
美 [əˈfɪʃ(ə)li]英 [ə'fɪʃ(ə)li]
  • adv.正式地;官方地;公开地;依据法规等
  • 网络职务上;正式的;官方的

officially announce,state officially


1.正式地;官方地;公开地publicly and by sb who is in a position of authority

2.依据法规等according to a particular set of rules, laws, etc.

3.据传;据公布according to information that has been told to the public but that may not be true


Father's Day_BBC Chinese ... sacrificed 牺牲 officially 正式地 in existence 存在 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... authorities n. 当局,权力,权威 officially ad. 正式地,官方地 average a. 平均的,通常的 ...


2002年同等学力英语真题及答案—学苑教育 ... equally“ 平等地”; officially职务上,正式”; sharply“ 锐利地,急剧地”; ...


Ross发现了 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... rack: 架子 officially: 正式的,【实在】 offended: 生气 ...


牛津高中英语词汇打印版 - 豆丁网... ... perfect adj. 完美的 115 officially adv. 官方地,正式地 116 spot n. 地点,场所 117 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... official 公务的 officially 官方的 offset 透印版印刷 ...

People might be prepared to hold it in the hope of it being officially classed as an SDR currency. 人们出于对其将正式纳入SDR货币篮子的预期,准备持有人民币。
Mr. Pipas declined to say how much Ford's gain was expected to be when the results are officially reported on Monday. 皮帕斯拒绝预计福特的销量增幅,这一数据将于周一正式公布。
Though he never performed the kind of miracle needed to be officially canonised, his power was close to unearthly. 他一生中从未创造过什么值得封圣的圣迹,但却具有近乎超凡的神力。
Ding Mou also said he did not officially work to work for a living. 丁某还称,自己没有正式工作,以打工为生。
I wasn't going to officially announce the site until I had some actual content, at least a new article or two. 在没加入一些实质内容之前,我本没想公布这个网站,至少也要有一两篇新文章嘛。
Right from the beginning, Pixar, officially a computer-hardware business, secretly dreamed of a more creative life making feature films. 成立伊始的皮克斯公司的正式业务是电脑硬件,然而却暗暗怀着制做长篇电影的梦想。
He said: "They are selling like hot cakes. We only officially launched four weeks ago but we cannot keep up with demand at the moment. " 他说:“泳衣正在热销,我们正式推出这种泳衣仅四周,但现在已供不应求。”
As they dissipate more fully in the coming eight months, the end of the era of the dark will have officially come to be. 当它们在未来8个月更为完全地被驱散时,黑暗时代就将得到正式的终结。
The woman is officially living with us, I got to have lunch with her alone today. 那女人现在要和我们一起生活,今天我去和她吃午饭了。
The economic recovery in the USA officially began more than a year ago, but to many Americans it hardly feels like the recession has ended. 美国的经济复苏一年多以前正式开始,但是许多美国人几乎感觉不到经济衰退已经结束。
Ares was officially one of the major gods of Mount Olympus. His fellow gods and even his parents, however, were not quite fond of him. 阿瑞斯是奥林匹亚山正式的重要神祗之一,但他的神祗同伴甚至他的生身父母并不十分喜欢他。
He spoke on condition of anonymity because those details had not been officially released by police. He declined to name the suspect. 这名警方的官员以匿名的形式阐述了上述观点,因为很多细节还没有通过警方向公众公开,他也决绝泄露嫌犯的名字。
Start by defining an interface model to the service and assigning URIs to it that would officially make it a resource in REST. 首先定义服务的接口模型并给它分配URI,这使服务成为REST中的资源。
Fiscal union is now officially on the European agenda in the run-up to the last European summit of the year on December 9. 在12月9日的今年最后一次欧盟峰会召开前夕,财政联盟的方案被正式提上了欧洲的议程。
IT USED to be said that you could not believe anything in China until it had been officially denied. 网上常说,在中国官方出面否认之前不要相信任何事情。
The letters HPUS indicate that this ingredient is officially included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. 字母HPUS表明,这种成分被正式列入美国顺势疗法药典。
Last week one of the headline news was that China has officially overtaken Japan as the world's second largest economy. 上周,根据中日两国的最新GDP统计数字,中国正式超过日本成为了世界第二大经济体。
OFFICIALLY, it has long been glorious to get rich in China, but both politics and red tape still make it a lot harder than it should be. 名义上已经很长一段时间了,在中国致富是一件值得光荣的事情,然而政治和各种繁文缛节还是让这比想象中要难。
As I said, they were officially recognized by the Romans, but this caused problems for Jews sometimes. 我刚才说过,他们是被罗马官方认可的,但这有时候也会给他们带来麻烦。
He said it would be "cheap" , but declined to give further details about its price or ingredients until it was officially launched. 他说,它将更“便宜”,但拒绝在它正式推出前透露更多关于价格和成分的细节。
Mario Draghi, the president of the ECB, has officially ruled out a vast expansion of its bond-buying programme. 欧洲央行行长马里奥•德拉吉(MarioDraghi)已经正式排除了大幅扩大欧洲央行债券采购计划的可能性。
O liver was now officially an undertaker's assistant. It was a good, sickly time of year, and coffins were selling well. 奥利弗现已是棺材店老板的正式助理,这一年年景很好,疾病成灾,棺材生意兴旺。
The White House did not officially comment on the loan amounts, which had been leaked by an unnamed source to the Detroit News. 白宫没有正式评论的贷款额,这已经泄露了消息来源的底特律新闻。
Even the officially atheist Communist Party is beginning to embrace at least the trappings of spirituality and tradition. 即使是信奉无神论的共产党也开始接纳精神信仰和传统,至少表面上如此。
The country still is not in officially recession, It will take a second quarter of negative growth for that could be confirmed. 现在国家还没有完全陷入衰退。如果下一季度经济仍然负增长,衰退的消息就将被证实。
Heavy selling triggered Beijing's limit on how much yuan banks can officially buy from or sell back to the mainland. 抛售达到了北京对银行向内地买卖的人民币额度限制。
YouTube officially launched its live streaming platform only in April, and it has so far only been available to a few hand-picked partners. YouTube官方说明,直播平台四月才搭建,目前只有部分优秀的合作伙伴可以进入平台。
Two years ago that specialist said he'd been tracking me long enough that I'd better start on these eye drops. I officially had glaucoma. 两年前那位专家说他一直在跟随检测我相当长的时间了,说我最好开始点眼药水。我正式地患上了青光眼。
Mr. Brown is still officially Prime Minister of Britain, but Travers says he is not in a strong position. 布朗先生还正式英国首相,但特拉韦尔说,他并不在一个强有力的地位。
Two years later, her parents sent her to Wuhan, the provincial capital, where she officially entered the national sports program. 两年后,父母把她送到了武汉,在那里,她正式进入专业体操训练队。