
美 [oʊ]英 [əʊ]
  • int.
  • prep.代替 of 的非正式说法
  • 网络啊;好;行




1.(在书面英语中,代替 of 的非正式说法)used in written English to represent an informal way of sayingof

TEM8 英美文学 ... Villa Sibert Cather 维拉·凯塞1873-1947 O,Pioneers ,先驱们; My Antonia 我的安东尼亚; ...

New Life 2008 C019 - YouTube ... 赞美主 zanmei zhu ,赞美主 o,zanmei zhu 主,我敬拜祢 zhu,wo jingbai ni ...

我的歌声里带拼音_百度文库 ... hǎ xiàng shì o 像 是 ...

What后加啥?? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 听听=用鼻子闻闻= smell 中== ok! 瞎掰=撒谎= lie,bluff ...


ETERM 航班销售控制指令_百度文库 ... 航班号/日期/航段 如果只要看 MLB/PNR/ 的话 可以 O/1E MLU5/ 号 可以 O/1E ...

外国小说欣赏字词训练_百度文库 ... diāo 小心 ...


8155_百度百科 ... TIMER IN: 定时/计数器输出端。 I/O 确定,如表6-6所示。这时, IO/M =1 口, ...


石油英语词汇(O1)|生物化学专业英语词汇 ... O & GCM 油侵和气侵泥浆 O 奥陶纪 O&R 检修与修理 ...

