
美 [oʊˈbeɪ]英 [əˈbeɪ]
  • v.服从;听话;遵守(命令等);照(命令)
  • 网络听从

第三人称单数:obeys 现在分词:obeying 过去式:obeyed

obey law,obey order,obey command,obey spirit



Bible Quiz ... )..... served 事奉 )..... obeyed 听从 )..... week 星期 ...

Joseph heavy hearted , grins and bears it from small character, he disobeys the will being ready to have obeyed father. 约瑟夫自小性格忧郁,逆来顺受,他违愿服从了父亲的意志。
A fundamental rule which must be obeyed in placing two or more electrons in the orbits of an atom is the exclusion principle. 当两个或更多电子进入原子中的轨道时,必须遵循的基本规律是不相容原理。
Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Only may the LORD your God be with you as he was with Moses. 我们从前在一切事上怎样听从摩西,现在也必照样听从你;惟愿耶和华你的神与你同在,像与摩西同在一样。
Don't take seriously what this stupid boss says. He talks as if he were a president. He always thinks his orders should be obeyed. 不要理睬这个愚蠢的领导。他说起话来就好像自己是总统一样,总觉得任何人都应该服从他的命令。
and that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother, and was gone to Paddan Aram. 厄撒乌见雅各伯听从父母的命,往帕丹阿兰去了。
But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you have obeyed from the heart the form of teaching into which you were delivered. 感谢神,你们从前虽然作罪的奴仆,现今却从心里顺从了你们被交于其中之教训的规模。
By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. 亚伯拉罕因著信,蒙召的时候就遵命出去,往将来要得为业的地方去;
Having been brought up to obey and respect human beings, he thought these men were also to be obeyed and respected, even as teachers. 因为从小就被教育要服从和尊敬人类,他认为对待那些强盗也该如此,正如对待老师一样。
If had not obeyed him, I might have been punished. 要是我那时不服从他的话,我可能受处分。
All the crew liked and even obeyed Silver, and he was always pleased to see me in the kitchen, which he kept as clean as a new pin. 所有的船员都喜欢西尔弗,甚至很听他的话,他总是很高兴我在厨房里,他总是把厨房收拾得干干净净。
Then said the Virgin Mary, "Thou hast not obeyed me, and besides that thou hast lied, thou art no longer worthy to be in heaven. " 圣母玛利亚说:“你没有听我的话,而且你还撒谎。你不配再在天堂住下去了。”
The young sailor gave a look to see that his orders were promptly and accurately obeyed, and then turned again to the owner. 那青年水手四下环视了一下,看到他的命令已被迅速准确地执行,便又转过脸去对着船主。
Neither have we obeyed the voice of the LORD our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets. 也没有听从耶和华我们神的话,没有遵行他藉仆人众先知向我们所陈明的律法。
it "ensure[s] that the violator is economically worse off than if it had obeyed the law. " 它“确保违法者与守法相比较而言,如果不守法会遭遇严重的经济损失”。
He had obeyed the rules, he had made a bona fide attempt to pay his bill, it had been rejected. 他本来循规守据,他本来试着友好地支付账单,却被拒绝了。
An hour later, I was holding Marguerite in my arms, and if she had asked me to commit a crime for her, I would have obeyed. 一个小时以后,玛格丽特已经躺在我的怀抱里,那时她即使要我去犯罪我也会听从的。
Still I involuntarily obeyed him, as if I were not quite sure. 可是我还是身不由己地服从了他,好像是我也没有弄明白似的。
But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. 感谢上帝!因为你们从前虽然作罪的奴仆,现今却从心里顺服了所传给你们道理的模范。
And they also know, but wait a minute Samuel obeyed the woman, she calls him to come out of the ground and he obeyed her. 他们也知道,但是,撒母耳听从了这个巫婆,她叫他从地下出来,他就出来了。
His legs no longer obeyed him, the buzzing in his ears came back again, and the black spots once more danced before his eyes. 他不能动,他觉得两条腿已经不听他做主,而且耳朵里又是嗡嗡地叫。黑星又在他眼前乱跳。
Wherever the sentiment of the majority is still genuine and intense, it is found to have abated little of its claim to be obeyed. 只要有多数派的观点仍然真实、强烈地存在的地方,多数派宣称的内容就会得到不折不扣地遵守。
And I said unto you, I am the LORD your God; fear not the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but ye have not obeyed my voice. 又对你们说,我是耶和华你们的神。你们住在亚摩利人的地,不可敬畏他们的神。
I was summoned to Wuthering Heights, within a fortnight of your leaving us, she said, and I obeyed joyfully for Catherine's sake. 你离开我们以后两星期之内,我就被召到呼啸山庄来了,她说,为了凯瑟琳的缘故,我欢欢喜喜地服从了。
But the moment he recollected himself enough to notice me watching, he thundered a command for me to go, and I obeyed. 然而,他刚刚清醒过来,发现我望着他,就吼叫着命令我走开,我服从了。
The Mole, greatly wondering, obeyed. 'I hear nothing myself, ' he said, 'but the wind playing in the reeds and rushes and osiers. ' 鼹鼠非常惊讶,不过他还是听从了。他说,“我什么也没听到,除了芦苇、灯芯草和柳树里的风声。”
Bertuccio wiped the perspiration from his brow, but obeyed; however, he continued to take the left hand. 贝尔图乔抹了一把额头上冒出的冷汗,还是服从了,但是,他却继续向左斜着走。
They obeyed. After the expiration of a few minutes, five were unanimously selected and stepped out of the ranks. 大家服从了,大约过了五分钟,一致指定的五个人从队里站了出来。
Rightly used and obeyed, it can save many heartaches and continuous problems. This passage is often taken to refer particularly to marriage. 只要我们用得恰当和认真服从,它可以免去许多令人伤痛和纠缠不清的困扰。
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) said thousands of teachers had obeyed its strike call, showing it had made the "right decision" . 全国联盟教师(螺母)说,数以千计的教师服从其*的呼吁,显示它已作出“正确的决定”。
Her brother always teased her before he obeyed and I stood by the railings looking at her . 她哥哥总是先奚笑捉弄她一番,然后才肯听从她的命令;而我呢,则站在栏杆边打量着她。