on the radio

  • 网络通过收音机;通过广播;通过无线电广播

on the radioon the radio

on the radio


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... broadcast vt. 广播 on the radio 通过收音机; 通过广播 pop music 流行音乐 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... broadcast vt. 广播 on the radio 通过收音机; 通过广播 pop music 流行音乐 ...


中考英语作文题目集锦._百度知道 ... 接力赛 a relay race 通过无线电广播 on the radio 衣衫褴褛,穿破衣服 in rags ...


November Night_百度百科 ... 09 When I Die 我死的时候 10 On the Radio 收音机上 11 Rock 摇 ...


唐娜·莎曼_百度百科 ... "Hot Stuff"( “火辣”) "On the Radio"( “在广播中”) "Cold Love"( “冰冷的爱”) ...


NCE 2 lesson 20_芦 苇 域_百度空间 ... Exercises ( 选择正确的词填空) on the radio 在广播上 ① v. 烦恼,担扰 ...


高三英语会考短语总结_在线英语词典 ... on the contrary 正相反 on the radio 在收音机里,在播出 on watch 警觉 ...

Man! That band, they used to be great but now they're just a bunch of sell-outs, and their music sounds like everyone else's on the radio. 那个乐队过去很棒,但现在完全是为了钱,他们的音乐和电台里播出的其他人的音乐听上去没什么不同。
We worked with him on the radio, and he adjusted the differential and traction control to get the car back in balance. 我们通过无线电与他沟通,他调节了差速和牵引力控制,让赛车恢复了平衡性。
Listening to the news on the radio, it's easy to imagine the world is divided into rival tribes and competing civilisations. 当收听广播中的新闻,很容易所世界想象成按敌对部落与文明竞争划分开来;
As she and her mother ate breakfast that morning, they listened to the weather reports on the radio. 今天早上她和妈妈吃早饭时,她们听了广播上的天气预报。
He said his company had been warned that its managers must not be quoted in newspapers, magazines, television or on the radio. 这位经理表示,所在公司已受到警告,要求所有基金经理不得在报纸、杂志、电视或广播上发言。
Ever since I heard that song on the radio I've been unable to get it out of my mind. 自从我从收音机里听到那首歌以来,我就不能够把它从我的记忆中抹去。
Then the team told me on the radio that da Matta was a lap ahead, so of course I moved over, but the next lap I got a drive-through penalty. 之后车队利用无线电通知我达马塔领先我一圈,所以我当然让开了,但下一圈我就领到了通过维修区的惩罚。
He keeps fiddling with the dials on the radio, he is sure to put it out of order. 他老是玩弄收音机上的刻度盘,一定会把它弄坏的。
A song he'd heard on the radio drifted into his head, a woman wanting to burn down a whole town. 收音机里面听过的一首歌飘进他的脑海,一个女人想要烧掉整个城镇。
They had been inseparable, singing together, going out with girls together, until Johnny had started to become famous and sing on the radio. 他们曾经不可分开,一起唱歌,一起和女孩儿们出去,直到约翰尼开始变得出名并在广播电台中唱歌为止。
Michelle rushed to her mother's side. On the drive over, she turned on the radio and heard "I'll Be Home for Christmas. " 米切尔连忙赶往母亲这边,在开车的路上,她在收音机里听到“我会回家过圣诞”的歌声响起。
But as you leave the cities and wind your waysintosrural America, the only music you continue to hear on the radio is country. 但是当你离开城市转入美国乡村,渐渐地,你从收音机里听到的就只剩下乡村音乐了。
Every time he releases a new record the singer dreams of its earning a place in the "top-ten" list on the radio. 每一推出一张新唱片,这位歌手总梦想着它能插身电台的长幼次序榜前十名之列。
NPR says it just had a year of near-record audience levels on the radio and online, as other journalism investments decreased. NPR称,由于其他报纸投资的下降,其今年的广播听众和网络听众数量接近历史水平。
A man down in Texas heard Pat on the radio mention the fact that our two youngsters would like to have a dog. 一位住在得克萨斯州的男士听到帕特在广播中谈到,我们的两个女儿希望养只狗。
Two years later there was a song on the radio about a girl who could dance in churches and play basketball with the boys. 两年之后,电台播放着这样一首歌:歌里写的是一个在教堂里跳舞、和男孩打球的女孩子。
Those stupid. . . from the minute I listened to that stupid girl' s show on the radio. I' ve been a complete jerk. 真是太愚蠢了……从我在收音机上听到那个傻姑娘的节目那一分钟起,我已经成了一个完完全全的怪人。
Keep brushing for the length of a pop tune on the radio, or for the length of the Happy Birthday Song, sung twice. 刷牙时间不宜过短,大约持续电台里播放一首流行歌曲的时间或唱两遍生日歌的时间差不多。
It's a pity you can't come to the concert. At any rate you'll be able to hear it on the radio. 你不能来听音乐会真令人感到遗憾。不管怎么说,你可以在收音机里听到。
It's such a cool feeling to hear your own song play on the radio. 那是一种很酷的感觉听到你的自己的歌打在收音机上。
When he first got to Chicago, he heard the nationalists on the radio and read their publication The Final Call. 他第一次来到芝加哥时,他就听黑人民族主义者的广播,读他们的刊物《最终召唤》。
The news of the mayor's coming to our school for a visit was given out on the radio yesterday. 昨天,收音机上公布了市长将要来我们学校参观的消息。
I was born during the Depression in a little community just outside Waco, and I grew up listening to Franklin Roosevelt on the radio. 我出生在韦科郊区外的一个消沉的小社区,我是在富兰克林罗斯福的广播中长大的。
That will make it easier for you to understand the English new on the radio. 这将使你更容易地理解来自收音机的英语新闻。
She has a TV set now, a gift from a local airline executive, but she always used to follow the news on the radio in Swahili or Luo. 她现在有了台电视机,是当地一家航空公司的主管送给她的。不过她还是一如既往的只听斯瓦西里人(Swahili)或者卢奥人(Luo)电台里的新闻。
Also make a note to observe the styles of other interviewers on the radio and TV to see if they follow these rules. 在其他广播或者电视采访的时候,不妨做个笔记观察他们有没有遵循这些规则。
It's a treat to do some stretches to the music on the radio. We are stuck at the desks all day long . 配合收音机里的音乐做操真有趣,我们整天都得困在办公桌前。
It has been reported that pending quakes can be sensed by radio, as static on the radio increases just prior to a quake, by hours or days. 据报道说,收音机可以感觉到即将发生的地震,因为在地震发生之前的几小时或几天里,收音机上面的静电荷会增加。
The next day, Jung-Won hears on the radio that two young girls were found poisoned-dead in the subway train. 第二天,正元从收音机听说那两个女孩被毒死在列车上。
Actor Orson Welles had been reading H. G. Wells'book The War of the Worlds on the radio for Halloween. 原来是演员奥尔森·威尔斯为了庆祝万圣节在朗读作家H·G·威尔斯的小说《星球大战》。