one day

  • na.有一天;(过去或将来的)某一天
  • 网络真爱挑日子;情约一天;总有一天

one dayone day

one day


...清,爱情片《一天(One Day)》,百度影音电影一天(One Day)在线观看,百度影音播放器 电影《一天(One Day)》免费高清,免费 …


初高中英语单词词组汇总_百度文库 ... on foot 走路;步行 78. one day 有一天;某一天 79. put away 把…收起来 80. ...


英语电影片段 真爱挑日子(One Day)电影精讲06英语电影片段 真爱挑日子(One Day)电影精讲05 英语电影片段 真爱挑日子(One …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... have one's day 走运;正在得意的时候 one day (过去或将来的)某一天 the other day 在不久前某天 ...


情约一天ONE DAY)很不错的评论| 《赛德克巴莱》评论| 当幸福来敲门、肖申克的救赎评论| 日照重庆评论|


外研社小学英语三年级起单词表 - 豆丁网 ... everything 所有事情 one day 有一天,总有一天 housework 家务 ...


... 9. be able to do sth. 能够做某事 10. one day 有朝一日 11. work for sb. 为某人工作 ...


麦斯米兰_百度百科 ... Cold Wind Blowing 冷风吹 One Day 某天 Head Up High 昂起你的头 ...

Suddenly one day Joe decided to see Stanley Millington and ask him for a job at the metal-works. 突然有一天,乔决定去拜访斯坦利·米林顿,求他在金属制品厂里给个工作。
I hope maintains the contact and the heartfelt hope frequently one day to be able to arrive Japan to meet with you. 希望经常保持联络并衷心的希望有一天能到日本与你见面!
However, this expectation is quickly shattered one day while on his way home. 然而,这种假设迅速破坏一天,在他回家的路上。
No referee wants the gorgeous girl to be angry with him, as we all hold on to the slim possibility that our stars may align one day. 没有裁判会希望这位漂亮的女孩生自己的气,因为我们心里都坚守着一个微弱的可能性:那就是希望有朝一日我们会福星高照。
One day God will compare how much time and energy we spent on ourselves compared with what we invested in serving others. 有一天,神会将我们放在自己身上和投资在服事别人所花的时间和精力作一比较。
One day, she offered me a cookie left over from her lunch. I refused, so as not to feel an inconvenient obligation. "Go on, " she said. 一天,她给我一片她午餐没吃完的饼干,我拒绝了,免得老感到要承担自己不乐意的义务。
One day an old Crane stood in the shallows of a lotus pond with a very dejected look upon his long face. 一天,一只老鹤站在位于莲花池浅水处的,他的长脸看上去很沮丧
I got to go home recently, and out of curiosity one day I looked in the old hiding space, and there it was. 我得回家最近,出于好奇有一天我的空间看在老藏,还有它。
The global media giant arrived in Cairns Wednesday, one day after more than 300 of her mostly U. S. fans touched down in Sydney. 奥普拉周三到达凯恩斯,一天前逾300位她的忠实美国粉丝已抵达悉尼。
None love the bearer of bad news. - SOPHOCLESHow does a project get to be a year late? . One day at a time. 带来坏消息的人不受欢迎。-索福克里斯项目是怎样延迟了整整一年的时间?…一次一天。
While swinging one day, my son, James, 3, closed his eyes and stretched out his arms as the wind blew through his hair. 一天我3岁的儿子詹姆斯在荡秋千,他闭上双眼,伸开双臂,让风吹拂着他的头发。
One day, perhaps, an educated middle class may emerge to call for more accountability and a bigger slice of the wealth. 也许某天,受过高等教育的中产阶级会站出来要求承担更多的责任,分割更多的财富。
One day a scholar named Wang Sheng in Taiyuan met, on his way out, a beautiful girl. He brought her back to be kept in his study. 太原王生,早晨出门遇见一位年轻漂亮的女子,便把她带回家,藏在书房。
Frosty the Snowman is a fairy tale, they say; He was made of snow, but the children know how he came to life one day. 人说雪人佛斯弟是个童话人物,他虽是雪堆成的,但孩童们知道就在某天他变成活人。
His dream: to one day run a factory of his own. "But for now, I'd love to work in an air-conditioned office, " he said. 他的梦想是有一天能够拥有一家属于自己的工厂,“但是现在,我更希望能在一间有冷气的办公室里工作”,他说。
One day a fox fell into a well, and try as he would, he could not get out. 一天,一只狐狸掉进了井里,无论他怎么想办法,他都出不来。
One day we had a holiday, and I asked him to play with me. But he said he would never left his desk. 有一天放假,我叫哥哥跟我一起玩,可是他说他不愿离开他的书桌。
One day, I have fell in love with you, but it just as a joke as you think. 某一天。我喜欢上你了。怯被当成是一个笑话!用英语怎么说?。
One day it could be money, the next day it could be time, and you would not get back to those concepts until a week later. 一是要费钱,二是要费时间,没一个星期,你教不会他们这些概念。
One day he took the mongolian horse out for a ride. But that horse wasn't very obedient and he broke Sai Wong's son's leg. 一天,他骑着那匹蒙古好马出去玩,可是那匹马太不听话,把塞翁儿子的腿摔断了。
One day, one of the bouncers when the invasion shop, he took a suitcase of water, but I only know his first name is Bill. 一天,一名壮汉冲进店门,他带着一只水手提箱,后来我才知道他的名字叫比尔。
Koppel imagined the two men together one day, one unable to speak, the other unable to hear. What would that be like? 科佩尔想象有一天让他们俩在一起,一个不能说话,一个没有听觉,那会是怎样的情形?
He said he would one day get out of jail. He said it was important that I write back to him. 他说他有一天会出狱,希望我能给他写回信,这对他很重要。
She'll cry a little to start with, but she'll get used to it in the end, and she'll thank you one day for what you did. 开始时她会伤心一阵子的,但最后还是会习惯,您这样做了,她总有一天会感谢您的。
One day, an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington, and when he was tried, he sat down in a chair. 一天,一个老人在华盛顿的一个公园里散步,当他累了,他在一张长椅上坐下。
One day, I was no longer miss him, because he left for so long, my habit is no longer used. 一天,我终于不再思念他,因为他离开太久了,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。
One day Narcissus put his face near the water, and saw a beautiful young man looking back at him, he fell in love right away. 一天,Narcissus把脸靠近水面时,看见一个英俊少年正在看着他,于是他立刻爱上了那个人。
One day, he went out for a walk. In England, people drive on the left, but in Spain they drive on the right, Hans forgot about this. 一天,他出去散步,在英国,人们都靠左驾驶,但在西班牙是右行的,汉斯忘记了这点。
A few years later, Senator Nelson decided to put one day aside every year for the cause of saving the planet. 一些年后,纳尔森决定每年拿出一天的时间拯救地球。
He had been able to force our applications through in one day before "I've helped you once, I cannot help you again" he told us. 他告诉我们,“我已经帮过你们一次,这次我不能再帮你们了。”