
美 [nɑd]英 [nɒd]
  • v.点头;打盹;打瞌睡;点头致意
  • n.点头
  • 网络苹果派点头;同意;苹果派垂涎三尺

过去式:nodded 第三人称单数:nods 现在分词:nodding



v. n.

1.[i][t]点头if younod ,nod your head or your headnods , you move your head up and down to show agreement, understanding, etc.

2.[i][t]点头致意;点头示意to move your head down and up once to say hello to sb or to give them a sign to do sth

3.[i]+ adv./prep.(朝…方向)点头(表示所谈论的人或物)to move your head in the direction of sb/sth to show that you are talking about them/it

4.[i]打盹;打瞌睡to let your head fall forward when you are sleeping in a chair


have a nodding acquaintance with sb/sth

与…有点头之交;对…略知一二to only know sb/sth slightly


《Friends》词汇表A ... glow vi. 发光, 发热 nodded v. 点头, 点... n.点头 twelfth num. 第十二 ...


...URNED) N nodded at it N 对苹果派点头(NODDED) O opened it O 打开了(OPENED) 它 P peeped in it P 觊觎(PEEPED)它 Q …


2012英语周报高三广东C版第11期参考答案... ... (math) 价格。 (nodded同意。 (friendly) 人。 ...


...URNED) N nodded at it N 对苹果派垂涎三尺(NODDED) O opened it O 打开了(OPENED)苹果派 P peeped in it P 觊觎(PEEP…

I asked her if she was ready to go with her husband and she nodded. 我问她是否愿意和她丈夫一起走,她点点头。
He looked at me and I nodded, I took position beside the door ready to cover him. 他看了我眼我点了点头我闪身站在门口一侧,准备好掩护他。
Dressed in a tuxedo, Simba sat at the front of one of Manhattan's newest dining establishments and nodded at people who greeted him. 辛巴穿着晚礼服坐在曼哈顿最新开业的一家餐馆里,向跟它打招呼的人点头致意。
He nodded, as if her reaction was all the confirmation he needed. 他点了点头,似乎她的反应就是他所需要的证词。
" Ni Zhou Yong sincere desire to see her son's eyes and trust, encourage nodded : " You root it, you believe that mother. 周咏霓看着儿子那双真诚渴望的眼睛,信任、鼓励地点了点头:“你扎吧,妈相信你。”
When he came upon a picture annotated by his wife, showing bricks engraved with donor names, he nodded and said, "I remember that. " 当他看到一张经他妻子注解过、上面显示刻有捐助者名字的砖墙的照片时,他点了点头,说:“我记得这张。”
His eyes are fixed on a computer screen, after a good while, only nodded his head, then concentrate on his "work. " 他的眼睛紧盯着电脑的荧光屏,过了好一会儿,才点了点头,又专心于他的“工作”。
"You talk to people on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of the line, right? " he began. The children nodded yes. 他开始说:“你们用电话跟人们交谈,虽然他们在电话线的那一端,但你看不到他们,对吧?”孩子们点头。
George nodded, thankful that his wife was no the talkative kind. 乔治点点头,他妻子不是那种絮絮叨叨的人,对此他心存感激。
You asked whether a Nepalese agree with your views, he nodded, which means that he did not agree with. 你问一个尼泊尔人是否同意你的见解,他点点头,这就是说他不同意。
She looked to me, to say nothing, just nodded, her mother left dozens forehead wrinkles. 她向我看了一眼,什么也不再说了,只是点了点头,妈妈额头上留下数十条皱纹。
We nodded our heads as we pulled our chairs away from the wall to sit in front of him. 我们点着头,把椅子移到他面前坐下。
The baker nodded his head vigorously. He did not expect such a great favor for nothing. 面包师傅使劲地点点头,他原来没有想到,要求办这样大的事竟可以不费吹灰之力。
She lay flat on her back and put the large chisel in her mouth. She nodded at the first volunteer to swing the sledgehammer at the chisel. 她仰面平躺下来,把大凿子放进嘴里,朝第一位自愿者点了点头,示意他用大锤去砸凿子。
She smiled and nodded as he wittered on, moving towards the door as the train drew into the platform. 她笑着点着头听他唠叨,看到火车徐徐驶进月台,便慢慢朝门走去。
I was not strong enough to disagree with you and I nodded my head with a forced smile. 我不够坚强所以我没有反驳你,我只是点点头露出勉强的微笑。
He nodded, and looked at me for a second. 他点点头,盯着我看了一会儿。
He pointed and nodded across the street to his own house, as if inducing his companion to come in. 他从对街指着他的屋子点了点头,似乎在邀请他的同伴进来。
EXAMPLE: When my exhausted friend told me he has too much work to do each day, I said 'hear you' and slowly nodded my head. 我的朋友看起来筋疲力尽,他对我说,每天的工作多得做不过来,我说“我明白”,并慢慢地点了点头。
He did not finish the first paragraph. The lines blurred and ran together and his head nodded. 第一段没读完,一行行的事已模糊成了一片,他打起了盹。
She nodded and moved away from him just as George Wilson emerged with two chairs from his office door. 她点点头就从他身边走开,正赶上威尔逊从办公室里搬了两张椅子出来。
But the old crone was looking at him in so concerned a fashion, as if it was important for her to know the truth, that Michael nodded. 但是,这个干瘪的满脸皱纹的老太婆在看着他的时候,却流露出了十分关切的神情,看来好像让她知道一下实请是很重要的,因而迈克尔点了点头。
"Mmmm, " she nodded. She leaned back and took a long, slow sip, savoring the dark roast. "I understand it's a rather unique coffee. " “嗯~~,”她点了一下头,接着向后一靠悠然地品了一口那黑色的咖啡。“对,这是一种非常独特的咖啡。”
For some time he continued to sit in silence. Then he looked up, lifted those hands calmly, judiciously, and nodded his head. 他静静地又坐了一会儿,然后抬起头来,安详地、有见地地举起了双手,点了点头。
Ask any knowledge are nodded, you know to have at least so return a responsibility, in which book, which paragraphic in. 问及任何知识点,你至少知道有这么回事,在哪本书,哪个章节里。
Prince Bagration nodded his head to betoken that all this was exactly what he had desired and expected. 巴格拉季翁公爵颔颔首,心里表示,这全部事态和他预料的情况完全一样。
When the boy nodded, Johnson lifted him onto his hip, as he might've done with one of his own sons, and headed for the mess tent. 当小家伙点头后,约翰森一把将他抱起,就像是对待自己的儿子一样,走向一个乱糟糟的帐篷。
My boyfriend nodded and said that that sounded fine and I said, "This coming summer, " making sure to drive home the point. 男朋友觉得这主意不错,表示同意。我说:“就今年夏天,”我又强调了一下。
"They got to you, didn't you? " It was the colleague who had come into my classroom earlier. I nodded. “他们对你产生影响了,是吗?”说话的是一个同事,他比我更早到这个教室。我点了点头。
Wu nodded, but finished her Double Happiness brand cigarette before stubbing it out on the tiled floor. 吴点了点头,但在瓷砖上踩熄烟头之前,她还是抽完了她的双喜牌烟。