应可能就是反感,有人会想:“就因为可怜的小女孩去世,也没有理由杀死她的小狗。”
There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any. 生素,就如同他们不能限定你喝多少水一样。
My mother decided to move to Mexico because people said things were easier there. And there was no reason to stay in Barcelona. 我妈妈因为听说在墨西哥生活比较容易,所以决定搬到那边去,而认为没有理由留在巴塞隆纳。
Fortunately, there's no reason you can't keep the best of both environments to produce a rich, cohesive application. 幸运的是,您完全可以利用两种环境的优点来生成丰富、集成的应用程序。
There was, for her , no reason for making such a decision. 照她看来,不存在做出这样决定的理由。(插入语)
He said he could find no reason to question the jury's decision that Brown was guilty. He sentenced Brown to be hanged. 布朗的陈述没有改变法官的意见,法官说他没有找到什么理由质疑陪审团认为他有罪的裁决,他判布朗绞刑。
Yet prudence about the China of 2030 is no reason to neglect trying to engage today's Chinese military in providing for the global good. 然而,没有理由因为对2030年的中国的谨慎而不去接触当今的中国军事,为全球提供好处。
Back on Venus, everyone automatically gives support, so there was no reason to ask for it. 在金星上,每个人都主动给与支持,她们不必找理由要求;
But he said he saw no reason to allow them to back out. 他说,但他没有看到允许他们撤销协议的任何理由。
"At this point, we have no reason to believe that any personal information was sought for fraud purposes, " it said. “目前,我们没有理由认为有任何个人资料被搜寻用于欺诈目的,”备忘录说。