on to the next one

on to the next oneon to the next one

on to the next one

Devote all of your energy to that habit change, and once it's on autopilot, move on to the next one. Knock 'em down one at a time. 投入你全部的精力去改变这个习惯,并且当它进入自动运行状态,再转移至下一个,每次只击倒一个。
To get the most out of each achievement, you owe it to yourself to pause and reflect on the experience before you move on to the next one. 为了获得几乎每个成就,你应该停顿和反思这些经历,然后再移动到下一个。
This choice can only be made by trial and error method. If some program doesn't work for your blog, remove it and move on to the next one. 我这里说的是经过我个人检验和尝试过的赚钱方法,你并不需要离开你的工作岗位便可以轻松赚钱。
It just means we go on to the next one, and that's what the individual investor should do. 它仅仅意味着我们只在自己能够理解的生意中寻找机会,这也是个人投资者应该做的。
You'd better write them down. Once you understood one sentence, you can pass on to the next one. 要点是听句子的主谓宾,实词以及说话人的语气,最好是能写下来。
The validation then takes place only when the control loses focus, that is, when a user is done with the field and moves on to the next one. 只有当控件失去输入焦点时,验证步骤才能发生。也就是说,当用户已经处理一个字段而移到下一个字段时。
Once a course was finished, Solvig could move on to the next one, without paying more. 一旦一门课结束了,Solvig可以继续下一门,而无需多支付费用。
Then, once you've hit that target, you can move on to the next one. 然后,一旦你击中了目标靶子,你能够往下一步继续前进。
Great win. Another one tomorrow. On to the next one. 漂亮的胜利。明天还有第二场比赛,继续努力。
This is a tedious task and if your CV is unclear, badly laid out and full irrelevant information he or she will move on to the next one. 这是一项乏味的工作,如果你的简历陈述不清、布局紊乱、到处是无关信息,那么筛选者将会立刻看下一个应聘者。