one life

  • 网络地球生灵;一生;至一生命

one lifeone life

one life


[纪录片] 《地球生灵》(One Life)MiniSD[BDRip] [纪录片] 《我和世界不一样》(No Arms No Legs No Worries)MiniSD[BDRip] [ …


U2《ONE》中文歌词_花浩_新浪博客 ... One love 一场爱 One life 一生 When it's one need 当某人需要的时候 ...


就像所有的生命形式一样,它们当然也是万物之中的那个至一生命one life)、至一意识(one consiousness)的短暂显化(m…


  存在是超越那些受限于生死的各种生命形式而永在的“一个生命”(One Life)。然而,存在作为无形的、不灭的本质,它不仅超越 …


谁知道 U2-ONE... ... Sisters Brothers 手足们 One life 我们都只有一次生命 But we're not the same 但我们的一生彼此不同 ...


... Zheng Jie Wows Wimbledon 郑洁轰动温布尔登 For Sale:One Life 出售:人生 Trooping the Colour 皇家军队阅兵 ...


谁知道 U2-ONE... ... One blood 共同的血液 One life 一生都是如此 You got to do what you should 你必须擦亮你的眼镜 ...


谁知道 U2-ONE 的中文歌词啊?_百度知道 ... One love 一生里 One life 只有一次爱 When it's one need 那是一种只有在漆黑的 …

It means the end of your fractured, broken lives and the beginning of living whole and unified in and within THE ONE LIFE. 它意味着终结你们破碎的损坏的生命,和开始在内和在外活于“一体生命”的整体和统一。
Patriot-spy Nathan Hale, as he was about to be hanged by the British, said: "I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. " 爱国间谍内森•黑尔快要被英国人绞死之前同样说出了豪言壮语:“我遗憾的是我只有一次生命可以献给祖国。”
The word is the one life-giving fire, which shining into the world becomes the fire and light of every soul that enters into the world. 言辞是被给予了生命的火,照进世界,变成了每个踏入这个世界的灵魂的火和光。
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. 心脏病说,如果大家谁得到这个电子邮件将其发送到每个人都知道,你可以确信,我们可以节省至少一个生命。
One love, one blood. One life, you got to do what you should. One life with each other, sisters, brothers. One life but we're not the same. 一个爱,一样的血。一次生命,你需要做你应当做的。相互只有一次生命,姐妹们、兄弟们。一次生命,但我们是不同的。
Rather to my surprise, she said that as I only had one life I should consider running a fund again while I still had the opportunity. 颇令我意外的是,我的妻子告诉我说,既然我只有一次生命,就应该趁着自己仍有机会考虑再次管理基金。
In short, the only way to achieve the dream is to short, only one life, is due to the courage of men. 简单的说,实现梦想的唯一途径是努力,总之,人生只有一次,是男人就因该勇往直前。(要求;
Being only one, having only one pair of eyes, having only one time, having only one life, I cannot read your M. S. three or four times. 作为唯一的一个人,只有一双眼睛,只有一次,只有一个生命,您的手稿我不可能看三遍或四遍。
You only get one life to live, so why not live the best life possible? So you can be fully satisfied at what you see and get. 人生只有一次,为什么不过得最精彩呢?那样的话你就可以为你所想到的和所得到的感到满足。
Each teleplay is one life, So watch tv as if experience once inequable life, And that don, t cost oversize expense. 每部电视剧都是一个人生,所以看电视剧就相当于经历一次不一样的人生,而且不用花费太大的代价。
That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind. 你无法将一个生命和另一个生命分割开来,所有生命都像风和微风一样紧密相连。
If I can save just one life, something positive will finally come out of all the pain my family and I have gone through. 如果我能拯救哪怕一个生命,那么,我和我全家所经历的痛苦也算有所值了。
Just this one life saved has made all the lost sleep, the sweat, the struggle to get here and any other adversity seem more than worthwhile. 仅仅这一条生命,使得所有昼夜奔波、辛劳汗水、途中艰辛和其他所有磨难都是值得的。
The idea of having but one life to lead has always been a bummer. 人生只能有一次,这个念头一向就是令人不愉快的经验。
A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. 心脏科医师说如果大家读这则消息,您能是肯定的我们将拯救至少一生命。
only last one life ali, his special treasure, followed by his idle time, where not to go up. 阿狸只剩最后一条命了,他特别珍惜,后面的时间他懒懒的,哪里也不去了。
Part of growing up, of course, is realizing that there is only so much room in one life, whether you are male or female. 当然,成长也意味着,要明白一生就这么点儿回旋的余地,不管你是男是女。
In fact, all Jamal ever did was simply survive as life propelled him from one life threatening or life affirming experience to the next. 事实上,生活迫使他在艰难险境中挣扎,他所做的只是努力生存。
The turning point for me was the realization that we only have one life and this was not a rehearsal. 转折点就是当我意识到我们只有一次生命,而且它不是一次预演。
People who have had only one life tend to be rather boring, professor Handy adds. 汉迪教授补充说,只经历过一种生活的人一般比较乏味。
At this point, I also hope that my friends, we must pay attention to the future security of every person has only one life. 在此,我也希望我的朋友,以后一定要注意安全,生命对每个人来说都只有一次。
In a combat, in the troops of his place ambush, his fast runner's saving him is one life. 在一次战斗中,他所在的部队中了埋伏,他的飞毛腿救了他一命。
go where you want to go; be what you want to be , because you have only one life an one chance to do all the things you want to do. 做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,做你想做的人,因为你只有一次生命和一次机会去做所有你想做的事。
You choose one life over the other, your friend, the district attorney, or his bride to be. 你选择了其中的生活另一方面,你的朋友,地区检察官,或他的新娘的。
A human has only one life, but each and every cell of a human body has its own life. 每个人只有一条生命,而组成人体的每一个细胞却有它们各自的生命。
In this tale, reality and dream become two halves of a strange whole, and one life answers the riddle of another. 在这个故事里,现实与梦想奇妙的结合在一起,一个人生解开了另一个人生的谜。
Though there may be turbulence in one life and emotional upheaval, but the end result is always the same; success for mankind. 尽管可能会有生活的动荡与情绪的剧变,但最终的结果总是相同的;人类会胜利
What begins with the failure to uphold the dignity of one life, all too often ends with a calamity for entire nations. 从不能维护一个人的尊严开始,往往会产生整个民族遭受灾难的结果。
Being is the eternal, ever-present one life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death. 存在是超越那些受限于生死的各种生命形式而永远存在的一个生命。
You may come and go as one life after another passes by, but as you have infinite life you will always survive whatever the challenge. 你可以从一生移向另外一世,但是因为你们拥有无限的生命你总是会在挑战中幸存下来。