oh my god

  • 网络我的天;我的天啊;额滴神啊

oh my godoh my god

oh my god


线上聊天的英文简写 ... nn=nite= 晚安 OMG=oh my god= 我的天;我靠! OMFG=oh my fucking god= 我的老天;我靠靠; ...


百战天虫之末日浩劫_百度百科 ... abl=all but last= 随便打,除了生命值最低的 omg=oh my god= 我的天啊 sux=sucks= 糟糕的…


OMG LOL_百度文库 ... (best friends forever/ 永远的好朋友)。 (Oh my god/ 额滴神啊), (laughing out loud/ 放声大笑), ...


那些英文后缀控们,我服了U~ ... 真是恶心 stinky 天哪oh my god 我同意楼主, i agree with you . ...


英语专家帮忙翻译好吗! - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... “你落伍了” you are out 我的天呀oh my god 我的天呀 My god! ...


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Lollipop... ... Now it's time for you to go 现在你该走了 Oh my god 哦我的天 Makes you wanna sweat 它让你大汗淋漓 ...

Oh, my god! What's the matter with you? Why you can't walk? 哦,我的天!你怎么了?你怎么不能走路了?
Did you uh, ever get this sort of. . . panicky, "Oh my god I'm gonna be a father" kind of a thing? 你有没有,恩,感到这样的恐慌,恩,“噢我的天哪,我要做爸爸了”之类的事情?
I can feel you looking at me with pity, thinking, "Oh my God, what century does this guy come from? " 我可以感觉到你用怜悯的眼光看着我,然后想,“天呐,这个人来自哪个世纪?”
Oh, my god! Trying to make the children eat is really one big headache! 天啊,让小孩子吃饭真是件头疼的事!
I said, 'oh my God, sir, I though you were a ghost. What're you doing here at this late. ' 我的天啊.先生,我刚才还以为你是鬼耶,这么晚了,你在这做什么啊?
It's totally done differently to what I was teached when I was at school, and you know I was like 'Oh my God, I can't do this'. 这和我在学校时学习的那些完全不一样。我只能说‘噢,上帝啊!我搞不定它们’。
"Once in a while we have census data, and once in a while we start worrying and say, 'Oh my god, look what happened, '" he said. 偶尔地,我们有了新的人口普查数据;偶尔地,我们开始担忧,‘噢,上帝啊,看看,发生了什么?!’
Oh, my God! This is so exciting! How much am I gonna get? 天啊,好兴奋哦我会收到多少钱啊?
So as we rested I moved her hand to it, urged her to look. . . 'Oh my god, oh my god, it's so big. 我们休息了我移动她的手放到我的几吧上,促使她看…`哎呀,哎呀,它是很大的。
And he said, oh my god, I was just observing, I thought it was gonna be painted dark. 他说天啊,我只是看到了,我觉得这个深色比较好。
"They (the producers) did this double take, 'Oh my God, we are going to have to do something, ' and I felt guilty, " said Melling. 米尔林说道:“制片人看到我先是一愣,然后恍然大悟道:‘天哪,我们必须得采取点行动了。’这让我感到很内疚。”
He took all the money for himself, including my dad's. - Oh, my god. 他骗走了所有的钱包括我爸爸的-噢天哪!
Oh my god do I think that this is the end of everything When everything inside wants me to feel like this is normal. 哦我的上帝,我认为这是一切的结束当里面的一切希望,我感觉这是正常的。
A firefighter leaned over me. I heard his voice crack as he said, 'Oh my God. ' 一名消防队员走近,俯下身子来看着我,我听见他他用嘶哑的声音惊呼:“哦,天哪!”
Oh, my god. Where could I escaped; where was the bank of the flood water? 天啦,自己该从哪里逃生,这大水哪里有岸呢?
I got chills all over, and I said to myself, "Oh my God, I think this is the first chapter. " 我不仅颤抖,我自言自语:“哦,我的上帝,我想这就是第一章。”
I don't feel like "Oh my god, it's too much for me, " you know? Like, I'm just always looking for more. 我没觉得“噢,上帝,太多事情了。”知道吧?看,我总是找更多的事做。
No request can take more than 30 seconds to run, otherwise it is stopped: Oh my god, this has been a pain in the ass all the time. 没有请求可以超过30秒,否则就被强制断掉。天啊,这是最痛苦的事了。
Oh, my god no rainbow. I did see through the thick window, but I saw nothing but rain. 没有彩虹,透过急诊的巨大玻璃窗我没有看见。
Oh, my God! 500 yuan! I can't afford it. Miss Wang told us not to ask our parents for the money. What should I do? 天啊!500元!我付不起.王老师告诉过我们不要和父母要钱.我该怎么办呢?
Oh, my God, look at him. He travels with his own personal lighting director. 噢,我的上帝。看看他,他带着自己的私人打光师巡回走秀。
"They're saying, 'Oh my God, the Americans have finally figured it out, they're going to kill us. '" “他们说,‘天啊,美国终于回过神了,他们要干掉我们。’”
oh , my god . you ' re bleeding , baby . - you know i can take a punch. 噢,宝贝儿,你在流血-你知道我可以挨一下。
Oh, that's nice. Well, why don't you wait for me to eat. Oh, my god, there is water everywhere. You forgot to turn off the tap. 哦,亲爱的,你太贴心了。那等会再吃饭吧。哦,我的天哪,你把水搞得到处都是,你忘了关水龙头了。
You look at it and say: "Oh my god, the side is pushed in, the roof's caved in as well, the floor's up. " 你看着它然后说:“噢,我的上帝,侧面凹进去了,车顶塌下来了,底板上翘了。”
No, it wasn't a year ago today. Oh, my god, you actually danced with me. 不,不是去年此刻。天,你那时还邀我共舞
In a real emergency, faking a coughing fit or exclaiming, "Oh my God, it's Brad Pitt! " can also be an effective exit strategy. 真正“危急”的时候,假装咳嗽或大声尖叫“天哪,是布拉德•皮特”也不失为“抽身而退”的有效策略。
But no matter, because apparently the idea of a woman being elected (subtext: oh my golly! Oh my God! ) trumps all. 但这无关紧要,因为显而易见的是,一位女性正在参选这件事本身(潜台词:我的天啊!我的上帝!)
Oh, my god! Is it a stone? It looks the same as a piece of meat, and there is even pork skin on the cover! 天啊,这是石头吗?跟肉长得一模一样啊,还有肉皮呢!
So the two of us were just like, "Oh my God, oh my God. " So we're trying to get Natasha up, and we can't talk to her. 所以当时我们只呆在那儿喊着:“天哪,我的天哪…”不管怎样我们冲过去要叫醒娜塔莎,尽管我们都不会韩语。