
美 [əʊl]英 [əʊl]
  • adj.(用于书面英语,代表有些人说 old 一词的方式)老的
  • n.油酰
  • 网络对象链接与嵌入(Object Linking and Embedding);对象连接与嵌入;欧雷



1.(用于书面英语,代表有些人说 old 一词的方式)老的used in written English to represent how some people say the word ‘old’

对象链接与嵌入(Object Linking and Embedding)

利用对象链接与嵌入OLE)技术拓展VFP输出功能 详细»如要提出意见建议,请到社区论坛发帖反馈。


应用程序利用对象连接与嵌入(OLE)技术管理复合文档(由多种数据格式组成的文档),OLE提供使某应用程序更容易调用其它应 …


欧雷(ole)喇嘛杂谈 更新日期:2012/03/17 10:00 (真心新闻网采访组台北报导)正觉 阅读 ┆ 评论 ┆ 转载 ┆ 收藏 查看全文>> 即身 …

其他学习经历(Other Learning Experiences)

...mic achievements (AA) 02.other learning experiences (OLE) S2 AA OLE P. 4 中四级 或 中五级 01. 0809_aa_中文作文. doc …


链接和嵌入 (OLE) 链接在目标文件被重命名或移动后仍然有效。本文章来自 湖南网吧联盟www.hunanwb.comrdf203128hnwb…

OLE DB avoids the terms client and server because these roles do not always make sense, especially in an n-tier situation. OLEDB避免使用术语“客户端”和“服务器”,因为这些角色并不总是有意义,尤其具有n层的情况下。
Nick went out. As he shut the door he saw Ole Anderson with all his clothes on, lying on the bed looking at the wall. 尼克走出门去。当他带上门的时候,他看见奥勒·安德生穿着全身的衣服躺在床上,眼睛一直望着墙。
After much deliberation and with deep sadness, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer today announces his retirement from his playing career. 经过慎重的考虑,今天索尔斯克亚伤感地宣布将结束自己的职业生涯。
And having this bit of digital footage of him makes up for all the rotten landlords and housing codes in this foggy ole city. 在这雾气弥漫的城市里,忍受着房东与房规的折磨,这一点点数码影像是对我最好的慰藉。
Seriously, he is just a goal machine. He scores so many in training. He reminds me of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer so much. 事实上,他是个进球机器。他训练中就进球如麻,让我想起索尔斯克亚。
"I don't want to know what they were like, " Ole Anderson said. He looked at the wall. "Thanks for coming to tell me about it. " “我不想知道他俩是什么样儿的,”奥勒望着墙。“谢谢你来告诉我这件事情。”
By using OLE DB providers, you can keep data in its native format and still be able to access it in a simple operation. 您可透过使用OLEDB提供者,让资料保持其原型格式,并仍可使用简单作业存取。
To add and configure an OLE DB destination, the package must already include at least one Data Flow task and a source. 若要添加和配置OLEDB目标,包中必须已包含至少一个数据流任务和一个源。
The file does not appear to be a valid OLE control module. Unable to register the OLE control. 文件似乎不是有效的OLE控件模块。无法注册OLE控件。
ole missis , she tole me i got to go an git dis water an not stop fooling round wid anybody. 老太太,她叫我去提水,不准在路上停下来和人家玩。
SolidWorks provided mass API functions base the OLE automation technique, with which users can easily do secondary development work. 为了方便用户进行二次开发,SolidWorks提供了基于OLE自动化技术的API函数。
If any one of these parameters is NULL, the corresponding OLE DB initialization property is not set. 如果其中任一参数为NULL,则不设置相应的OLEDB初始化属性。
She saw Ole fall and sway in the air, and she called to him in leafy language: Ole! 她看到奥立掉了下去在空中摇晃著,她用叶子的语言大声喊:奥立,回来!
An error is raised if you set the SQL Native Client OLE DB provider to run out of process and try to run a distributed query. 如果将SQLNativeClientOLEDB访问接口设置为在进程外运行并试图运行分布式查询,将引发一个错误。
Trying to recreate the good ole days is not useful, nor will it make you feel better. 试着重造好的旧时光并不奏效,也不会让你觉得好过些。
If you move the database, or the parent program fails, OLE renders the bitmap image, and you at least see a version of the original file. 如果您移动数据库,或者父程序出现故障,则OLE会呈现该位图图像,并且您至少可以看到原始文件的一个版本。
The application also allows you to load and display files that have been registered to allow OLE hosting. 应用程序还允许您加载并显示注册为允许OLE宿主的文件。
He says that tougher drink-driving rules and social changes have shrunk the numbers of "good ole boy" truckers inured to a life on the road. 他说严厉的醉驾惩罚条例和社会变革使能够适应路上生活的‘好老弟‘司机数量锐减。
This property was only used for OLE linking and embedding which is no longer supported. 此属性原来仅用于OLE链接和嵌入,现已不再支持。
Specifies the file used to collect rows that have formatting errors and cannot be converted to an OLE DB rowset. 指定用于收集格式有误且不能转换为OLEDB行集的行的文件。
Ole has been out for two years, but he looked very good in the Amsterdam Tournament when I saw him there. 奥勒已经缺阵了两年,但是在我观看他参加阿姆斯特丹杯的比赛中,他表现得非常出色。
The OLE DB destination loads data into a variety of OLE DB- compliant databases using a database table or view or an SQL command . OLEDB目标可以使用数据库表、视图或SQL命令将数据加载到各种OLEDB兼容的数据库中。
We're both going Atkins today - always turned up my nose at it, but a big ole omelette with cheese and bacon helped. 今天我们都要吃Atkins(瘦身餐)——总是对其不屑一顾,但是一大份带有奶酪和熏肉的煎蛋饼会有帮助。
Gets a value specifying whether the specified stream is an OLE compound file with an encrypted package stream. 取得值,指出指定的资料流是否为具有加密封装资料流的OLE复合档案。
OLE DB allows you to develop applications that access diverse data sources , whether they are DBMS or not . DBMS程序能够让你从数据库中抽出,修改或是存放信息。
Fred Simmons: If you were in prison, you'd be raped because you exude feminine qualities. You're also a big ole fat piece of ass. 弗瑞德·西蒙斯:如果你进了监狱,你肯定会因为散发出来的娇柔品质而受到鸡奸,你的屁股就要遭殃了。
Linked servers allow you to execute distributed queries and distributed transactions on OLE DB data sources across an enterprise. 链接服务器使您得以对整个企业内的OLEDB数据源执行分布式查询和分布式事务。
New SQL Trace events have been added to help analyze the interaction of distributed queries and OLE DB providers . 另外还添加了新的SQL跟踪事件,以帮助分析分布式查询和OLEDB访问接口之间的交互。
The default style for OLE objects and floating frames. The default places the frame at the top and center of a body of text. (链接或嵌入对象)和浮动框架默认样式。默认放置在文字上方的中间位置。
On the tip of a tree which had lost all its other leaves, two still remained hanging from one twig: Ole and Trufa. 在一棵其它叶子都落了的树梢上,还有两片挂在一根细枝上:这是奥立和特鲁法。