
美 [əˈkeɪʒən(ə)l]英 [əˈkeɪʒ(ə)nəl]
  • adj.偶尔的;偶然的;临时的
  • 网络特殊场合的;非经常的



1.偶尔的;偶然的;临时的happening or done sometimes but not often


occ_百度百科 ... OCC:Options Clearing Corporation 选择权清算公司 occ:occasional 偶然的 occ:occlusion 闭塞,阻塞,牙合,咬合 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... obvious 显然的,明显的 occasional 偶尔的,间或发生的 o'clock 点钟 ...


航海及海运专业术语O(1) ... occasional survey 临时检验 occasional 临时的 occasional 偶然的 ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... obvious 明显的,显而易见的 occasional 偶然的,特殊场合的 occupy 占,占用,占 …


新闻词汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... occasion n. 场合,时机 occasional adj. 偶然的,非经常的 occupation n. 职业,占领 ...

Although there was an occasional classic French, or a semblance of Italian, by and large it was a gastronomic desert. 虽然偶尔也有不错的法国菜餐馆,或勉强算是意大利菜的餐馆,但这里基本上还是一个美食荒漠。
Of course, he'd get a scolding for his occasional splurging, but it was all done with the best intention. 当然,他会因为乱花钱而被指责,但所有这一切都带着良好的意图。
The swishing noise was punctuated by an occasional rooster's crow or the bleat of a white goat scrambling up the yellow honeycombed hills. 挥动扫帚的嗖嗖声音不时被偶尔的公鸡啼鸣或混杂着的黄色星空状山坡上白山羊的叫声所打断。
Insomnia is not harmful if it is only occasional; the body is readily restored by a few hours of extra sleep. 偶尔的失眠对人体并没有害处,人们只需要额外的几小时睡眠就可以恢复过来。
It was the kind of place that drew a steady crowd of mercenaries and hoodlums , with the occasional ruffian thrown in for flavor. 这里就是那种会固定吸引一群佣兵和暴力份子的地方,偶尔还会有无赖跑进来插花。
Volcker, an occasional adviser to President Barack Obama as Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, said the U. 沃尔克有时候作为白宫经济复苏顾问委员会(EconomicRecoveryAdvisoryBoard)主席为美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)提供咨询。
The rest of your interests may not need that much attention. They might be perfectly satisfied with an occasional trip to the playground. 你其他的兴趣爱好可能不需要过多关注。它们也许刚好满足你临时去趟运动场的需求。
And despite some occasional wobbles, Barack Obama's administration ultimately came down on the side of the demonstrators. 尽管有一些摇摆,但是奥巴马政府最终还是站在了示威者一边。
But for the estimated 30% of American adults who suffer from at least occasional insomnia, nightfall is no guarantee of slumber. 但是据估计,30%的美国成年人都受到失眠困扰——至少有时候是这样。夜幕降临,未必就带来酣睡。
He had a helicopter landing pad built on the ship which enabled him to fly in for an occasional hour or two of filming. 他有一架停于船上停机坪的直升机,这使他能偶尔飞行1到2小时拍镜头。
Try pairing up for trips to work or to social events - even an occasional carpool or ride on public transportation will make a difference. 试着在去上班或参加社会活动时与别人拼车—即使是偶然一次合伙用车,或乘坐公共交通,都会有很大的影响。
But I still love riding around London, whatever the occasional behaviour of drivers and, of course, some of my fellow cyclists. 不管怎么说,我还是喜欢在伦敦骑车,尽管偶尔会遇到让人不那么愉快的出租车司机和骑车人。
But with your mannequins in the window and clothes up the front, you're hoping to snag the occasional impulse buyer? 但是,就凭你那些摆在橱窗里的服装模型和前面摆的衣服,你就指望偶尔能抓住几个凭冲动购物的顾客吗?
Life is nothing but the occasional burst of laughter rising above the interminable wail of grief. 生活只是在无尽痛苦哀号中偶尔爆发出的大笑而以,除此无他。
When the crystals do not mesh properly, the occasional atom will jut out where it should not, creating a defect to which a phage can stick. 但晶体之间若无法适当啮合,有些原子可能凸出到它原本不该出现的位置,从而成为可与病毒结合的缺陷处。
But those high-altitude observations need occasional reality checks from scientists down on the surface. 但是科学家偶尔需要对这些高空观测值从地球表面进行真实的核对。
Occasional impulse, indicating that we have passion for life; always impulse or not impulse, indicating we do not comprehend life. 有时冲动,说明咱生活还有激情;总是冲动或是连冲动都没有了,说明咱不懂生活。
But now his occasional sob turned to a steady , silent crying, his eyes held tightly shut, his fist in his mouth trying to stop his sobs. 但是现在他不时的呜咽声变成了平稳的哭泣,他的眼睛紧逼,他把拳头放在嘴里试图去停止自己的呜咽。
Here the world drops away. The only sounds are the occasional meow of a cat and the wind rustling through cottonwood trees. 这里远离尘嚣,偶有小猫的叫声和风吹过杨树发出的窸窣声。
If I indulge in an occasional hour or two, I watch food shows, anything involving a new pie or cake-baking technique. 如果看一、两个小时的话,我通常看有关介绍食品方面的电视节目,尤其是如何教制作新馅饼或蛋糕烘焙的节目。
Occasional piece leaves fall off, in my view, would seem to be on a piece of forest. 偶尔一片树叶掉下来,在我看来,似乎就倒了一片森林。
Between the two lines, there might be an occasional line to join the pair of parallel lines once in a while to touch base, isn't that ideal? 两条平行线之间偶尔也会有一两条垂线或抛物线来联系联系,不好吗?
Just two more months before she has her boy. Aside from the occasional bout of morning sickness, it's been smooth sailing for her so far. 在她生小孩的两个多月前除了偶尔的晨吐外其他一切正常,现在孩子已经顺利出生了。
Mr Murdoch's News Corp estimates that the marginal revenue from an occasional browser is less than one tenth of a penny a year. 默多克的新闻集团(NewsCorp)估计,一位偶尔浏览者每年带来的边际收入少于0.1便士。
The Zetas described roiling seas and occasional tsunami during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, and this seems to be what is happening. 齐塔人描述过在巽他板块下沉期间动荡的海水和偶尔的海啸,而这貌似就是正在发生的。
The only surgeon was one who combined the occasional exercise of that noble art with the daily and habitual flourish of a razor. 唯一的外科医生则是一位每日惯于操刀为人忙于理发的人,只是偶尔才实践一下这种高贵的技艺。
We apologize in advance for the occasional mistake, but hope you recognize that this process is in the best interest of Pingo customers. 在此,我们就可能发生的错误向您致以万分的歉意,并希望您能够理解此过程旨在维护Pingo客户的重要利益。
Despite occasional differences of opinion, he said, nations overall have come together to develop unified responses. 尽管有不同意见时,他说,国家整体来共同努力,制定统一的反应。
An occasional deep breath is all right, but should not be the norm for maintaining breath control during running. 深呼吸,偶尔为之没有关系,但是,不应该成为您在跑步时维持呼吸控制的常态。
The death of an ambassador would not be seen as the occasional price of a noble but risky profession; someone had to be blamed. 一位外交官的死亡,没有被看做是一份高尚而危险的职业所带来的偶然代价;必须有人对此负责。