
美 [nʌt]英 [nʌt]
  • n.螺母;坚果;螺帽;疯子
  • v.(故意)以头撞击
  • 网络果仁(Nuts);核果;干果

复数:nuts 过去式:nutted

tough nut
go nut


n. v.

1.坚果a small hard fruit with a very hard shell that grows on some trees

2.螺母;螺帽a small piece of metal with a hole through the centre that is screwed onto a bolt to hold pieces of wood, machinery, etc. together

4.(informal)怪人;疯子a strange or crazy person

5.(informal)着迷的人;专注于某事的人;…迷a person who is extremely interested in a particular subject, activity, etc.


do your nut

暴跳如雷;气炸to become very angry

a hard/tough nut

难对付的人;难说服的人a person who is difficult to deal with or to influence

a hard/tough nut (to crack)

棘手的问题;不好对付的情形a difficult problem or situation to deal with

the nuts and bolts (of sth)

基本要点the basic practical details of a subject or an activity

off your nut



水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... nipple, 管接头 nut螺母 o-ring,O 形环 ...


新东方-新概念英语第三册笔记_百度文库 ... (squirrel n. 松鼠) (nut n. 坚果) (debt n. 债务) 新概念英语(第三册)学习笔 …


中成五金网 ... 螺栓 Bolt 螺帽 Nut 起重工具 Lifting tools ...


〔颠倒词〕吞〈TUN〉食果仁(NUT) 5. NEW A. 新的 〔颠倒词〕新(NEW)闻〈WEN〉 1.


人家为什么问我是不是核果 (nut)? 不是令人啼笑皆非吗? 还好他先确认一下,不然就这么回信, 我看别人一定更确信 You are nut.…


[转载]英语骂人话_尤美银Mey_新浪博客 ... nitwit 笨人,傻子 nut 疯子,怪人 pockmark 麻子 ...


英语四级单词 - 豆丁网 ... nursery n. 托儿所;苗圃 nut n. 坚果,干果;螺母 nylon n. 尼龙,耐纶 ...


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... not ad. 不,没有 nut n. 坚果;螺母,螺帽 oar n. 桨橹 ...