Ana Claudia Dutra, the cousin of Brazilian conductor Silvio Barbato, told the O Globo newspaper that she had not given up hope. 巴西乐队指挥索尔沃·巴巴多(SilvioBarbato)的表姐安娜·克劳迪亚·杜特拉(AnaClaudiaDutra)告诉巴西环球报说,她并没有放弃希望。
So some of the smartest C. E. O. 's did not know what some of their smartest people were doing. 所有一些自以为聪明的CEO根本不知道他们这些聪明人在做什么。
Second, she reported that she had finally contacted Mrs. Hannah Baxter, and Mrs. Baxter would be glad to see him at two o'clock. 第二件事,她报告说她已经和罕纳·巴克斯特夫人联系过了,巴克斯特夫人欢迎他下午两点去作客。
vinylon is a synthetic fiber spun from pva . its properties are similar to that of cotton . compared with cotton , vinyl o . . 维尼纶是以聚乙烯醇为原料纺成的合成纤维,其性能与棉花相似,与棉花相比又有强伸度大耐磨性好吸湿性强的优点。
THE HOST: Closer to the front line of the battle to keep voices healthy Sarah Harris of Queen Mary Hospital London is a voice therapist. 主持人:战斗在治疗发声疾病的第一线,莎拉o哈里斯是伦敦玛丽女王医院的一位声疗专家。
Kurt made his way to the twelve o'clock point, to Mendez, Mark, and Tom. Chief Mendez met him. The old man had never looked so grim. 库尔特前进到十二点方向,那里是门德兹,马克和汤姆。门德兹军士长跟他会合。这个老男人从来没看起来这么冷酷。
O brethren, that we have had to run so long, to wander so long in this weary path of transmigration--both you and I. 哦,兄弟们,我们不得不跑这么久,留恋在这个令人厌倦的轮回之路上-你和我。
Here is one of my favorite scenes featuring the words of the teacher Frank seems to have admired most, Mr. O'Halloran. 以下是我最喜欢的场景之一,写的是弗兰克最景仰的奥哈洛伦老师的话。
They said he put the first letters of his names -- O and K -- on each object people gave him to send on the train. 他们说凯利把自己姓名的首字母--O和K,写在人们交给他送往火车上的的每件物品上,(形成了这个词)。
Be sure that you pressed Return at least once after the line, then press Control-O, Return, Control-X to get out of the editor. 确定在这行的末尾你至少输入了回车,然后按Control-O,再回车,最后Control-X退出编辑器。
That is how he looked at one o'clock, when he walked out of the bathroom as if he had just awakened from a restorative sleep. 当一点钟,他走出浴室的时候,就是这个样子,好像刚刚睡了好觉。
With a bit of planning, you can enjoy a perfectly civilized rail journey from Bangkok to Vientiane, Laos , at a fraction of the E&O; price. 你只要稍稍作点计划,就能享受到从曼谷到老挝的万象之间完美文明的铁路之旅,而花费只是东方铁路快车公司收费的一小部分。
Professor Hinkle made it a practice to start class every morning promptly at nine o'clock on the dot. 欣克尔教授习惯于每天早上九点正开始上课。
'Then I think I shall go to bed, for it is past twelve o'clock; but you may call me if you want anything in the night. 那我去睡了,已经过了十二点啦,不过要是夜里需要什么,你尽管叫我。
Shaquille O'Neal gets figuratively dunked on if Kobe Bryant gets his own ring. I would love to see that happen. 如果科比率队勇夺总冠军,就好比是往奥尼尔脸上给了猛力一击。我很乐意看到这种情况发生。
When I think would be perfectly good because If I have been trying to ring BT at two o'clock in the morning, yes it may have taken hours. 当我想这可能很好,因为,如果我试图给BT在凌晨两点打电话,是的,这可能会花几个小时。
With his distinct surprising endings and familiar characters, O Henry had an instantly recognizable style that had never been seen before. 凭着这些独具特色又令人称奇的结尾和熟悉的角色,欧亨利前所未有的作品风格很容易就能被识别出来。
O liver was now a strong and healthy boy, and very fond of Rose and Mrs May lie as They were of him. 奥利弗现在长得很健壮了,他非常喜欢罗斯和梅利夫人——她们也同样喜欢他。
After the wedding, Bothwell and I walked out to Kirk o'Field to see Darnley and talk to him. 婚礼结束后,我和博思韦尔一起出来去柯克欧菲尔德看望达恩利,陪他聊天。
We resolved to be going the next day, but about six o'clock at night we were alarmed with a great uproar in the street. 我们决定在第二天走,但是夜里六点钟左右我们听到街上一阵骚动,不觉大吃一惊。
The customer not agree with our price, she said she had sent the P. O to another company. I despair of it. 客人不愿意做,她说她已经发订单给另一家公司了。我绝望了。
I comforted a family, and I got to hang out in the O. R. today. All is well. 我安慰了一个家庭,并且我今天还进入了手术室.这些都很好。
He was watching this house at ten o'clock and then told you to follow the two gentlemen who came out of it. 他在10点时监视这幢房子,后来又让你尾随从这儿出来的两位绅士来着。
I said, it's pretty simple. Call my any Friday night in my office at ten o'clock and I'll tell you. 我说:“非常简单,给我办公室打电话,任何周五晚上十点钟都可以,我会告诉你。”
Mr O'Neal's departure follows the company's admission last week that it had lost almost $8bn on mortgage-backed securities. 在奥尼尔决定离职前,该公司上周承认,其抵押贷款担保证券相关业务损失近80亿美元。
As for O-fer. . . he continued to show us all why he is one of the worst -- if not the worst -- starting PG in the league. 至于斯通,他继续在告诉我们为什么他是联盟最差的几个首发控卫之一,如果不是最差的那个的话。
PEDR O. K. , if you want it that way. You finish the painting, and I''ll be happy to sign my name. I love to see an artist working. 好吧,如果是这样,你来画画,我来签名。我倒很爱看你们这些艺术家工作。
"It suits me to start rather late, " he said in an interview with Todd McCormack. "I start at 10 o'clock and I stop at 12. Always. " “我很适合很迟时开始工作”,他在一次采访时说到,“我10点开始工作,12结束,常常如此。”
By eleven o'clock the whole school seemed to be out in the stands around the Quidditch pitch. 到了十一点钟,似乎全校师生都来到了魁地奇球场周围的看台上。
Apparently, Christine O'Donnell was, all this time, one of the most televised figures in politics. 很显然,她会,而且一直都是这样的,作为一个最上镜的政治人物之一。