on the beach

  • na.失业的;穷愁潦倒的;【航】担任陆上职务
  • 网络在沙滩上;在海滩上;海滨

on the beachon the beach

on the beach


七年级冀教版英语短语_百度知道 ... 9. drive one's car to … 开车去…… 11. on the beach 在沙滩上 12. in the ocean 在海洋里 ...


立即复习 - 免费文档下载 ... subway 地铁 on the beach 在海滩上 crocodile 鳄鱼 ...


威利在哪里? - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 小镇( In Town) 海滨On The Beach) 滑雪场( Ski Slopes) ...


人教版七年级英语下册重点短语总汇,语法总结 ... Take photos 拍照 On the beach 在海边 a group of people 一群人 ...

On the beach, Mark found a place to put up their beach umbrella and put down their beach chairs. 在沙滩上,马克找了个地方来立起沙滩伞、放置沙滩椅。
I felt like a teenager lying on the beach with my sweetheart, and a sense of adventure. 我觉得自己像个十来岁的孩子,正和心爱的人一起躺在沙滩上,有一种历险的感觉。
So we went for a walk on the beach and I said, well, give me one of your big problems. 所以我们在海滩上走着,我说,提出一个你们最大的困难给我。
She loosened her bikini top and while both are standing there on the beach, he slid his hands underneath and began to feel. . . 她松开了她的比基尼系带,尽管他们还站在海滩上,他把手滑到里面开始抚摸…。
The crowd on the beach cried out as the ship rolled and a huge wave swept over it, carrying the men into the rushing water. 当轮船摇晃了几下,一个巨浪横扫过去,把船上的人卷入激流时,岸上的人群发出一阵叫喊。
It may have been a drill, but the symbolism was not lost on the throng of Filipino journalists on the beach for the occasion. 这或许是一次军事演习,但当时在岸上的一群菲律宾记者预示了背后潜藏的象征意义。
I think we should go for two weeks. We could spend a week in Sydney and a week at the Great Barrier Reef, including a few days on the beach. 我想我们应该去两个礼拜.在悉尼玩一个礼拜.去大堡礁玩一个礼拜.这样可以在沙滩上放松几天。
The children tittuped all day on the beach. 小孩子们在海滩上跳跳蹦蹦了一整天。
The family kept a low profile, but a hiding photographer caught the president and his wife dancing on the beach. 尽管一家人行动保持低调,却被一位隐藏的摄影师拍下了克林顿和妻子在海滩上跳舞的镜头。
I wanted to help, but what could I do? There was no one else on the beach, and the nearest phone to call the Marine Patrol was miles away. 我想帮助它,但我能做些什么呢?海滩上只有我一个人,如果要呼叫海上巡逻队,最近的电话离这有几英里远。
When I flirtatiously asked him what his favorite drink was, he said Sex on the Beach and asked if I'd heard of it. 我故作轻浮地问他最爱喝什么,他说“性爱沙滩”,并问我听说过没有。
Did I want him to see a picture of me on the beach, cocktail in hand, snuggled up to an ex-boyfriend? 我想让他看到我在海滩上和前男友抱在一起,手上端着鸡尾酒的照片吗?
While I was visiting the British Virgin Islands, a local man invited me to be in a picture with him on the beach. 有一次我到英属维尔京群岛,一名当地人邀请我和他在海滩上一起拍照。
The little girl had to leave her designer shoes behind and settle for a pair of more practical flip flops for the day on the beach. 小苏瑞这次不得不放弃她那些设计时尚的美鞋,而选择一双适合沙滩上行走的人字拖。
We have been covered up for a week, so when Amjam suggests a walk on the beach, we pile off the bus like excited children. 我们在车上已经呆了一个星期,所以,当艾姆加穆让我们到海滩上走一走时,我们从巴士上下来,兴奋得像小孩一样。
He remembered it one morning when he was out with his instructor, while they rested on the beach after a session of folded-wing snap rolls. 一天早晨,他与他的导师们一同外出,练习完一连串收翼快滚之后,在海滩上歇息,他忽然想起了过去。
We then walked again, he saw a man on the beach picturing his imagination, wave came, wipe out of his paintings, he would re-tracing! 我们接着又走,看见一个男人在沙滩上勾画着他的想象,浪来了,抹去了他的画,他一遍遍地重画!
a local man invited me to have a picture with him on the beach. 一位当地居民邀我同他在沙滩上合影留念。
One man described the heat of the sun on the beach, an old fishing boat on the water and big brown rocks. 一位描述了海滩阳光的热力,水面上有一艘旧渔船和巨大褐色的岩石。
A traditional Christmas dinner is often held in the backyard for BBQ's, picnics in the garden or even on the beach. 一个传统的圣诞大餐通常在后院举行,野餐在花园,甚至在海滩上举行。
noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness; inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach; put inappropriate pressure on them. 噪音好像不适合于悲伤的时候;不适合于在海滩上走的鞋;给他们施以不适当的压力。
Standing on the beach, I stared at my shadow, noticed that the ghost crab had appeared across the sand, at dune's edge. He was watching me. 我站在海滩,凝视着自己的影子,忽然发现小螃蟹出现在了沙滩那边。它正远远地望着我。
If someone came and sat down in front of me on the beach, I would probably move my towel next to them and start a conversation. 如果这海滩上有人走过来,在我面前坐下,我也许会把自己的毛巾移到他们旁边,开始和他们聊天。
All the memories of my youth speak to me as I walk, just as the seashells crunch under my feet on the beach. 海边散步时,所有青春的记忆在我耳边轻声响起,就像我在沙滩上随脚踩到的贝壳一样发出清脆的声音。
You bring to mind the yielding fullness of his lower lip as you kissed him on the beach. 在海滩上,你完完全全屈服在亲吻他下唇的那一瞬间。
Mu hubby suggested that I go for a walk on the beach and he would take care of the babies while I got a little bit of ME time. 我的丈夫建议我去沙滩走走,他会在我享受这仅有的一点属于自己的时间的时候担负起照顾小孩的任务。
He tried to find his lost contact lens on the beach, but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. 他在海滩下找遗失的隐形眼镜,但这好比是大海捞针,希望渺茫。
A pickup truck arrives on the beach, and a young commercial fisherman begins throwing the ancient creatures into the back of it. 一辆顺路而过的卡车到达了沙滩,一个年轻的商业渔人开始将这些古老的生物扔向它的后面。
He woke up to find himself lying on the beach. "Thank God, " he said to himself. 他醒来发现自己躺在海滩上。“感谢上帝,”他自言自语道。
One man described the heat of the sun on the beach and an old fishing boat on the water and big brown rocks. 其中一位的描述是:阳光把沙滩照得暖洋洋的,海上有一只旧鱼船,还有褐色的大岩石露出海面。