A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day. 男生愿意用他左边的蛋换取可以读懂女生在想什么的一天。
There is one nut that you can more easily find in the shell than out of it, though I wish it were the other way around: chestnuts. 有一种坚果,你可以很容易剥掉它的壳,但是里面的果肉很难取出来,尽管我希望这是反过来的:栗子。
Thomas L. Friedman? Never heard of him. He must be a nut to write a book like that. 托马斯.弗里德曼?从来没有听说过。他写这种书肯定是个疯子。
The composite material forms a self-lubricating lining on the surface of a steel nut substrate in an injection moulding mode. 将复合材料以注射成型的方式,在钢螺母基体表面形成自润滑衬层。
As we all know, Our boss is a hard nut to crack, every time we want to ask for a leave, he simply says no, whatever reason you might have. 众所周知,我们的老板是个难缠的人.我们每次想请假,他都说不行,不管你有什么理由。
You're a bit of a conspiracy nut. What do you think? 你是个阴谋论狂人。你怎么看?
He was a racing NUT, but he failed to understand that the heyday of racing had already passed. 他是一个赛车狂,但不了解赛车的全盛时期已一去不复返了。
I pray that the next time you see an un-cracked nut, God will use that to solidify your understanding of forgiveness, just as He did for me. 我祈祷,下次你看到一个完整核桃的时候,上帝能用核桃教你坚定对宽容的理解,就像他教导我一样。
Mike: Oh, give me a break Carol; if I got to introduce one of my nut bar professors I certainly wouldn't bust a gut over it. Sorry Dad. 迈克:哦,你等一下,卡罗尔,如果让我介绍教我的那些教授,我屁也不会放一个的。对不起,爸爸。
The ellipsoidal kernel of this tree, either eaten as a NUT or used for extraction of an oil for flavoring. 杏树果这种树的椭圆形果子,可作坚果食用或提炼调味油
The locking of the front nut is not tight enough, resulting in poor contact between the grinding blade and the discharge plate. 锁紧螺母的前面是不够严谨,导致放电板之间的联系贫困研磨刀片和。
T. rex was unlikely to have been a herbivore. But which animals the tyrant lizard actually ate is a far harder nut to crack. 霸王龙不太可能是草食动物,但是这个蜥蜴之王到底吃那种动物却是个更难解的谜。
An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him. 正当鹰试图弄开它嘴中的坚果时,一只渡鸦停在了他旁边的树干上。
If I eat even one tiny piece of a nut, my head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead. 我哪怕只是吃一点果仁,我就会头大,晕倒在地。
There was a drill head in a hole when the nut is drilling, so we are thinking how to get out of it. 因为有一个螺母在钻油孔的时候,有一个孔钻头断在里面了,现在正在想办法去出来。
But short life & expensive cost of the reduction jar used for the technology risen late, Pidgeon method, have been a hard nut to crack. 但后起工艺(皮江法)所用的还原罐之寿命短和价格高一直是国内外的难题。
While Nelson's Column is cleverly constructed from a cucumber, baby courgettes and a carrot with a monkey nut and almond stuck on to it. 纳尔逊纪念柱则用一根黄瓜、小胡瓜和一根胡萝卜巧妙塑成,上面还镶嵌有落花生和杏仁。
She 's such a film nut that when a new movie comes out , she would dash to see it . 她是个电影迷,以至于每当新电影出来的时候,他都要先睹为快。
Kukui nut oil is from the Kukui nuts in Hawaii and has been used as an anti-viral treatment in the islands for thousands of years. 夏威夷核果油来自于夏威夷核果树,已经在夏威夷岛上用来做抗病毒治疗千万年的时间了。
Plant your squash in the next layer of your choice of any variety or mixed varieties (butter nut, acorn, pumpkin or zucchini ). 在下一圈中种植任意品种或多品种混合的南瓜(灰胡桃、橡实、南瓜或绿皮密生西葫芦)。
The question of world hunger is a very hard nut to crack. I doubt if we'll find the answer to it in my lifetime. 世界性的饥饿问题是个极其难以解决的问题,我恐怕人们在我这一辈子都找不出解决的办法。
She let me watch her limbering and I put my finger at the bend point of her spine and it crushed it like a pair of nut-crackers. 她让我看她把炮挂在牵引车上,我把我的手指放在她的脊骨的弯曲处尖,它压坏它喜欢胡桃钳。
It may well be that the truth about him really does lie in something exterior, something in the shell rather than the kernel of the nut. 事实很可能是他在一些表面化的、外在的东西上说谎,而不是在核心的方面。
You think a pine nut the madam and Zuo Zhi is killed of does the matter have a connection? 难道你认为松子夫人和佐智被杀的事有关联吗?
If you plant the entire vegetable, nut or fruit, the plant that will grow from this will have all that it requires from its own flesh. 如果你种下了整个蔬菜、坚果和瓜果的话,那么之后从中生长的植物,就已经从自身果肉中获得了所需的各种养分。
as they place a wall-nut down in hopes of blocking him, only to have the wall-nut promptly vaulted over. 然后他们会把一个坚果墙希望能阻挡住他,最后却发现被跳过去了。
Nut (sab) : Does she be your close friend? Sympathize with you and don't cry so much it made your fan so sad too. 她是你的亲近朋友吗?同情你,不要哭得这么厉害,这使你的粉丝也很难过。
She shut herself up in the nut cellar while Mr. Jackson pulled out the bees nest. He seemed to have no objection to stings . 当杰克逊先生拔起蜂巢时,她把自己关在储藏坚果的地窟里。他看来不认为螫刺是个障碍。
Example: They worked through the night, trying to nut outthe strategy for saving the company. 例句:他们整晚工作试图制定出挽救公司生存的策略。
Wendy is such a hard nut to crack , I've seen her around the office for two years , but I still don't really know her . 温迪这个人不是盏省油的灯,两年来我们经常在办公室附近碰面,但是我仍然不了解他。