not really

  • 网络也不是;不完全是;不怎么好

not reallynot really

not really


光影快客的博客 - 光影快客 - 网易博客 ... none of your bussiness 不关你的事 not really 也不是…… old hand 老手 ...


英语交际用语选择题_百度知道 ... not bad 不错;不太坏 not really 不完全是;不见得 probably not 可能不是 ...


英语报价黄金句... ... B:We‘ll try it once . B:那么就试一次看看吧。 B:Not really . B:不怎么好。 A:What was wrong? A:怎么啦? ...


英语交际用语选择题_百度知道 ... not bad 不错;不太坏 not really 不完全是;不见得 probably not 可能不是 ...


英语口语8000句12 - 人人听力网... ... Not really.( 不太想去。) Not really.( 不怎么有意思。) Not really.( 也不那么贵。) ...


区别一下 not really和 not exactly。_百度知道 ... not exactly 是不完全 B:Not really. 不很想去。 B:Not really. 不很懂。 ...


普通教师岗位提高培训 ... —Not really. 不会吧。 —Not really. 确实没有。 )—Are you busy now? 你现在忙吗? ...


沪江博客 - matress的博客 ... not so 与其说......不如说 not really远不 not to mention: 更不用说 ...

However, the freedom of mind is not really someone else can give, which is often, everything had to rely on its own to adjust. 但心的自由其实并不是别人能够给予的,很多时候,一切都得依靠自己去调整。
Not really! I was going to leave it up to you, anyway. 不会!无论如何,我本来就是要让你决定。
Very easy, you know, not really up to my standards. 你知道,这一切来得太容易了,完全没有达到我的标准。
Does not really have sufficient language to cope with normal day-to-day, real-life communication, but basic communication is possible. 但不足以应付日常生活的对话,只能作基本沟通。
But I am not really, I have no such qualifications, I am afraid if I do this, do not bring comfort to you is for her injuries and combat. 可是我没有资格,真的,我已经没有这种资格,我怕如果我这样做了,带去的不是对你的安慰,是对她的伤害和打击。
Later that night, I got to think about fate. That crazy concept that will not really be responsible for the course of our lives' take. 那晚,我开始思考命运这个疯狂的概念,但是这个词并不会真正对我们的生活负责。
Was it totally unselfish, giving love? Was it a beautiful thing? Not really, you know. 但那真就是所谓无私美好的爱情么?也未必吧。
Now we all know you have to do a bit of "selling" to the 5th graders, but it's not really all that relevant for a sales job. 我们知道,五年级学生的老师工作中也需要一点“自我销售”,但这对于获得一份销售工作来说实在不算什么相关经验。
So, you know, interfering in nature, no, not really. And trying to promote the better life of animals in captivity? Yes. 所以说,呃,我不是在干预自然。我是在设法提高圈养动物的生活水平。
Kevin Jackson: So I suppose she's carrying a copy of a book with a flower in it? Not really. Ah, she can be a real dog, man. 凯文-杰克逊:那么我假设她拿着一本书,书里有一朵花?不,真的,她一定很丑,老兄。
The Hanging Gardens probably did not really "hang" in the sense of being suspended from cables or ropes. 在巴比伦空中花园,可能并没有真正“挂在意义上”被绳索从电缆或暂停。
She did not really come to until she was on the ship crossing from Dover to Ostend. 直到登上多佛到奥斯坦德的渡轮,她才缓过神来。
Because how was your day is a 45 minute conversation to a woman and as a man, you do not really got to talk. 知道吗,因为“你今天过得怎么样”对于女人意味着一场长达45分钟的对话,而作为男人,你并不需要真正的说什么。
Not really. You just need to think about it for a while. Let me show you how to do it. 不太难,你只需要考虑一会。让我示范给我怎么做。
He and I did not really hit it off. He is a very nice guy, but a bit too serious for me. 他和我感觉不是很投缘。他是个蛮好的人,但是太严肃了一点。
But policy analysis is not really the point of his book, which is at its best when it is being merely descriptive, not prescriptive. 但是政策分析并非本书实质的重点,因此最好只是描述一下,而不作说明。
A library type behaves in many ways as if it were a type built into the language, but it is not, really. 库类型在许多方面的行为使它就像是语言中内置的类型一样,但实际上不是。
An automatic was designed to be easy to drive, but the mechanics itself is very complex (well, not really, but more complex than a manual). 自动挡的目的是方便驾驶,但是它的结构非常复杂(嗯,也不太复杂,但是比手动挡复杂)。
But all this sound and fury over whether or not a restaurant deserves a three-star rating is not really the point. 但是,围绕一家餐厅是否有资格获得三星荣誉的争议,并非关键。
No one will invite you if he does not really want you to enter his "castle, " so you can be sure that you are wanted. 如果他不是真的想请你的话,他就不会让你去他的“安乐窝”的。所以你可以确信他是真心要你去的。
Instead, they said things like, "Well, that sort of sounds familiar, but I'm not really sure. " That surprised me. 但出乎我意料之外的是,他们却说“这音乐听起来挺熟悉,但我不确定这首歌叫什么名儿。”
The attending doctor orders an intravenous antibiotic to help me deal with the infection, and asks if I feel better. I say, no, not really. 主治医师开了静脉抗生素以对抗感染,然后问我是否感觉好些,我说不、不、一点也不好。
Chinese Mantis eyes have "pseudo pupils" that seem to follow you around, but the eyes do not really move. 中国螳螂的眼睛有“假冒的瞳孔”,好像一直盯著你看,但其实它们的眼睛并没有动。
Sales of this and similar products have not really gone anywhere but I have to admit that this product could change your mind. 销售此及类似产品还没有真正去任何地方,但我必须承认,这个产品可以改变您的mind。
Buddhism in this country is not really understood; it's regarded as sort of quaint , it seems to be an old-fashioned religion. 在我们这个国家,人们根本不懂佛教是怎么回事,只是把它看成一种离奇的东西、好像一种过时的宗教。
It seems to me that their elegant movements are not really exile. In fact, movement can be inspiring. 我想,一个重要的原因是,那种优雅地移动,并非真正的亡命。
Shielding the tank right as he's pulling is a rookie mistake, and we're not really trying to "fix" that. 在TANK正准备引怪是加盾是新手性的错误,而且我们并不打算去修正它。
However, traditional therapeutic methods can take months to years to do so and can be very challenging in the process or not really work. 然而,传统的治疗方法会有几个月甚至几年的时间去完成,而且道路充满艰辛,却不一定有效果。
She suspected that Qiu Xinghua did not really hear anything outside, but he only wanted to check if she was inside. 因为她猜测,邱兴华其实并没听到什么动静,而是想探查一下她是否在里面。
"OK, Chelsea had a one hundred per cent record until last weekend, but I'm not really worried about them, " he said. “好吧,直到上周切尔西是不败金身,但是我真的不担心他们,”库伊特说道。