
美 [ˈɑntə]英 [ˈɒntə]
  • prep.(与动词连用,表示朝某处或某位置运动)向;朝向
  • 网络到…上;到…之上;到…上面



1.(与动词连用,表示朝某处或某位置运动)向,朝used with verbs to express movement on or to a particular place or position

2.朝向,面向(某个方向)used to show that sth faces in a particular direction


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... onion 洋葱,洋葱类植物 onto 到…上,向…之上 opera 歌剧 ...


初二下册英语单词表_百度文库 ... honest adj. 诚实的 ,正直的 onto prep. 到……之上 take off 卸掉,拿走,拔 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... fall off 跌落; 下降 onto prep. 到…上面 while n. 一会儿; 一段时间 ...


北风吹白云万里渡河汾_新浪博客 ... omit v. 省略,删去;遗漏,忽略 onto prep. 在……上,在……之上 oral a. 口头的 ...


新初中英语词汇表 - 祥哥的日志 - 网易博客 ... oneself pron. 自己; 自身 onto prep. 到…的上面 operation n. 手术,操作 ...


初2英语下册MODULE5 Problems问题_百度知道 ... honest 诚实的,正直的 onto 在……上面 take off 卸掉、拿走、拔 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... onion 洋葱,洋葱类植物 onto 到…上,向…之上 opera 歌剧 ...


引用 常用计算机专业英语词汇 一 -... ... normal a.&n. 正常,标准 430. onto prep. 向…,到…上 431. during prep. 在…期间 432. ...

But, of course, the vectorial sum is really the force with which the surface pushes onto that object. 但是,向量和,也的确是斜面,施加在物体上的力。
I can give to another family to ask forgiveness, or apology for a wrongdoing a member of my family has caused onto the other family. 我也可以用它请求另一个家庭的原谅,或者在自己家人得罪了另外一个家庭后用作歉意的表示。
a friend and I were throwing rocks onto the roof of the old lady's house from a hidden place in her backyard. 我和一个伙伴躲在老太太家后院一个隐蔽的地方,往她家的屋顶上扔石块。
Kitten down, good for a while staring at mega, see line regiment have no action, quietly onto forward, mi blare - "let out a cry. " 小猫趴下死死盯着,好一会儿,见线团没有动静,就悄悄地移步向前,“咪呜--”叫了一声。
You think you guys are the only ones onto her? 你以为只有你们对她感兴趣吗?
Thick pipes protrude from the ceiling, and a window in the front room opens onto nowhere, just another gray tunnel wall beyond it. 粗壮的管道从天花板上突出来,前屋的窗户外不过是另一堵灰色的隧道墙壁。
Getting a lift presented no problem - as I said, the people are friendly - but I was looking for a van onto which I could load my bike. 要搭车看起来没问题——我说过这里的人民很友好——但是我要等一辆可以装上自行车的厢式车。
They decided to have a simple day and is deciding to have a walk around the city. They sits down onto a bench. 他们决定这天简单度过,走完整个城市。他们坐在一个长登上。
Mars appears to have cooled to the point where volcanism is very rare, although lava does occasionally erupt onto the surface. 火星似乎已经冷却到火山活动相当稀少的地步,但是偶尔仍有熔岩喷发至地表。
in digital printing, violet or thermal printing plate, it seems to be the applicator with your eyes a little bit of energy onto the plate. 在数码印版洋,无论是紫激光还是热敏印版,都仿佛是用眼睛滴管不兵能量一点点不正射到印版上。
When the drizzle turned onto a heavy rain the manager announced that the baseball game would be replayed the next day. 当毛毛细雨变成大雨时,经理宣布棒球赛将于明天重新举行。
They make it possible to jump onto the office network and check your mail no matter where you happen to be at the moment. 这样,不管当时你在何处,它们都能使你接通办公室的网络和查检你的邮件。
Such threats compel her to sometimes swing onto the sidewalk, even though that could get her a ticket. 这种忧虑迫使她有时冒着被开罚单的危险,在人行道上骑车。
Harry pulled his rucksack with him as he dragged himself onto the motorbike's seat and found himself back-to-back with Hagrid. 哈利拖着背包,奋力骑上摩托车的座位,发现自己与海格背靠着背。
One single tear flows from her left eye, across the cheek and down onto the pillow. 一滴苍凉的眼泪从左眼溢出,滚过面颊,滴落在枕头上。
I thought he was offering to help put up my tent but, instead, he led me out of the yard and clambered onto an ancient Bugatti motorbike. 但是他领我走出院子,自己骑上了一辆老旧的布加迪摩托车。
Moving out of the laboratory and onto the water, with a working oil-collection system, is the next step. 计划的下一步是将实验用之于实践,并形成一个收集石油的体系。
I set a goal of trying to get a substantial number of solar panels onto low - income families' homes in a concentrated area of L. 我为自己设定了一个目标,希望能得到足够数量的太阳能板给洛杉矶密集住宅区的低收入家庭安装。
Take it a step or two further and start dropping your chosen application solutions and related deployment timelines onto the roadmap. 进一步来说,可以开始将您选择的应用程序解决方案或相关部署时间安排放置到路线图上。
This ascension will be similar to climbing onto the next anthropologic stage. No one on earth has any other way left but -- upward. 这个上升类似于爬到一个新的人类学阶段。人无他路可走,除却——向上。
From the gondolas of Venice to the jungles to the Far East, each image shows his extended hand holding onto his partner's in front of him. 从威尼斯的贡多拉游船到远东的热带雨林,所有的照片都拍有他伸出手、拉住前面的女友的内容。
When you think about it, putting your lips onto another persons lips, moving them about is all the things to do. 想一想接吻,似乎要做的不过是将嘴唇贴在别人的嘴唇上并且动来动去罢了。
They redirect the dog onto a task that leads to a reward and then allows you to stop your training and put your dog away on a positive note. 它转而给狗一个简单的任务,完成后最终可以领到奖励,然后允许你停止训练,给狗留下一个正面的记忆。
And I would not get angry when a driver pulled quickly and rudely in front of me causing me to pout my drink onto the front car seat! 由于司机开得很快,我把饮料洒在前面的座位上,我没有生气。
The Ext2 filesystem (and for that matter, any filesystem) can be created and mounted onto an embedded device using the concept of Ramdisk. 通过使用Ramdisk的概念,可以在嵌入式设备中创建并挂装Ext2文件系统(以及用于这一目的的任何文件系统)。
The idea here is that the ball acts as an "anti-paddle" forcing you to use your forearms instead of your hands to hold onto water. 这个想法是球充当了“反桨”的角色,强迫你用你的前臂而不是你的手来抓抱水。
They tried to sail away from the rock but the wind was so strong that the ship was blown onto it. 他们试图躲过这块石头,但是风太大,船还是撞上了。
typing, curling, concave design make brush head keep closer to eyes and make it easy to apply mascara onto tiny eyelashes on eye corner. 强效定型,卷翘,凹面刷头更加贴合眼部轮廓,更易于眼角细小睫毛的涂抹;
But when the door frame was being taken away, one of the boys leaped onto the train, embraced the girl in his arms. 可就在车门架快要收起的时候,其中的一位飞身跃上了火车,把女孩拥在怀里。
Her mother fainted, canting over from her chair onto the floor. 她的母亲昏倒过去,从椅子上摔到地板上。